
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Value members

Inherited methods

inline def expect(expression: Boolean)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): Fact
Inherited from:
Expectations (hidden)
transparent inline def expectCompiles(inline code: String)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): Fact
Inherited from:
Expectations (hidden)
transparent inline def expectDoesNotCompile(inline code: String)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): Fact
Inherited from:
Expectations (hidden)
def expectResult(expected: Any)(actual: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): Fact
Inherited from:
Expectations (hidden)
def expectThrows[T <: AnyRef](f: => Any)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[T], prettifier: Prettifier): Expectation
Inherited from:
Expectations (hidden)
transparent inline def expectTypeError(inline code: String)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): Fact
Inherited from:
Expectations (hidden)


Inherited implicits

implicit inline def booleanToFact(expression: Boolean)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): Fact

Implicit conversion that makes (x > 0) implies expect(x > -1) syntax works

Implicit conversion that makes (x > 0) implies expect(x > -1) syntax works

Inherited from:
Expectations (hidden)
implicit def convertExpectationToAssertion(exp: Expectation): Assertion
Inherited from:
Expectations (hidden)