
abstract class SingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, initInfo: Type) extends Denotation

A non-overloaded denotation

trait Showable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def newLikeThis(symbol: Symbol, info: Type, pre: Type, isRefinedMethod: Boolean): SingleDenotation

Concrete methods

def accessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean)(using Context): Denotation

The denotation made up from the alternatives of this denotation that are accessible from prefix pre, or NoDenotation if no accessible alternative exists.

The denotation made up from the alternatives of this denotation that are accessible from prefix pre, or NoDenotation if no accessible alternative exists.

def aggregate[T](f: SingleDenotation => T, g: (T, T) => T): T

Map f over all single denotations and aggregate the results with g.

Map f over all single denotations and aggregate the results with g.

The alternatives of this denotation that satisfy the predicate p.

The alternatives of this denotation that satisfy the predicate p.

def atSignature(sig: Signature, targetName: Name, site: Type, relaxed: Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation

Resolve overloaded denotation to pick the ones with the given signature when seen from prefix site.

Resolve overloaded denotation to pick the ones with the given signature when seen from prefix site.

Value parameters:

When true, consider only parameter signatures for a match.

protected def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(using Context): SingleDenotation

The period (interval of phases) for which there exists a valid denotation in this flock.

The period (interval of phases) for which there exists a valid denotation in this flock.

Produce a denotation that is valid for the given context. Usually called when !(validFor contains ctx.period) (even though this is not a precondition). If the runId of the context is the same as runId of this denotation, the right flock member is located, or, if it does not exist yet, created by invoking a transformer (@See Transformers). If the runId's differ, but this denotation is a SymDenotation and its toplevel owner class or module is still a member of its enclosing package, then the whole flock is brought forward to be valid in the new runId. Otherwise the symbol is stale, which constitutes an internal error.

Produce a denotation that is valid for the given context. Usually called when !(validFor contains ctx.period) (even though this is not a precondition). If the runId of the context is the same as runId of this denotation, the right flock member is located, or, if it does not exist yet, created by invoking a transformer (@See Transformers). If the runId's differ, but this denotation is a SymDenotation and its toplevel owner class or module is still a member of its enclosing package, then the whole flock is brought forward to be valid in the new runId. Otherwise the symbol is stale, which constitutes an internal error.

def derivedSingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, info: Type, pre: Type, isRefinedMethod: Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation

Keep only those denotations in this group which have a signature that's not already defined by denots.

Keep only those denotations in this group which have a signature that's not already defined by denots.

def filterWithFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): SingleDenotation

Keep only those denotations in this group that have all of the flags in required, but none of the flags in excluded.

Keep only those denotations in this group that have all of the flags in required, but none of the flags in excluded.

Keep only those denotations in this group which satisfy predicate p.

Keep only those denotations in this group which satisfy predicate p.

First/last denotation in the group

First/last denotation in the group

Does this denotation have an alternative that satisfies the predicate p?

Does this denotation have an alternative that satisfies the predicate p?

The version of this SingleDenotation that was valid in the first phase of this run.

The version of this SingleDenotation that was valid in the first phase of this run.

protected def installAfter(phase: DenotTransformer)(using Context): Unit

Install this denotation to be the result of the given denotation transformer. This is the implementation of the same-named method in SymDenotations. It's placed here because it needs access to private fields of SingleDenotation.

Install this denotation to be the result of the given denotation transformer. This is the implementation of the same-named method in SymDenotations. It's placed here because it needs access to private fields of SingleDenotation.

Invalidate all caches and fields that depend on base classes and their contents

Invalidate all caches and fields that depend on base classes and their contents

True if the info of this denotation comes from a refinement.

True if the info of this denotation comes from a refinement.

A denotation with the info of this denotation transformed using f

A denotation with the info of this denotation transformed using f

def mapInherited(ownDenots: PreDenotation, prevDenots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(using Context): SingleDenotation

Keep only those inherited members M of this predenotation for which the following is true

Keep only those inherited members M of this predenotation for which the following is true

  • M is not marked Private
  • If M has a unique symbol, it does not appear in prevDenots.
  • M's signature as seen from prefix pre does not appear in ownDenots Return the denotation as seen from pre. Called from SymDenotations.computeMember. There, ownDenots are the denotations found in the base class, which shadow any inherited denotations with the same signature. prevDenots are the denotations that are defined in the class or inherited from a base type which comes earlier in the linearization.

