
final class OrBeWord

This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

infix def a[U](bePropertyMatcher: BePropertyMatcher[U]): Matcher[T & AnyRef & U]

This method enables the following syntax, where directory is a BePropertyMatcher:

This method enables the following syntax, where directory is a BePropertyMatcher:

aMatcher or be a (directory)
infix def a[U](aMatcher: AMatcher[U]): Matcher[T & U]

This method enables the following syntax, where positiveNumber and validNumber are AMatcher:

This method enables the following syntax, where positiveNumber and validNumber are AMatcher:

aMatcher or be a (validNumber)
infix def an[U](bePropertyMatcher: BePropertyMatcher[U]): Matcher[T & AnyRef & U]

This method enables the following syntax, where orange and apple are BePropertyMatcher:

This method enables the following syntax, where orange and apple are BePropertyMatcher:

aMatcher or be an (apple)
infix def an[U](anMatcher: AnMatcher[U]): Matcher[T & U]

This method enables the following syntax, where oddNumber and integerNumber are AnMatcher:

This method enables the following syntax, where oddNumber and integerNumber are AnMatcher:

aMatcher or be an (integerNumber)
infix def definedAt[A, U <: PartialFunction[A, _]](right: A): Matcher[T & U]

This method enables the following syntax, where fraction refers to a PartialFunction:

This method enables the following syntax, where fraction refers to a PartialFunction:

aMatcher or be definedAt (8)
infix def theSameInstanceAs(anyRef: AnyRef): Matcher[T & AnyRef]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

aMatcher or be theSameInstanceAs (otherString)