
class QuietTimeoutStage[T](timeout: Duration, exec: TickWheelExecutor) extends TimeoutStageBase[T]

Shut down the pipeline after a period of inactivity

trait MidStage[T, T]
trait Head[T]
trait Tail[T]
trait Stage
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def readRequest(size: Int): Future[T]
Definition Classes
override def writeRequest(data: Seq[T]): Future[Unit]
Definition Classes
override def writeRequest(data: T): Future[Unit]
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def channelRead(size: Int, timeout: Duration): Future[T]
Inherited from
final def channelWrite(data: Seq[T], timeout: Duration): Future[Unit]

Write a collection of outbound messages to the pipeline with a timeout

Write a collection of outbound messages to the pipeline with a timeout

Inherited from
def channelWrite(data: Seq[T]): Future[Unit]

Write a collection of outbound messages to the pipeline

Write a collection of outbound messages to the pipeline

Inherited from
final def channelWrite(data: T, timeout: Duration): Future[Unit]

Write a single outbound message to the pipeline with a timeout

Write a single outbound message to the pipeline with a timeout

Inherited from
def channelWrite(data: T): Future[Unit]

Write a single outbound message to the pipeline

Write a single outbound message to the pipeline

Inherited from
final def closePipeline(cause: Option[Throwable]): Unit
Inherited from
final def findInboundStage[C <: Stage](clazz: Class[C]): Option[C]

Find the next inbound Stage of type C, if it exists.

Find the next inbound Stage of type C, if it exists.

Inherited from
final def findInboundStage(name: String): Option[Stage]

Find the next outbound Stage with the given name, if it exists.

Find the next outbound Stage with the given name, if it exists.

Inherited from
final def findOutboundStage[C <: Stage](clazz: Class[C]): Option[C]

Find the next outbound Stage of type C, if it exists.

Find the next outbound Stage of type C, if it exists.

Inherited from
final def findOutboundStage(name: String): Option[Stage]

Find the next outbound Stage with the given name, if it exists.

Find the next outbound Stage with the given name, if it exists.

Inherited from
override def inboundCommand(cmd: InboundCommand): Unit

Receives inbound commands Override to capture commands.

Receives inbound commands Override to capture commands.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def name: String
Definition Classes
Inherited from
final def removeStage(implicit ev: MidStage[T, T] =:= MidStage[T, T]): Unit

Remove this MidStage from the pipeline

Remove this MidStage from the pipeline

Inherited from
final def replaceInline(stage: MidStage[T, T]): QuietTimeoutStage[T]

Replace this MidStage with the provided MidStage of the same type

Replace this MidStage with the provided MidStage of the same type

Inherited from
final def replaceNext(stage: LeafBuilder[T], startup: Boolean): Tail[T]

Replace all remaining inbound Stages of the pipeline, not including this Stage.

Replace all remaining inbound Stages of the pipeline, not including this Stage.

Inherited from
final def replaceTail(leafBuilder: LeafBuilder[T], startup: Boolean): QuietTimeoutStage[T]

Replace all downstream Stages, including this Stage.

Replace all downstream Stages, including this Stage.

If this was a MidStage, its inbound element is notified via a Disconnected Command.

Inherited from
final def sendInboundCommand(cmd: InboundCommand): Unit

Send a command to the next inbound Stage of the pipeline

Send a command to the next inbound Stage of the pipeline

Inherited from
final def setAndCancel(next: Cancelable): Unit
Inherited from
final def spliceAfter(stage: MidStage[T, T]): Unit

Insert the MidStage after this

Insert the MidStage after this

Inherited from
final def spliceBefore(stage: MidStage[T, T]): Unit

Insert the MidStage before this Stage

Insert the MidStage before this Stage

Inherited from

Inherited fields

final protected val logger: Logger
Inherited from