Interface Shader

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseShader, DefaultShader, DepthShader, GLES10Shader

public interface Shader
extends Disposable

Method Summary
 void begin(Camera camera, RenderContext context)
          Initializes the context for exclusive rendering by this shader
 boolean canRender(Renderable instance)
          Whether this shader is intended to render the Renderable
 int compareTo(Shader other)
          Compare this shader against the other, used for sorting, light weight shaders are rendered first.
 void end()
          Cleanup the context so other shaders can render
 void init()
          Initializes the Shader, must be called before the Shader can be used
 void render(Renderable renderable)
          Renders the Renderable must be called between begin(Camera, RenderContext) and end()
Methods inherited from interface com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable

Method Detail


void init()
Initializes the Shader, must be called before the Shader can be used


int compareTo(Shader other)
Compare this shader against the other, used for sorting, light weight shaders are rendered first.


boolean canRender(Renderable instance)
Whether this shader is intended to render the Renderable


void begin(Camera camera,
           RenderContext context)
Initializes the context for exclusive rendering by this shader


void render(Renderable renderable)
Renders the Renderable must be called between begin(Camera, RenderContext) and end()


void end()
Cleanup the context so other shaders can render

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