
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final implicit class FormDataDecoderSyntax[A](decoder: FormDataDecoder[Either[String, A]]) extends AnyVal

Value members

Concrete methods

For repeated nested values, assuming that the form parameter name use "[]." as a suffix E.g. "foos[].bar"

For repeated nested values, assuming that the form parameter name use "[]." as a suffix E.g. "foos[].bar"

def listOf[A](key: String)(implicit A: QueryParamDecoder[A]): FormDataDecoder[List[A]]

For repeated primitive values, assuming that the form parameter name use "[]" as a suffix E.g. "foos[]"

For repeated primitive values, assuming that the form parameter name use "[]" as a suffix E.g. "foos[]"

For nested, this decoder assumes that the form parameter name use "." as deliminator for levels. E.g. For a field named "bar" inside a nested class under the field "foo", the parameter name is "".

For nested, this decoder assumes that the form parameter name use "." as deliminator for levels. E.g. For a field named "bar" inside a nested class under the field "foo", the parameter name is "".

def nestedEither[A](key: String)(implicit fdd: FormDataDecoder[A]): FormDataDecoder[Either[String, A]]

For nested, this decoder assumes that the form parameter name use "." as deliminator for levels. E.g. For a field named "bar" inside a nested class under the field "foo", the parameter name is "".

For nested, this decoder assumes that the form parameter name use "." as deliminator for levels. E.g. For a field named "bar" inside a nested class under the field "foo", the parameter name is "".



implicit def formEntityDecoder[F[_] : Concurrent, A](implicit evidence$1: Concurrent[F], fdd: FormDataDecoder[A]): EntityDecoder[F, A]