Class BaseFirstOrderFunctionCall.EagerPartlyBagEval<RETURN_T extends Value,​PRIMITIVE_PARAM_T extends AttributeValue>

  • Type Parameters:
    RETURN_T - function return type
    PRIMITIVE_PARAM_T - primitive values' supertype, i.e. bag element type for bag parameter and the parameter datatype for primitive parameters. If argument expressions return different datatypes, the supertype of all - AttributeValue - may be specified.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    FirstOrderFunctionCall<RETURN_T>, FunctionCall<RETURN_T>
    Enclosing class:
    BaseFirstOrderFunctionCall<RETURN extends Value>

    public abstract static class BaseFirstOrderFunctionCall.EagerPartlyBagEval<RETURN_T extends Value,​PRIMITIVE_PARAM_T extends AttributeValue>
    extends BaseFirstOrderFunctionCall.EagerEval<RETURN_T>
    Function call, for functions requiring eager (a.k.a. greedy) evaluation of ALL their arguments' expressions to actual values, before the function can be evaluated. To be used only if there is a mix of primitive and bag arguments.