
sealed abstract
class BinaryExpr extends Expr

Binary expressions contain 2 child expression.

class Expr
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Add
class Sub
class Div
class Mul

Value members

Concrete methods

def children: List[Expr]

Inherited methods

Returns the BFMSS separation bound.

Returns the BFMSS separation bound.

Inherited from
def degreeBound: Long

Returns a bound on the degree of this expression.

Returns a bound on the degree of this expression.

Inherited from

A set of flags we can quickly compute for an Algebraic expression.

A set of flags we can quickly compute for an Algebraic expression.


we have to do this round-about trip between flagsBits and flags because of

Inherited from

Returns the bound for zbf, using a cached value if it is available.

Returns the bound for zbf, using a cached value if it is available.

Inherited from

Returns the Li & Yap separation bound.

Returns the Li & Yap separation bound.

Inherited from

Returns a lower bound on the absolute value of this expression as a bit bound.

Returns a lower bound on the absolute value of this expression as a bit bound.

TODO: We could do better here wrt to addition (need a fastSignum: Option[Int])

Inherited from

Returns a separation bound for this expression as a bit bound. A separation bound is a lower-bound on the value of this expression that is only valid if this expression is not 0. This bound can thus be used to determine if this value is actually 0 and, if not, the sign, by simply approximating the expression with enough accuracy that it falls on one side or the other of the separation bound.

Returns a separation bound for this expression as a bit bound. A separation bound is a lower-bound on the value of this expression that is only valid if this expression is not 0. This bound can thus be used to determine if this value is actually 0 and, if not, the sign, by simply approximating the expression with enough accuracy that it falls on one side or the other of the separation bound.

Inherited from
def signum: Int

Returns an integer with the same sign as this expression.

Returns an integer with the same sign as this expression.

Inherited from
def toBigDecimal(digits: Int): BigDecimal

Returns an asbolute approximation to this expression as a BigDecimal that is accurate up to +/- 10^-digits.

Returns an asbolute approximation to this expression as a BigDecimal that is accurate up to +/- 10^-digits.

Inherited from

Returns an upper bound on the absolute value of this expression as a bit bound.

Returns an upper bound on the absolute value of this expression as a bit bound.

Inherited from

Abstract fields

val lhs: Expr
val rhs: Expr

Concrete fields

val flagBits: Int