
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


sealed trait UnpickleMode

Define the expected format of the tasty bytes

Define the expected format of the tasty bytes

  • TopLevel: Tasty that contains a full class nested in its package
  • Term: Tasty that contains only a term tree
  • TypeTree: Tasty that contains only a type tree or a reference to a type


An enumeration indicating which subtrees should be added to an OwnerTree.

An enumeration indicating which subtrees should be added to an OwnerTree.

Value members

Concrete fields

inline val AllDefs: 2

An attachment key indicating that a trailing () in a constructor call that has otherwise only using clauses was inserted.

An attachment key indicating that a trailing () in a constructor call that has otherwise only using clauses was inserted.

inline val MemberDefsOnly: 0
inline val NoMemberDefs: 1

A marker value used to detect cyclic reference while unpickling definitions.

A marker value used to detect cyclic reference while unpickling definitions.

An attachment key indicating that an old-style leading () in a constructor call that is followed by a using clause was suppressed.

An attachment key indicating that an old-style leading () in a constructor call that is followed by a using clause was suppressed.