Uses of Class

Packages that use Group

Uses of Group in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d that return Group
 Group Actor.getParent()
          Returns the parent actor, or null if not in a stage.
 Group Stage.getRoot()
          Returns the root group which holds all actors in the stage.

Uses of Group in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui

Subclasses of Group in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui
 class Button
          A button is a Table with a checked state and additional style fields for pressed, unpressed, and checked.
 class CheckBox
          A checkbox is a button that contains an image indicating the checked or unchecked state and a label.
 class Dialog
          Displays a dialog, which is a modal window containing a content table with a button table underneath it.
 class HorizontalGroup
          A group that lays out its children side by side in a single column.
 class ImageButton
          A button with a child Image to display an image.
 class ImageTextButton
          A button with a child Image and Label.
 class ScrollPane
          A group that scrolls a child widget using scrollbars and/or mouse or touch dragging.
 class SplitPane
          A container that contains two widgets and is divided either horizontally or vertically.
 class Stack
          A stack is a container that sizes its children to its size and positions them at 0,0 on top of each other.
 class Table
          A group that sizes and positions children using table constraints.
 class TextButton
          A button with a child Label to display text.
 class Tree
          A tree widget where each node has an icon, actor, and child nodes.
 class VerticalGroup
          A group that lays out its children on top of each other in a single column.
 class WidgetGroup
          A Group that participates in layout and provides a minimum, preferred, and maximum size.
 class Window
          A table that can be dragged and act as a modal window.

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