Uses of Interface

Packages that use LanguageAnalyser

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in com.ontotext.gate.gazetteer

Classes in com.ontotext.gate.gazetteer that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class HashGazetteer

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole

Classes in gate.creole that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class AbstractLanguageAnalyser
          A parent implementation of language analysers with some default code.
 class ANNIETransducer
          The ANNIE named entity transducer.
 class ConditionalSerialAnalyserController
          This class implements a SerialController that only contains LanguageAnalysers.
 class GazetteerListsCollector
 class OntologyAwareTransducer
          Deprecated. Ontology related functionality is now implemented in the standard JAPE Transducer Transducer.
 class POSTagger
          This class is a wrapper for HepTag, Mark Hepple's POS tagger.
 class RealtimeCorpusController
          A custom GATE controller that interrupts the execution over a document when a specified amount of time has elapsed.
 class SerialAnalyserController
          This class implements a SerialController that only contains LanguageAnalysers.
 class Transducer
          A cascaded multi-phase transducer using the Jape language which is a variant of the CPSL language.
 class VPChunker
          ANNIE VP Chunker module.

Fields in gate.creole declared as LanguageAnalyser
protected  LanguageAnalyser

Constructors in gate.creole with parameters of type LanguageAnalyser
AnalyserRunningStrategy(LanguageAnalyser pr, int runMode, String featureName, String featureValue)

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.annotdelete

Classes in gate.creole.annotdelete that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class AnnotationDeletePR
          This class is the implementation of a processing resource which deletes all annotations and sets other than 'original markups'.

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.annotransfer

Classes in gate.creole.annotransfer that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class AnnotationSetTransfer
          This plugin allows the names of annotations and features to be changed as well as transfered from one annotation set to another.

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.coref

Classes in gate.creole.coref that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class AbstractCoreferencer
 class Coreferencer
 class NominalCoref
 class PronominalCoref

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.dumpingPR

Classes in gate.creole.dumpingPR that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class DumpingPR
          This class implements a DumpingPR which exports a given set of annotation types + the original markup, back into the document's native format.

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.gazetteer

Subinterfaces of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.gazetteer
 interface Gazetteer
          The Gazetteer interface defines the mandatory methods of a gazetteer PR.
 interface OntoGazetteer
A gazetter that exploits a linear gazetter to generate annotations according to a mapping definition between lists and ontology classes

Classes in gate.creole.gazetteer that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class AbstractGazetteer
          AbstractGazetteer This class implements the common-for-all methods of the Gazetteer interface
 class AbstractOntoGazetteer
          AbstratOntoGazetteer This class implements the methods common for all ontology-aware gazetteers.
 class DefaultGazetteer
          This component is responsible for doing lists lookup.
 class FlexibleGazetteer
           Title: Flexible Gazetteer The Flexible Gazetteer provides users with the flexibility to choose their own customised input and an external Gazetteer.
 class OntoGazetteerImpl
An ontology-aware gazetteer, producing additional annotations with features [class] and [ontology].
 class SharedDefaultGazetteer
          Provides a way to efficiently multi-thread a DefaultGazetteer.

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.metadata.test

Classes in gate.creole.metadata.test that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class TestAnnotatedProcessingResource
          Example resource class which is annotated with a CreoleResource annotation.
 class TestSubclassProcessingResource
 class TestSuperclassProcessingResource
 class TestUnannotatedProcessingResource
          Example resource class which is not annotated with a CreoleResource annotation.

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.morph

Classes in gate.creole.morph that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class Morph
          Description: This class is a wrapper for Interpret, the Morphological Analyzer.

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.orthomatcher

Classes in gate.creole.orthomatcher that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class OrthoMatcher

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.orthomatcher.SampleOrthoMatcher

Classes in gate.creole.orthomatcher.SampleOrthoMatcher that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class SampleOrthoMatcher

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.splitter

Classes in gate.creole.splitter that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class RegexSentenceSplitter
          A fast sentence splitter replacement based on regular expressions.
 class SentenceSplitter
          A sentence splitter.

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.test

Classes in gate.creole.test that implement LanguageAnalyser
static class DynamicRegistrationTest.TestResource

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.creole.tokeniser

Classes in gate.creole.tokeniser that implement LanguageAnalyser
 class DefaultTokeniser
          A composed tokeniser containing a SimpleTokeniser and a Transducer.
 class SimpleTokeniser
          Implementation of a Unicode rule based tokeniser.

Uses of LanguageAnalyser in gate.util

Methods in gate.util with parameters of type LanguageAnalyser
 void LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor.setAnalyser(LanguageAnalyser a)
          Set the controller used to process documents.