
Type members


sealed trait AnchorPlacement

Configures the anchor placement for section headers. Anchors appear on mouse-over and allow to copy the direct link to the section.

Configures the anchor placement for section headers. Anchors appear on mouse-over and allow to copy the direct link to the section.

sealed abstract case class ButtonLink(target: Target, text: String, icon: Option[Icon], options: Options) extends ThemeLink

A link consisting of text and an optional icon, by default rendered in a rounded rectangle.

A link consisting of text and an optional icon, by default rendered in a rounded rectangle.

object ButtonLink
case class ColorQuintet(c1: Color, c2: Color, c3: Color, c4: Color, c5: Color)

Specifies a set of five colors which is a grouping used in Laika's support for syntax highlighting.

Specifies a set of five colors which is a grouping used in Laika's support for syntax highlighting.

If you use the built-in highlighters (which are based on Laika's own parsers) the display is based on a 10-color scheme with 5 base colors which are usually grayish/low saturation and 5 "wheel" colors which are usually placed around the color wheel.

case class Favicon

Configuration for a single favicon which can be an internal resource or an external URL.

Configuration for a single favicon which can be an internal resource or an external URL.

The sizes string will be used in the corresponding sizes attribute of the generated <link> tag.

object Favicon

Companion for creating Favicon configuration instances.

Companion for creating Favicon configuration instances.

object HeliumIcon

Enumeration for using any of the icons provided by the Helium theme out of the box in the theme configuration.

Enumeration for using any of the icons provided by the Helium theme out of the box in the theme configuration.

Several options like those for the landing page or the top navigation bar allow the addition of icon links where these pre-built selection can be used.

They are based on the icofont which is licensed under the Open Font license and part of the laika-io artifact.

sealed abstract case class IconLink(target: Target, icon: Icon, text: Option[String], options: Options) extends ThemeLink

A link consisting of an icon and optional text.

A link consisting of an icon and optional text.

object IconLink
sealed abstract case class ImageLink(target: Target, image: Image, options: Options) extends ThemeLink

A simple image link.

A simple image link.

object ImageLink
case class ReleaseInfo(title: String, version: String)

Represents release info to be displayed on the landing page.

Represents release info to be displayed on the landing page.

This is specific for sites that serve as documentation for software projects.

Value Params

the header above the version number, e.g. "Latest Stable Release"


the version number of the release

case class Teaser(title: String, description: String)

Represents a single teaser block to be displayed on the landing page. Any number of these blocks can be passed to the Helium configuration.

Represents a single teaser block to be displayed on the landing page. Any number of these blocks can be passed to the Helium configuration.

sealed abstract case class TextLink(target: Target, text: String, options: Options) extends ThemeLink

A simple text link.

A simple text link.

object TextLink
sealed trait ThemeLink extends SpanResolver

A Helium link type available for navigation bars and the landing page.

A Helium link type available for navigation bars and the landing page.