
class SeqOps[@specialized A, CC <: (Iterable)](as: CC[A])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def pmax(implicit ev: PartialOrder[A]): Seq[A]

Computes the maximal elements of a partially ordered set. If the posset contains multiple copies of a maximal element, the function will only return a single copy of it.

Computes the maximal elements of a partially ordered set. If the posset contains multiple copies of a maximal element, the function will only return a single copy of it.

def pmin(implicit ev: PartialOrder[A]): Seq[A]

Computes the minimal elements of a partially ordered set. If the poset contains multiple copies of a minimal element, the function will only return a single copy of it.

Computes the minimal elements of a partially ordered set. If the poset contains multiple copies of a minimal element, the function will only return a single copy of it.

def qchoose(implicit gen: Generator): A
def qcombine(implicit ev: Monoid[A]): A
def qmax(implicit ev: Order[A]): A
def qmean(implicit ev: Field[A]): A
def qmeanWith[R](f: A => R)(implicit ev: Field[R]): R
def qmin(implicit ev: Order[A]): A
def qnorm(p: Int)(implicit ev: Field[A], s: Signed[A], nr: NRoot[A]): A
def qnormWith[R](p: Int)(f: A => R)(implicit ev: Field[R], s: Signed[R], nr: NRoot[R]): R
def qproduct(implicit ev: MultiplicativeMonoid[A]): A
def qsampled(n: Int)(implicit gen: Generator, ct: ClassTag[A], cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A]
def qselected(k: Int)(implicit ev: Order[A], ct: ClassTag[A], cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A]
def qselectk(k: Int)(implicit ev: Order[A], ct: ClassTag[A], cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A]
def qshuffled(implicit gen: Generator, ct: ClassTag[A], cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A]
def qsorted(implicit ev: Order[A], ct: ClassTag[A], cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A]
def qsortedBy[@specialized B](f: A => B)(implicit ev: Order[B], ct: ClassTag[A], cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A]
def qsortedWith(f: (A, A) => Int)(implicit ct: ClassTag[A], cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A]
def qsum(implicit ev: AdditiveMonoid[A]): A
def qtopk(k: Int)(implicit ev: Order[A], ct: ClassTag[A], cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A]