
trait Dynamic

Handles programmable member selections of Dynamic instances and values with structural types. Two functionalities:

  1. Translates selection that does not typecheck according to the scala.Dynamic rules: foo.bar(baz) = quux ~~> foo.selectDynamic(bar).update(baz, quux) foo.bar = baz ~~> foo.updateDynamic("bar")(baz) foo.bar(x = bazX, y = bazY, baz, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamicNamed("bar")(("x", bazX), ("y", bazY), ("", baz), ...) foo.bar(baz0, baz1, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamic(bar)(baz0, baz1, ...) foo.bar ~~> foo.selectDynamic(bar)

The first matching rule of is applied.

  1. Translates member selections on structural types to calls of selectDynamic or applyDynamic on a Selectable instance. @See handleStructural.
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Typer
class ReTyper
class Typer
class Checker

Value members

Concrete methods

def handleStructural(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree

Handle reflection-based dispatch for members of structural types.

Handle reflection-based dispatch for members of structural types.

Given x.a, where x is of (widened) type T (a value type or a nullary method type), and x.a is of type U, map x.a to the equivalent of:


where x1 is x adapted to Selectable.

Given x.a(a11, ..., a1n)...(aN1, ..., aNn), where x.a is of (widened) type (T11, ..., T1n)...(TN1, ..., TNn): R, it is desugared to:

x1.applyDynamic("a")(a11, ..., a1n, ..., aN1, ..., aNn)

If this call resolves to an applyDynamic method that takes a Class[?]* as second parameter, we further rewrite this call to scala

x1.applyDynamic("a", c11, ..., c1n, ..., cN1, ... cNn)
                (a11, ..., a1n, ..., aN1, ..., aNn)

where c11, ..., cNn are the classOf constants representing the erasures of T11, ..., TNn.

It's an error if U is neither a value nor a method type, or a dependent method type

def typedDynamicApply(tree: Apply, isInsertedApply: Boolean, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree

Translate selection that does not typecheck according to the normal rules into a applyDynamic/applyDynamicNamed. foo.bar(baz0, baz1, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamic(bar)(baz0, baz1, ...) foo.bar[T0, ...](baz0, baz1, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamicT0, ...(baz0, baz1, ...) foo.bar(x = bazX, y = bazY, baz, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamicNamed("bar")(("x", bazX), ("y", bazY), ("", baz), ...) foo.bar[T0, ...](x = bazX, y = bazY, baz, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamicNamedT0, ...(("x", bazX), ("y", bazY), ("", baz), ...)

Translate selection that does not typecheck according to the normal rules into a applyDynamic/applyDynamicNamed. foo.bar(baz0, baz1, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamic(bar)(baz0, baz1, ...) foo.bar[T0, ...](baz0, baz1, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamicT0, ...(baz0, baz1, ...) foo.bar(x = bazX, y = bazY, baz, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamicNamed("bar")(("x", bazX), ("y", bazY), ("", baz), ...) foo.bar[T0, ...](x = bazX, y = bazY, baz, ...) ~~> foo.applyDynamicNamedT0, ...(("x", bazX), ("y", bazY), ("", baz), ...)

def typedDynamicAssign(tree: Assign, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree

Translate selection that does not typecheck according to the normal rules into a updateDynamic. foo.bar = baz ~~> foo.updateDynamic(bar)(baz)

Translate selection that does not typecheck according to the normal rules into a updateDynamic. foo.bar = baz ~~> foo.updateDynamic(bar)(baz)

def typedDynamicSelect(tree: Select, targs: List[Tree], pt: Type)(using Context): Tree

Translate selection that does not typecheck according to the normal rules into a selectDynamic. foo.bar ~~> foo.selectDynamic(bar) foo.bar[T0, ...] ~~> foo.selectDynamicT0, ...

Translate selection that does not typecheck according to the normal rules into a selectDynamic. foo.bar ~~> foo.selectDynamic(bar) foo.bar[T0, ...] ~~> foo.selectDynamicT0, ...

Note: inner part of translation foo.bar(baz) = quux ~~> foo.selectDynamic(bar).update(baz, quux) is achieved through an existing transformation of in typedAssign [foo.bar(baz) = quux ~~> foo.bar.update(baz, quux)].