
trait StreamlinedXmlNormMethods extends StreamlinedXml with NormMethods

Subtrait of NormMethods that provides an implicit Uniformity[T] for subtypes of scala.xml.NodeSeq that enables you to streamline XML by invoking .norm on it.

Here's an example:

scala> <good><day>sunshine</day></good> == <good>
    |   <day>
    |     sunshine
    |   </day>
    | </good>
res1: Boolean = false

scala> import org.scalactic._
import org.scalactic._

scala> import TripleEquals._
import TripleEquals._

scala> import org.scalatest.StreamlinedXmlNormMethods._
import org.scalatest.StreamlinedXmlNormMethods._

scala> <good><day>sunshine</day></good> === <good>
    |   <day>
    |     sunshine
    |   </day>
    | </good>.norm
res2: Boolean = true
trait NormMethods
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

final class Normalizer[T](o: T)(implicit normalization: Normalization[T])

Class containing a norm method that normalizes the given object o of type T via the implicitly passed Normalization[T].

Class containing a norm method that normalizes the given object o of type T via the implicitly passed Normalization[T].

Inherited from:



implicit override def streamlined[T <: NodeSeq]: Uniformity[T]

Provides an implicit Uniformity[T] instance for any subtype of scala.xml.NodeSeq that will normalize the XML by removing empty text nodes and trimming non-empty text nodes.

Provides an implicit Uniformity[T] instance for any subtype of scala.xml.NodeSeq that will normalize the XML by removing empty text nodes and trimming non-empty text nodes.

This Uniformity[T] enables normalization of XML by invoking the .norm method on subtypes of scala.xml.NodeSeq. See the main documentation for this trait for more details and examples.


a Uniformity[T] instance that normalizes XML for testing

Definition Classes

Inherited implicits

implicit def convertToNormalizer[T](o: T)(implicit normalization: Normalization[T]): Normalizer[T]

Implicit conversion that adds a norm method to a value of any type T for which an implicit Normalization[T] exists.

Implicit conversion that adds a norm method to a value of any type T for which an implicit Normalization[T] exists.

Value parameters:

the object to convert


a Normalizer that enables a norm method to be invoked on the passed object

Inherited from: