Uses of Class

Packages that use GateSaxException

Uses of GateSaxException in gate.config

Methods in gate.config that throw GateSaxException
protected  void ConfigXmlHandler.createResource(String resourceTypeName, List resourceList)
          Utility method to create a resource and add to appropriate list.
 void ConfigXmlHandler.endDocument()
          Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of the XML document
 void ConfigXmlHandler.endElement(String uri, String qName, String elementName)
          Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of an XML element.
 void ConfigXmlHandler.startDocument()
          Called when the SAX parser encounts the beginning of the XML document

Uses of GateSaxException in gate.creole

Methods in gate.creole that throw GateSaxException
 void CreoleXmlHandler.endDocument()
          Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of the XML document
 void CreoleXmlHandler.endElement(String uri, String qName, String elementName)
          Called when the SAX parser encounts the end of an XML element.
 void CreoleXmlHandler.startDocument()
          Called when the SAX parser encounts the beginning of the XML document