Class ImmutableMapTemplate<K>

Type Parameters:
K - the type of keys maintained by this template
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ImmutableOffsetMapTemplate, SharedSingletonMapTemplate

public abstract sealed class ImmutableMapTemplate<K> extends Object implements Immutable permits ImmutableOffsetMapTemplate<K>, SharedSingletonMapTemplate<K>
Template for instantiating UnmodifiableMapPhase instances with a fixed set of keys. The template can then be used as a factory for instances via using instantiateTransformed(Map, BiFunction) or, more efficiently, using instantiateWithValues(Object[]) where the argument array has values ordered corresponding to the key order defined by keySet().

If the keySet is static known to contain only a single key, consider using SharedSingletonMapTemplate. If it is statically known to contain multiple keys, consider using ImmutableOffsetMapTemplate.

  • Method Details

    • ordered

      public static <K> @NonNull ImmutableMapTemplate<K> ordered(Collection<K> keys)
      Create a template which produces Maps with specified keys, with iteration order matching the iteration order of keys. keySet() will return these keys in exactly the same order. The resulting map will retain insertion order through UnmodifiableMapPhase.toModifiableMap() transformations.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys maintained by resulting template
      keys - Keys in requested iteration order.
      A template object.
      NullPointerException - if keys or any of its elements is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if keys is empty
    • unordered

      public static <K> @NonNull ImmutableMapTemplate<K> unordered(Collection<K> keys)
      Create a template which produces Maps with specified keys, with unconstrained iteration order. Produced maps will have the iteration order matching the order returned by keySet(). The resulting map will NOT retain ordering through UnmodifiableMapPhase.toModifiableMap() transformations.
      Type Parameters:
      K - the type of keys maintained by resulting template
      keys - Keys in any iteration order.
      A template object.
      NullPointerException - if keys or any of its elements is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if keys is empty
    • instantiateTransformed

      public abstract <T, V> @NonNull UnmodifiableMapPhase<K,V> instantiateTransformed(Map<K,T> fromMap, BiFunction<K,T,V> keyValueTransformer)
      Instantiate an immutable map by applying specified transformer to values of fromMap.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of input values
      V - the type of mapped values
      fromMap - Input map
      keyValueTransformer - Transformation to apply to values
      An immutable map
      NullPointerException - if any of the arguments is null or if the transformer produces a null value
      IllegalArgumentException - if fromMap#keySet() does not match this template's keys
    • instantiateWithValues

      public abstract <V> @NonNull UnmodifiableMapPhase<K,V> instantiateWithValues(V... values)
      Instantiate an immutable map by filling values from provided array. The array MUST be ordered to match key order as returned by keySet().
      Type Parameters:
      V - the type of mapped values
      values - Values to use
      An immutable map
      NullPointerException - if values or any of its elements is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if values.length does not match the number of keys in this template
    • keySet

      public abstract Set<K> keySet()
      Returns the set of keys expected by this template, in the iteration order Maps resulting from instantiation will have.
      This template's key set
      See Also: