
case class Parameter(minSuccessful: PosInt, maxDiscardedFactor: PosZDouble, minSize: PosZInt, sizeRange: PosZInt, workers: PosInt)

The parameters that define how a property evaluation should be executed.

You typically will not build this directly. Instead, you should define a PropertyCheckConfiguration and/or some PropertyCheckConfigParams, pass those in, and the system will resolve those to a coherent Parameter.

Value parameters:

how many generated values may be discarded, as a multiple of the successful attempts, before the property check is considered to be org.scalatest.prop.PropertyCheckResult.Exhausted; see MaxDiscardedFactor


the minimum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists); see MinSize


the minimum number of successful property evaluations required for the property to pass; see MinSuccessful


the maximum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists); see SizeRange


number of worker threads to use when evaluating a property; see Workers

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

lazy val maxSize: PosZInt