
trait Alerter

Trait providing an apply method to which alert messages about a running suite of tests can be reported.

An Alerter is essentially used to wrap a Reporter and provide easy ways to send alert messages to that Reporter via an AlertProvided event. Alerter contains an apply method that takes a string and an optional payload object of type Any. The Alerter will forward the passed alert message string to the Reporter as the message parameter, and the optional payload object as the payload parameter, of an AlertProvided event.

For insight into the differences between Alerter, Notifier, and Informer, see the main documentation for trait Alerting.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any])(implicit pos: Position): Unit

Send an alert message via an AlertProvided event to the reporter.

Send an alert message via an AlertProvided event to the reporter.
