
Uses of Class

Packages that use Text
org.jdom2 Classes representing the components of an XML document. 
org.jdom2.filter Classes to both filter and generically type-cast nodes of a document based on type, name, value, or other aspects, and to boolean AND/OR/NEGATE these rules. 
org.jdom2.input Classes to build JDOM documents from various sources. 
org.jdom2.located Extended JDOM Content Classes that contain location coordinates. 
org.jdom2.output Classes to output JDOM documents to various destinations. 
org.jdom2.output.support Classes used to implement output functionality that are not part of the actual Output API, but rather part of the implementation. 

Uses of Text in org.jdom2

Subclasses of Text in org.jdom2
 class CDATA
          An XML CDATA section.

Methods in org.jdom2 that return Text
 Text Text.clone()
 Text Text.detach()
protected  Text Text.setParent(Parent parent)
 Text Text.setText(java.lang.String str)
          This will set the value of this Text node.
 Text UncheckedJDOMFactory.text(int line, int col, java.lang.String str)
 Text SlimJDOMFactory.text(int line, int col, java.lang.String str)
 Text JDOMFactory.text(int line, int col, java.lang.String str)
          This creates the Text with the supplied text.
 Text DefaultJDOMFactory.text(int line, int col, java.lang.String text)
 Text JDOMFactory.text(java.lang.String str)
          This creates the Text with the supplied text.
 Text DefaultJDOMFactory.text(java.lang.String str)

Methods in org.jdom2 with parameters of type Text
 void Text.append(Text text)
          This will append the content of another Text node to this node.
 void CDATA.append(Text text)
          This will append the content of another Text node to this node.

Uses of Text in org.jdom2.filter

Methods in org.jdom2.filter that return types with arguments of type Text
static Filter<Text> Filters.text()
          Return a Filter that matches any Text data (which includes CDATA since that is a subclass of Text).
static Filter<Text> Filters.textOnly()
          Return a Filter that matches any Text data (excludes CDATA instances).

Uses of Text in org.jdom2.input

Methods in org.jdom2.input that return Text
 Text DOMBuilder.build(org.w3c.dom.Text text)
          This will build a JDOM Text from an existing DOM Text

Uses of Text in org.jdom2.located

Subclasses of Text in org.jdom2.located
 class LocatedCDATA
          An XML CDATA section.
 class LocatedText
          An XML character sequence.

Methods in org.jdom2.located that return Text
 Text LocatedJDOMFactory.text(int line, int col, java.lang.String text)

Uses of Text in org.jdom2.output

Methods in org.jdom2.output with parameters of type Text
 org.w3c.dom.Text DOMOutputter.output(org.w3c.dom.Document basedoc, Text text)
          This converts the JDOM Text parameter to a DOM Text Node, returning the DOM version.
 org.w3c.dom.Text DOMOutputter.output(Text text)
          This converts the JDOM Text parameter to a DOM Text Node, returning the DOM version.
 void XMLOutputter.output(Text text, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out a Text node.
 void XMLOutputter.output(Text text, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out a Text node.
 void StAXEventOutputter.output(Text text, javax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventConsumer out)
          Print out a Text node.
 void StAXStreamOutputter.output(Text text, javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter out)
          Print out a Text node.
 java.lang.String XMLOutputter.outputString(Text text)
          Return a string representing a Text node.

Uses of Text in org.jdom2.output.support

Methods in org.jdom2.output.support with parameters of type Text
protected  org.w3c.dom.Text AbstractDOMOutputProcessor.printText(FormatStack fstack, org.w3c.dom.Document basedoc, Text text)
          This will handle printing of a Text.
protected  void AbstractSAXOutputProcessor.printText(SAXTarget out, FormatStack fstack, Text text)
          This will handle printing of a Text.
protected  void AbstractXMLOutputProcessor.printText(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, Text text)
          This will handle printing of a Text.
protected  void AbstractStAXEventProcessor.printText(javax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventConsumer out, FormatStack fstack, javax.xml.stream.XMLEventFactory eventfactory, Text text)
          This will handle printing of a Text.
protected  void AbstractStAXStreamProcessor.printText(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter out, FormatStack fstack, Text text)
          This will handle printing of a Text.
 org.w3c.dom.Text DOMOutputProcessor.process(org.w3c.dom.Document basedoc, Format format, Text text)
          This will convert the Text using the given DOM Document to create the resulting DOM Text.
 org.w3c.dom.Text AbstractDOMOutputProcessor.process(org.w3c.dom.Document basedoc, Format format, Text text)
 void SAXOutputProcessor.process(SAXTarget out, Format format, Text text)
          Print out a Text node.
 void AbstractSAXOutputProcessor.process(SAXTarget out, Format format, Text text)
 void XMLOutputProcessor.process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, Text text)
          Print out a Text node.
 void AbstractXMLOutputProcessor.process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, Text text)
 void StAXEventProcessor.process(javax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventConsumer out, Format format, javax.xml.stream.XMLEventFactory eventfactory, Text text)
          Print out a Text node.
 void AbstractStAXEventProcessor.process(javax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventConsumer out, Format format, javax.xml.stream.XMLEventFactory eventfactory, Text text)
 void StAXStreamProcessor.process(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter out, Format format, Text text)
          Print out a Text node.
 void AbstractStAXStreamProcessor.process(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter out, Format format, Text text)


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