Executes the block of code passed as the constructor parameter to this Clueful, and, if it completes abruptly with a ModifiableMessage exception, appends the "clue" string passed to this method to the end of the detail message of that thrown exception, then rethrows it. If clue does not begin in a white space character or one of the punctuation characters: comma (,), period (.), or semicolon (;), one space will be added between it and the existing detail message (unless the detail message is not defined).
Executes the block of code passed as the constructor parameter to this Clueful, and, if it completes abruptly with a ModifiableMessage exception, appends the "clue" string passed to this method to the end of the detail message of that thrown exception, then rethrows it. If clue does not begin in a white space character or one of the punctuation characters: comma (,), period (.), or semicolon (;), one space will be added between it and the existing detail message (unless the detail message is not defined).
This method allows you to add more information about what went wrong that will be reported when a test fails or cancels. For example, this code:
{ 1 + 1 should equal (3) } withClue ", not even for very large values of 1"
Would yield a TestFailed exception whose message would be:
2 did not equal 3, not even for very large values of 1