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B - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the B key.

BACK - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.components.gamecomponentviews.CardView.CardSide

The BACK side.

BACK_SLASH - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the **\** key.

BACK_SPACE - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.event.KeyCode

Constant for the Backspace key.

backward(R) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.BidirectionalMap
Backward lookup for entry.
backwardOrNull(R) - function in tools.aqua.bgw.util.BidirectionalMap
Backward lookup for entry.
BidirectionalMap - class in tools.aqua.bgw.util
A bidirectional map.
BoardGameApplication - class in tools.aqua.bgw.core
Baseclass for all BGW Applications.
BoardGameApplication.Companion - class in tools.aqua.bgw.core.BoardGameApplication
BoardGameScene - class in tools.aqua.bgw.core
Baseclass for BGW game scenes.
BOLD - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.util.Font.FontWeight

Bold font weight.

BooleanProperty - class in tools.aqua.bgw.observable.properties
A BooleanProperty.
BOTTOM - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.core.VerticalAlignment

Alignment on the bottom.

BOTTOM_CENTER - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.core.Alignment

Alignment on the bottom centered horizontally.

BOTTOM_LEFT - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.core.Alignment

Alignment in the bottom left corner.

BOTTOM_RIGHT - enum entry in tools.aqua.bgw.core.Alignment

Alignment in the bottom right corner.

Button - class in tools.aqua.bgw.components.uicomponents
A simple Button with a text.
ButtonType - class in tools.aqua.bgw.dialog
Enum for all available button types.
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