Package com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils

Interface Summary
Cullable Allows a parent to set the area that is visible on a child actor to allow the child to cull when drawing itself.
Drawable A drawable knows how to draw itself at a given rectangular size.
Layout Provides methods for an actor to participate in layout and to provide a minimum, preferred, and maximum size.

Class Summary
ActorGestureListener Detects tap, long press, fling, pan, zoom, and pinch gestures on an actor.
Align Provides bit flag constants for alignment.
BaseDrawable Drawable that stores the size information but doesn't draw anything.
ChangeListener Listener for ChangeListener.ChangeEvent.
ChangeListener.ChangeEvent Fired when something in an actor has changed.
ClickListener Detects mouse over, mouse or finger touch presses, and clicks on an actor.
DragAndDrop Manages drag and drop operations through registered drag sources and drop targets.
DragAndDrop.Payload The payload of a drag and drop operation.
DragAndDrop.Source A target where a payload can be dragged from.
DragAndDrop.Target A target where a payload can be dropped to.
DragListener Detects mouse or finger touch drags on an actor.
DragScrollListener Causes a scroll pane to scroll when a drag goes outside the bounds of the scroll pane.
FocusListener Listener for FocusListener.FocusEvent.
FocusListener.FocusEvent Fired when an actor gains or loses keyboard or scroll focus.
NinePatchDrawable Drawable for a NinePatch.
ScissorStack A stack of Rectangle objects to be used for clipping via GLCommon.glScissor(int, int, int, int).
SpriteDrawable Drawable for a Sprite.
TextureRegionDrawable Drawable for a TextureRegion.
TiledDrawable Draws a TextureRegion repeatedly to fill the area, instead of stretching it.

Enum Summary

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