
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any


def onDragDetected[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

On drag detected

On drag detected

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture has been detected. This is the right place to start drag and drop operation

def onDragDone[U](l: Drag => U): Control

On drag done

On drag done

Defines a function to be called when this Node is a drag and drop gesture source after its data has been dropped on a drop target

The transferMode of the event shows what just happened at the drop target.

If transferMode has the value MOVE, then the source can clear out its data

Clearing the source's data gives the appropriate appearance to a user that the data has been moved by the drag and drop gesture

A transferMode that has the value NONE indicates that no data was transferred during the drag and drop gesture

def onDragDropped[U](l: Drag => U): Control

On drag dropped

On drag dropped

Defines a function to be called when the mouse button is released on this Node during drag and drop gesture.

Transfer of data from the DragEvent's dragboard should happen in this function

def onDragEntered[U](l: Drag => U): Control

On drag entered

On drag entered

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture enters this Node

def onDragExited[U](l: Drag => U): Control

On drag exited

On drag exited

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture exits this Node

def onDragOver[U](l: Drag => U): Control

On drag over

On drag over

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture progresses within this Node

def onMouseClicked[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

On mouse clicked

On mouse clicked

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on this Node


On mouse drag entered

On mouse drag entered

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture enters this Node


On mouse drag exited

On mouse drag exited

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture leaves this Node

def onMouseDragged[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

Mouse dragged

Mouse dragged

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button is pressed on this Node and then dragged


On mouse drag over

On mouse drag over

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture progresses within this Node


On mouse drag released

On mouse drag released

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture ends (by releasing mouse button) within this Node

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def onMouseEntered[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

On mouse entered

On mouse entered

Defines a function to be called when the mouse enters this Node

def onMouseExited[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

On mouse exited

On mouse exited

Defines a function to be called when the mouse exits this Node

def onMouseLeftClicked[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

Mouse left clicked

Mouse left clicked

Defines a function to be called when a mouse left button has been clicked (pressed and released) on this Node

def onMouseMoved[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

On mouse moved

On mouse moved

Defines a function to be called when mouse cursor moves within this Node but no buttons have been pushed

def onMousePressed[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

On mouse pressed

On mouse pressed

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been pressed on this Node

def onMouseReleased[U](l: Mouse => U): Control

On mouse released

On mouse released

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been released on this Node


On mouse right clicked

On mouse right clicked

Defines a function to be called when a mouse right button has been clicked (pressed and released) on this Node
