Uses of Interface

Packages that use LanguageResource
gate This package contains the public interface to the GATE Java API. 
gate.creole.ontology The GATE ontology API. 

Uses of LanguageResource in gate

Subinterfaces of LanguageResource in gate
 interface Corpus
          Corpora are lists of Document.
 interface Document
          Represents the commonalities between all sorts of documents.
 interface SimpleCorpus
          Corpora are lists of Document.
 interface SimpleDocument
          Represents the commonalities between all sorts of documents.
 interface TextualDocument
          Top interface for all types of textual documents (transient or persistent).

Classes in gate that implement LanguageResource
 class DocumentFormat
          The format of Documents.

Methods in gate that return LanguageResource
 LanguageResource DataStore.adopt(LanguageResource lr, SecurityInfo secInfo)
          Adopt a resource for persistence.
 LanguageResource DataStore.getLr(String lrClassName, Object lrId)
          Get a resource from the persistent store.
 LanguageResource LanguageResource.getParent()
          Returns the parent LR of this LR.

Methods in gate that return types with arguments of type LanguageResource
 List<LanguageResource> CreoleRegister.getLrInstances()
          Get a list of all instantiations of LR in the register.
 List<LanguageResource> CreoleRegister.getLrInstances(String resourceTypeName)
          Get a list of instantiations of a type of LR in the register.
 List<LanguageResource> CreoleRegister.getPublicLrInstances()
          Get a list of all non-private instantiations of LR in the register.

Methods in gate with parameters of type LanguageResource
 LanguageResource DataStore.adopt(LanguageResource lr, SecurityInfo secInfo)
          Adopt a resource for persistence.
 SecurityInfo DataStore.getSecurityInfo(LanguageResource lr)
          get security information for LR .
 boolean DataStore.lockLr(LanguageResource lr)
          Try to acquire exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store.
 void LanguageResource.setParent(LanguageResource parentLR)
          Sets the parent LR of this LR.
 void DataStore.setSecurityInfo(LanguageResource lr, SecurityInfo si)
          set security information for LR .
 void DataStore.sync(LanguageResource lr)
          Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent image.
 void DataStore.unlockLr(LanguageResource lr)
          Releases the exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store.

Uses of LanguageResource in gate.corpora

Classes in gate.corpora that implement LanguageResource
 class CorpusImpl
          Corpora are sets of Document.
 class DocumentImpl
          Represents the commonalities between all sorts of documents.
 class EmailDocumentFormat
          The format of Documents.
 class NekoHtmlDocumentFormat
           DocumentFormat that uses Andy Clark's NekoHTML parser to parse HTML documents.
 class SerialCorpusImpl
 class SgmlDocumentFormat
          The format of Documents.
 class TextualDocumentFormat
          The format of Documents.
 class TikaFormat
 class UimaDocumentFormat
          UIMA XCAS and XMICAS document formats.
 class XmlDocumentFormat
          The format of Documents.

Uses of LanguageResource in gate.creole

Classes in gate.creole that implement LanguageResource
 class AbstractLanguageResource
          A convenience implementation of LanguageResource with some default code.
 class AnnotationSchema
          This class handles annotation schemas.An annotation schema is a representation of an annotation, together with its types and their attributes, values and types.

Methods in gate.creole that return LanguageResource
 LanguageResource AbstractLanguageResource.getParent()
          Returns the parent LR of this LR.

Methods in gate.creole that return types with arguments of type LanguageResource
 List<LanguageResource> CreoleRegisterImpl.getLrInstances()
          Get a list of all instantiations of LR in the register.
 List<LanguageResource> CreoleRegisterImpl.getLrInstances(String resourceTypeName)
          Get a list of instantiations of a type of LR in the register.
 List<LanguageResource> CreoleRegisterImpl.getPublicLrInstances()
          Get a list of all non-private instantiations of LR in the register.

Methods in gate.creole with parameters of type LanguageResource
 void AbstractLanguageResource.setParent(LanguageResource parentLR)
          Sets the parent LR of this LR.

Uses of LanguageResource in gate.creole.gazetteer

Classes in gate.creole.gazetteer that implement LanguageResource
 class GazetteerList
          Gazetteer List provides the means for uploading, managing and storing the data in the gazetteer list files.
 class LinearDefinition
          Represents a Linear Definition [lists.def] file
The normal usage of the class will be * construct it * setURL * load * change * store
 class MappingDefinition
          Represents a mapping definition which maps gazetteer lists to ontology classes

Uses of LanguageResource in

Subinterfaces of LanguageResource in
 interface IndexedCorpus

Uses of LanguageResource in gate.creole.ontology

Subinterfaces of LanguageResource in gate.creole.ontology
 interface Ontology
          Interface for ontology language resources.

Uses of LanguageResource in gate.persist

Methods in gate.persist that return LanguageResource
 LanguageResource SerialDataStore.adopt(LanguageResource lr, SecurityInfo secInfo)
          Adopt a resource for persistence.
 LanguageResource LuceneDataStoreImpl.getLr(String lrClassName, Object lrPersistenceId)
          Get a resource from the persistent store.
 LanguageResource SerialDataStore.getLr(String lrClassName, Object lrPersistenceId)
          Get a resource from the persistent store.

Methods in gate.persist with parameters of type LanguageResource
 LanguageResource SerialDataStore.adopt(LanguageResource lr, SecurityInfo secInfo)
          Adopt a resource for persistence.
 SecurityInfo SerialDataStore.getSecurityInfo(LanguageResource lr)
          get security information for LR .
 boolean SerialDataStore.lockLr(LanguageResource lr)
          Try to acquire exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store.
 void SerialDataStore.setSecurityInfo(LanguageResource lr, SecurityInfo si)
          set security information for LR .
 void LuceneDataStoreImpl.sync(LanguageResource lr)
          Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent image.
 void SerialDataStore.sync(LanguageResource lr)
          Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent image.
 void SerialDataStore.unlockLr(LanguageResource lr)
          Releases the exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store.

Uses of LanguageResource in gate.wordnet

Subinterfaces of LanguageResource in gate.wordnet
 interface WordNet
          Represents WordNet LKB.