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P - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the P key.

PAGE_DOWN - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the Page Down key.

PAGE_UP - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the Page Up key.

Pane - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.layoutviews
A Pane can be used to group ComponentViews for easier position management and layout.
PAUSE - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the Pause key.

peek() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.components.container.CardStack
Returns the topmost CardView.
peek() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Returns the topmost element in this Stack but does not pop it.
peekAll(Integer) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Returns all elements in this Stack, with the last pushed Element at the highest index.
peekOrNull() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.components.container.CardStack
Returns the topmost CardView, or null, if the stack is empty.
peekOrNull() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Returns the topmost element in this Stack but does not pop it.
PERIOD - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the . key.

playAnimation(Animation) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.core.BoardGameScene
Plays given Animation.
playAnimation(Animation) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.core.MenuScene
Plays given Animation.
playAnimation(Animation) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.core.Scene
Plays given Animation.
PLUS - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the + key.

plus(Coordinate) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Coordinate
Returns a new coordinate object containing added xCoord and yCoord.
pop() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.components.container.CardStack
Pops the topmost CardView from this CardStack and returns it.
pop() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Pops the topmost element in this Stack.
popAll(Integer) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Pops the n topmost elements in this Stack, where n is specified by the parameter.
popOrNull() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.components.container.CardStack
Pops the topmost CardView from this CardStack and returns it, or null, if the stack is empty.
popOrNull() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Pops the topmost element in this Stack.
PREVIOUS - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.dialog.ButtonType

AButtonType that displays "Previous".

PRINT_SCREEN - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the Print Screen key.

ProgressBar - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
A ProgressBar.
Property - class in tools.aqua.bgw.observable.properties
Property baseclass providing observable fields.
push(T) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.components.container.CardStack
Adds a CardView on top of this CardStack.
push(T) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Pushes the supplied element onto the Stack.
pushAll(Collection) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Pushes all the supplied elements onto the Stack.
pushAll(T) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Stack
Pushes all the supplied elements onto the Stack.
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