Class BaseFirstOrderFunctionCall.EagerMultiPrimitiveTypeEval<RETURN_T extends Value>

  • Type Parameters:
    RETURN_T - function return type
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    FirstOrderFunctionCall<RETURN_T>, FunctionCall<RETURN_T>
    Enclosing class:
    BaseFirstOrderFunctionCall<RETURN extends Value>

    public abstract static class BaseFirstOrderFunctionCall.EagerMultiPrimitiveTypeEval<RETURN_T extends Value>
    extends BaseFirstOrderFunctionCall.EagerEval<RETURN_T>
    Function call, for functions requiring eager (a.k.a. greedy) evaluation of ALL their arguments' expressions to actual values, before the function can be evaluated. All arguments must be primitive values but may not have the same primitive datatype.