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T - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the T key.

TAB - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the Tab key.

TableColumn - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
A TableColumn may be used to represent a column in a TableView.
TableView - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
A TableView may be used to visualize a data table.
TextArea - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
A TextArea is a multi line input field.
TextField - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
A TextField is a single line input field.
TextInputUIComponent - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
Baseclass for all UIComponents that have a text input field.
TextVisual - class in tools.aqua.bgw.visual
A visual displaying text.
TILDE - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the ~ key.

times(Number) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Coordinate
Returns a new coordinate object containing multiplied Coordinate with factor.
toComponentView(T,T,Scene,Integer) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.animation.MovementAnimation.Companion
Creates a MovementAnimation to another component's position.
ToggleButton - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
A ToggleButton may be used as a Button that is either selected or not selected.
ToggleGroup - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
A ToggleGroup may be set as an attribute in ToggleButton or RadioButton.
TokenView - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.gamecomponentviews
A TokenView may be used to visualize any kind of token.
tools.aqua.bgw.animation - package tools.aqua.bgw.animation
tools.aqua.bgw.components - package tools.aqua.bgw.components
tools.aqua.bgw.components.container - package tools.aqua.bgw.components.container
tools.aqua.bgw.components.dsl - package tools.aqua.bgw.components.dsl
tools.aqua.bgw.components.gamecomponentviews - package tools.aqua.bgw.components.gamecomponentviews
tools.aqua.bgw.components.layoutviews - package tools.aqua.bgw.components.layoutviews
tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents - package tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
tools.aqua.bgw.core - package tools.aqua.bgw.core
tools.aqua.bgw.dialog - package tools.aqua.bgw.dialog
tools.aqua.bgw.event - package tools.aqua.bgw.event
tools.aqua.bgw.observable - package tools.aqua.bgw.observable
tools.aqua.bgw.observable.properties - package tools.aqua.bgw.observable.properties
tools.aqua.bgw.util - package tools.aqua.bgw.util
tools.aqua.bgw.visual - package tools.aqua.bgw.visual
TOP - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.core.VerticalAlignment

Alignment on the top.

TOP_CENTER - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.core.Alignment

Alignment on the top centered horizontally.

TOP_LEFT - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.core.Alignment

Alignment in the top left corner.

TOP_RIGHT - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.core.Alignment

Alignment in the top right corner.

toString() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode
Returns a string representation of the key.
toString() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Coordinate
Prints xCoord and yCoord as String.
toString() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.CoordinatePlain
Trig - class in tools.aqua.bgw.util
Trig.Companion - class in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Trig
trim() - function in tools.aqua.bgw.components.layoutviews.GridPane
Removes all empty outer rows and columns e.g.
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