Uses of Class

Packages that use Rectangle   

Uses of Rectangle in

Methods in that return Rectangle
 Rectangle Sprite.getBoundingRectangle()
          Returns the bounding axis aligned Rectangle that bounds this sprite.
 Rectangle PolygonSprite.getBoundingRectangle()
          Returns the bounding axis aligned Rectangle that bounds this sprite.
 Rectangle PixmapPacker.getRect(String name)
 Rectangle PixmapPacker.pack(String name, Pixmap image)
           Inserts the given Pixmap.

Uses of Rectangle in com.badlogic.gdx.maps.objects

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.maps.objects that return Rectangle
 Rectangle RectangleMapObject.getRectangle()

Uses of Rectangle in com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.renderers

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.renderers that return Rectangle
 Rectangle BatchTiledMapRenderer.getViewBounds()

Uses of Rectangle in com.badlogic.gdx.math

Fields in com.badlogic.gdx.math declared as Rectangle
static Rectangle Rectangle.tmp
          Static temporary rectangle.
static Rectangle Rectangle.tmp2
          Static temporary rectangle.

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.math that return Rectangle
 Rectangle Rectangle.fitInside(Rectangle rect)
          Fits this rectangle into another rectangle while maintaining aspect ratio.
 Rectangle Rectangle.fitOutside(Rectangle rect)
          Fits this rectangle around another rectangle while maintaining aspect ratio This scales and centers the rectangle to the other rectangle (e.g.
 Rectangle Polygon.getBoundingRectangle()
          Returns an axis-aligned bounding box of this polygon.
 Rectangle Rectangle.merge(Rectangle rect)
          Merges this rectangle with the other rectangle.
 Rectangle Rectangle.set(float x, float y, float width, float height)
 Rectangle Rectangle.set(Rectangle rect)
          Sets the values of the given rectangle to this rectangle.
 Rectangle Rectangle.setCenter(float x, float y)
          Moves this rectangle so that its center point is located at a given position
 Rectangle Rectangle.setCenter(Vector2 position)
          Moves this rectangle so that its center point is located at a given position
 Rectangle Rectangle.setHeight(float height)
          Sets the height of this rectangle
 Rectangle Rectangle.setPosition(float x, float y)
          Sets the x and y-coordinates of the bottom left corner
 Rectangle Rectangle.setPosition(Vector2 position)
          Sets the x and y-coordinates of the bottom left corner from vector
 Rectangle Rectangle.setSize(float sizeXY)
          Sets the squared size of this rectangle
 Rectangle Rectangle.setSize(float width, float height)
          Sets the width and height of this rectangle
 Rectangle Rectangle.setWidth(float width)
          Sets the width of this rectangle
 Rectangle Rectangle.setX(float x)
          Sets the x-coordinate of the bottom left corner
 Rectangle Rectangle.setY(float y)
          Sets the y-coordinate of the bottom left corner

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.math with parameters of type Rectangle
 boolean Rectangle.contains(Rectangle rectangle)
 Rectangle Rectangle.fitInside(Rectangle rect)
          Fits this rectangle into another rectangle while maintaining aspect ratio.
 Rectangle Rectangle.fitOutside(Rectangle rect)
          Fits this rectangle around another rectangle while maintaining aspect ratio This scales and centers the rectangle to the other rectangle (e.g.
static boolean Intersector.intersectRectangles(Rectangle rectangle1, Rectangle rectangle2, Rectangle intersection)
          Determines whether the given rectangles intersect and, if they do, sets the supplied intersection rectangle to the area of overlap.
 Rectangle Rectangle.merge(Rectangle rect)
          Merges this rectangle with the other rectangle.
static boolean Intersector.overlaps(Circle c, Rectangle r)
 boolean Rectangle.overlaps(Rectangle r)
static boolean Intersector.overlaps(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
 Rectangle Rectangle.set(Rectangle rect)
          Sets the values of the given rectangle to this rectangle.

Constructors in com.badlogic.gdx.math with parameters of type Rectangle
Rectangle(Rectangle rect)
          Constructs a rectangle based on the given rectangle

Uses of Rectangle in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d with parameters of type Rectangle
 void Stage.calculateScissors(Rectangle area, Rectangle scissor)
 void Group.setCullingArea(Rectangle cullingArea)
          Children completely outside of this rectangle will not be drawn.

Uses of Rectangle in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui with parameters of type Rectangle
 void List.setCullingArea(Rectangle cullingArea)

Uses of Rectangle in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils that return Rectangle
static Rectangle ScissorStack.getViewport()
static Rectangle ScissorStack.popScissors()
          Pops the current scissor rectangle from the stack and sets the new scissor area to the new top of stack rectangle.

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils with parameters of type Rectangle
static void ScissorStack.calculateScissors(Camera camera, float viewportX, float viewportY, float viewportWidth, float viewportHeight, Matrix4 batchTransform, Rectangle area, Rectangle scissor)
          Calculates a scissor rectangle in OpenGL ES window coordinates from a Camera, a transformation Matrix4 and an axis aligned Rectangle.
static boolean ScissorStack.pushScissors(Rectangle scissor)
          Pushes a new scissor Rectangle onto the stack, merging it with the current top of the stack.
 void Cullable.setCullingArea(Rectangle cullingArea)

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