
Mixin that makes a type writable by a Writer without needing a Renderer instance

class Any
class `private`
class max-age
class max-stale
class min-fresh
object must-revalidate.type
class no-cache
object no-store.type
object no-transform.type
object only-if-cached.type
object proxy-revalidate.type
object public.type
class s-maxage
class Challenge
class Charset
class *
object *.type
class Atom
class Token
class EntityTag
class HttpDate
class Method
class ProductId
class Query
class RangeUnit
trait SameSite
object Lax.type
object None.type
object Strict.type
class Status
class Uri
class Authority
trait Host
class RegName
class Path
trait Element
class LinkValue
class Host
class SubRange

Value members

Abstract methods

def render(writer: Writer): writer

Base method for rendering this object efficiently

Base method for rendering this object efficiently

Concrete methods

Generates a String rendering of this object

Generates a String rendering of this object

override def toString: String
Definition Classes