Class BIProperty

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class BIProperty
    extends Object
    Property customization. This customization turns an arbitrary schema component into a Java property (some restrictions apply.)

    All the getter methods (such as getBaseType or getBindStyle) honors the delegation chain of property customization specified in the spec. Namely, if two property customizations are attached to an attribute use and an attribute decl, then anything unspecified in the attribute use defaults to attribute decl.

    Property customizations are acknowledged (1) when they are actually used, and (2) when they are given at the component, which is mapped to a class. (so-called "point of declaration" customization)

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi ([email protected])
    • Field Detail

      • NAME

        public static final QName NAME
        Name of this declaration.
    • Method Detail

      • setParent

        public void setParent​(BindInfo parent)
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Sets the parent BindInfo object of this declaration. A declaration object can use this pointer to access context information, such as other customizations.

        This method can be only called from BindInfo, and only once. This is a good opportunity to do some follow-up initialization after JAXB unmarshalling populated .

        Specified by:
        setParent in interface BIDeclaration
      • getPropertyName

        public String getPropertyName​(boolean forConstant)
        Returns the customized property name. This method honors the "enableJavaNamingConvention" customization and formats the property name accordingly if necessary. Thus the caller should NOT apply the XML-to-Java name conversion algorithm to the value returned from this method.
        forConstant - If the property name is intended for a constant property name, set to true. This will change the result
        This method can return null if the customization doesn't specify the name.
      • getJavadoc

        public String getJavadoc()
        Gets the associated javadoc.
        null if none is specfieid.
      • getBaseType

        public JType getBaseType()
      • isConstantProperty

        public boolean isConstantProperty()
        Gets the inherited value of the "fixedAttrToConstantProperty" customization.

        Note that returning true from this method doesn't necessarily mean that a property needs to be mapped to a constant property. It just means that it's mapped to a constant property if an attribute use carries a fixed value.

        I don't like this semantics but that's what the spec implies.

      • createElementProperty

        public CElementPropertyInfo createElementProperty​(String defaultName,
                                                          boolean forConstant,
                                                          XSParticle source,
                                                          RawTypeSet types)
        defaultName - If the name is not customized, this name will be used as the default. Note that the name conversion MUST be applied before this method is called if necessary.
        source - Source schema component from which a field is built.
      • createReferenceProperty

        public CReferencePropertyInfo createReferenceProperty​(String defaultName,
                                                              boolean forConstant,
                                                              XSComponent source,
                                                              RawTypeSet types,
                                                              boolean isMixed,
                                                              boolean dummy,
                                                              boolean content,
                                                              boolean isMixedExtended)
      • markAsAcknowledged

        public void markAsAcknowledged()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Marks this declaration to be acknowledged -- either actually used or the existence is admitted (for example when a property customization is given at the point of definition.)

        Declarations that are not acknowledged will be considered as an error.

        Specified by:
        markAsAcknowledged in interface BIDeclaration
      • getDefault

        protected BIProperty getDefault()
        Finds a BIProperty which this object should delegate to.
        always return non-null for normal BIProperties. If this object is contained in the BIGlobalBinding, then this method returns null to indicate that there's no more default.
      • getCustomization

        public static BIProperty getCustomization​(XSComponent c)
        Finds a property customization that describes how the given component should be mapped to a property (if it's mapped to a property at all.)

        Consider an attribute use that does NOT carry a property customization. This schema component is nonetheless considered to carry a (sort of) implicit property customization, whose values are defaulted.

        This method can be think of the method that returns this implied property customization.

        Note that this doesn't mean the given component needs to be mapped to a property. But if it does map to a property, it needs to follow this customization. I think this semantics is next to non-sense but I couldn't think of any other way to follow the spec.

        c - A customization effective on this component will be returned. Can be null just to get the global customization.
        Always return non-null valid object.
      • getName

        public QName getName()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Gets the name of this binding declaration, which is the same as the tag name of the binding element.
      • getLocation

        public Locator getLocation()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Gets the source location where this declaration was written. For declarations that are generated by XJC itself, this method returns null.
        Specified by:
        getLocation in interface BIDeclaration
      • getBuilder

        protected final BGMBuilder getBuilder()
      • getCodeModel

        protected final JCodeModel getCodeModel()
      • isAcknowledged

        public final boolean isAcknowledged()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Checks if this declaration was acknowledged.
        Specified by:
        isAcknowledged in interface BIDeclaration
      • onSetOwner

        public void onSetOwner()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Called when the parent BindInfo got its owner set. This is when declarations are connected to BGMBuilder and its sibling components.
        Specified by:
        onSetOwner in interface BIDeclaration