
Type members


final class BasicTail[T](val name: String) extends TailStage[T]
trait ByteToObjectStage[O] extends MidStage[ByteBuffer, O]
class OneMessageStage[T](element: T) extends MidStage[T, T]

Holds a single element that when read, will eject itself from the pipeline.

Holds a single element that when read, will eject itself from the pipeline.


There is an intrinsic race condition between this stage removing itself and write commands. Therefore, pipeline reads and writes must be performed in a thread safe manner until the first read has completed.

class QuietTimeoutStage[T](timeout: Duration, exec: TickWheelExecutor) extends TimeoutStageBase[T]

Shut down the pipeline after a period of inactivity

Shut down the pipeline after a period of inactivity

final class SSLStage(engine: SSLEngine, maxWrite: Int) extends MidStage[ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer]
abstract class TimeoutStageBase[T](timeout: Duration, exec: TickWheelExecutor) extends MidStage[T, T]