
MatchPatternHelper is called by MatchPatternMacro to support matchPattern syntax.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def checkMatchPattern(resultOfNoWordForAny: ResultOfNotWordForAny[_], right: PartialFunction[Any, _]): Unit

MatchPatternHelper that is called by MatchPatternMacro to support the following syntax:

MatchPatternHelper that is called by MatchPatternMacro to support the following syntax:

result should not matchPattern { case Person("Bob", _) => }
def matchPatternMatcher(right: PartialFunction[Any, _]): Matcher[Any]

MatchPatternHelper that is called by MatchPatternMacro to support the following syntax:

MatchPatternHelper that is called by MatchPatternMacro to support the following syntax:

result should matchPattern { case Person("Bob", _) => }
def notMatchPatternMatcher(right: PartialFunction[Any, _]): Matcher[Any]

MatchPatternHelper that is called by MatchPatternMacro to support the following syntax:

MatchPatternHelper that is called by MatchPatternMacro to support the following syntax:

result should (not matchPattern { case Person("Alice", _) => } and (equal (result)))