
object Command
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case object Connected extends InboundCommand

Signals that the pipeline HeadStage is connected and ready to accept read and write requests

Signals that the pipeline HeadStage is connected and ready to accept read and write requests

case object Disconnected extends InboundCommand

Signals to the tail of the pipeline that it has been disconnected and shutdown. Any following reads or writes will result in an exception, EOF, a general Exception signaling the stage is not connected, or otherwise.

Signals to the tail of the pipeline that it has been disconnected and shutdown. Any following reads or writes will result in an exception, EOF, a general Exception signaling the stage is not connected, or otherwise.

case object EOF extends Exception with InboundCommand with NoStackTrace

Signals to the entire pipeline that the HeadStage has been disconnected and shutdown. Any following reads or writes will result in an exception, EOF or otherwise

Signals to the entire pipeline that the HeadStage has been disconnected and shutdown. Any following reads or writes will result in an exception, EOF or otherwise