Group contains a denotation with the same signature as other

Group contains a denotation with the same signature as other

def matchesLoosely(other: SingleDenotation, alwaysCompareTypes: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

matches without a target name check.

matches without a target name check.

For definitions coming from different languages, we pick a common language to compute their signatures. This allows us for example to override some Java definitions from Scala even if they have a different erasure (see i8615b, i9109b), Erasure takes care of adding any necessary bridge to make this work at runtime.

final def name(using Context): Name

The name of the denotation

The name of the denotation

inline def orElse(inline that: SingleDenotation): SingleDenotation

For SymDenotation, this is NoPrefix. For other denotations this is the prefix under which the denotation was constructed.

For SymDenotation, this is NoPrefix. For other denotations this is the prefix under which the denotation was constructed.

Note that asSeenFrom might return a SymDenotation and therefore in general one cannot rely on prefix being set, see Config.reuseSymDenotations for details.

def showDcl(using Context): String

Show declaration string; useful for showing declarations as seen from subclasses.

Show declaration string; useful for showing declarations as seen from subclasses.

final def signature(using Context): Signature

For SymDenotations, the language-specific signature of the info, depending on where the symbol is defined. For non-SymDenotations, the Scala 3 signature.

For SymDenotations, the language-specific signature of the info, depending on where the symbol is defined. For non-SymDenotations, the Scala 3 signature.


  • Before erasure, the signature of a denotation is always equal to the signature of its corresponding initial denotation.
  • Two distinct overloads will have SymDenotations with distinct signatures (the SELECTin tag in Tasty relies on this to refer to an overload unambiguously). Note that this only applies to SymDenotations, in general we cannot assume that distinct SingleDenotations will have distinct signatures (cf #9050).
def signature(sourceLanguage: SourceLanguage)(using Context): Signature

Overload of signature which lets the caller pick the language used to compute the signature of the info. Useful to match denotations defined in different classes (see matchesLoosely).

Overload of signature which lets the caller pick the language used to compute the signature of the info. Useful to match denotations defined in different classes (see matchesLoosely).

Skip any denotations that have been removed by an installAfter or that are otherwise undefined.

Skip any denotations that have been removed by an installAfter or that are otherwise undefined.

def staleSymbolError(using Context): Nothing

The unique alternative of this denotation that satisfies the predicate p, or NoDenotation if no satisfying alternative exists.

The unique alternative of this denotation that satisfies the predicate p, or NoDenotation if no satisfying alternative exists.


if there is at more than one alternative that satisfies p.

override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.


a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes

Apply a transformation f to all denotations in this group that start at or after given phase. Denotations are replaced while keeping the same validity periods.

Apply a transformation f to all denotations in this group that start at or after given phase. Denotations are replaced while keeping the same validity periods.

The period during which this denotation is valid.

The period during which this denotation is valid.

Inherited methods

The set of alternative single-denotations making up this denotation

The set of alternative single-denotations making up this denotation

Inherited from:

The denotation with info(s) as seen from prefix type

The denotation with info(s) as seen from prefix type

Inherited from:
Inherited from:

If this is a SingleDenotation, return it, otherwise throw a TypeError

If this is a SingleDenotation, return it, otherwise throw a TypeError

Inherited from:
final def containsSym(sym: Symbol): Boolean

Group contains a denotation that refers to given symbol

Group contains a denotation that refers to given symbol

Inherited from:
inline def disambiguate(inline p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation

If this denotation is overloaded, filter with given predicate. If result is still overloaded throw a TypeError. Note: disambiguate is slightly different from suchThat in that single-denotations that do not satisfy the predicate are left alone (whereas suchThat would map them to NoDenotation).

If this denotation is overloaded, filter with given predicate. If result is still overloaded throw a TypeError. Note: disambiguate is slightly different from suchThat in that single-denotations that do not satisfy the predicate are left alone (whereas suchThat would map them to NoDenotation).

Inherited from:

Is this denotation different from NoDenotation or an ErrorDenotation?

Is this denotation different from NoDenotation or an ErrorDenotation?

Inherited from:
def fallbackToText(printer: Printer): Text

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

Inherited from:
def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): Denotation

Find member of this denotation with given name, all required flags and no excluded flag, and produce a denotation that contains the type of the member as seen from given prefix pre.

Find member of this denotation with given name, all required flags and no excluded flag, and produce a denotation that contains the type of the member as seen from given prefix pre.

Inherited from:

Denotation points to unique symbol; false for overloaded denotations and JointRef denotations.

