
Singleton object that provides unapply method to extract negated failure message from MatchResult having matches property value of true.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def unapply(matchResult: MatchResult)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): Option[String]

Extractor enabling patterns that match MatchResult having matches property value of true, extracting the contained negated failure message.

Extractor enabling patterns that match MatchResult having matches property value of true, extracting the contained negated failure message.

For example, you can use this extractor to get the negated failure message of a MatchResult like this:

matchResult match {
 case MatchSucceeded(negatedFailureMessage) => // do something with negatedFailureMessage
 case _ => // when matchResult.matches equal to false
Value parameters:

the MatchResult to extract the negated failure message from.


a Some wrapping the contained negated failure message if matchResult.matches is equal to true, else None.