- Companion:
- class
Value members
Concrete methods
def apply[F[_]](status: Status, httpVersion: HttpVersion, headers: Headers, body: EntityBody[F], attributes: Vault): Response[F]
Representation of the HTTP response to send back to the client
Representation of the HTTP response to send back to the client
- Value parameters:
- attributes
org.typelevel.vault.Vault containing additional parameters which may be used by the http4s backend for additional processing such as java.io.File object
- body
EntityBody[F] representing the possible body of the response
- headers
Headers containing all response headers
- status
Status code and message
def notFoundFor[F[_] : Applicative](request: Request[F])(implicit evidence$2: Applicative[F], encoder: EntityEncoder[F, String]): F[Response[F]]
def unapply[F[_]](response: Response[F]): Option[(Status, HttpVersion, Headers, EntityBody[F], Vault)]
Inherited implicits
implicit def http4sKleisliAuthedRoutesSyntax[F[_], A](authedRoutes: AuthedRoutes[A, F]): KleisliAuthedRoutesOps[F, A]
- Inherited from:
- KleisliSyntax
implicit def http4sKleisliResponseSyntaxOptionT[F[_] : Functor, A](kleisli: Kleisli[[_] =>> OptionT[F, _$2], A, Response[F]]): KleisliResponseOps[F, A]
- Inherited from:
- KleisliSyntax