Denotation points to unique symbol; false for overloaded denotations and JointRef denotations.

Inherited from:
final def info(using Context): Type

The type info. The info is an instance of TypeType iff this is a type denotation Uncompleted denotations set myInfo to a LazyType.

The type info. The info is an instance of TypeType iff this is a type denotation Uncompleted denotations set myInfo to a LazyType.

Inherited from:

The type info, or, if this is a SymDenotation where the symbol is not yet completed, the completer

The type info, or, if this is a SymDenotation where the symbol is not yet completed, the completer

Inherited from:

Is this denotation overloaded?

Is this denotation overloaded?

Inherited from:

Is this a reference to a term symbol?

Is this a reference to a term symbol?

Inherited from:

Is this a reference to a type symbol?

Is this a reference to a type symbol?

Inherited from:
def matchingDenotation(site: Type, targetType: Type, targetName: Name)(using Context): SingleDenotation

The alternative of this denotation that has a type matching targetType when seen as a member of type site and that has a target name matching targetName, or NoDenotation if none exists.

The alternative of this denotation that has a type matching targetType when seen as a member of type site and that has a target name matching targetName, or NoDenotation if none exists.

Inherited from:
def meet(that: Denotation, pre: Type, safeIntersection: Boolean)(using Context): Denotation

Form a denotation by conjoining with denotation that.

Form a denotation by conjoining with denotation that.

NoDenotations are dropped. MultiDenotations are handled by merging parts with same signatures. SingleDenotations with equal signatures are joined by following this sequence of steps:

  1. If exactly one the denotations has an inaccessible symbol, pick the other one.
  2. Otherwise, if one of the infos overrides the other one, and the associated symbol does not score strictly lower than the other one, pick the associated denotation.
  3. Otherwise, if the two infos can be combined with infoMeet, pick that as result info, and pick the symbol that scores higher as result symbol, or pick sym1 as a tie breaker. The picked info and symbol are combined in a JointDenotation.
  4. Otherwise, if one of the two symbols scores strongly higher than the other one, pick the associated denotation.
  5. Otherwise return a multi-denotation consisting of both denotations.

Symbol scoring is determined according to the following ranking where earlier criteria trump later ones. Cases marked with (*) give a strong score advantage, the others a weak one.

  1. The symbol exists, and the other one does not. (*)
  2. The symbol is not a bridge, but the other one is. (*)
  3. The symbol is concrete, and the other one is deferred
  4. The symbol appears before the other in the linearization of pre
  5. The symbol's visibility is strictly greater than the other one's.
  6. The symbol is a method, but the other one is not.
Inherited from:
inline def orElse(inline that: Denotation): Denotation

If this denotation does not exist, fallback to alternative

If this denotation does not exist, fallback to alternative

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def requiredMethod(pname: PreName, argTypes: List[Type])(using Context): TermSymbol
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def requiredMethodRef(name: PreName, argTypes: List[Type])(using Context): TermRef
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def requiredSymbol(kind: String, name: Name, site: Denotation, args: List[Type], source: AbstractFile | Null, generateStubs: Boolean)(p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): Symbol

Return symbol in this denotation that satisfies the given predicate. if generateStubs is specified, return a stubsymbol if denotation is a missing ref. Throw a TypeError if predicate fails to disambiguate symbol or no alternative matches.

Return symbol in this denotation that satisfies the given predicate. if generateStubs is specified, return a stubsymbol if denotation is a missing ref. Throw a TypeError if predicate fails to disambiguate symbol or no alternative matches.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def show(using Context): String

The string representation of this showable element.

The string representation of this showable element.

Inherited from:
def showIndented(margin: Int)(using Context): String

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

Inherited from:
def showSummary(depth: Int)(using Context): String

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.

Inherited from:
final def toDenot(pre: Type)(using Context): Denotation

Convert to full denotation by &-ing all elements

Convert to full denotation by &-ing all elements

Inherited from:
def toText(printer: Printer): Text

The text representation of this showable element. This normally dispatches to a pattern matching method in Printers.

The text representation of this showable element. This normally dispatches to a pattern matching method in Printers.

Inherited from:

The union of two groups.

The union of two groups.

Inherited from:

Concrete fields

The next SingleDenotation in this run, with wrap-around from last to first.

The next SingleDenotation in this run, with wrap-around from last to first.

There may be several SingleDenotations with different validity representing the same underlying definition at different phases. These are called a "flock". Flock members are generated by

Inherited fields

protected var myInfo: Type
Inherited from: