
Internal utility that provides configuration files requested by include statements in other configuration instances.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class LoadedInclude(requestedResource: IncludeResource, resolvedResource: IncludeResource, result: Either[ConfigResourceError, String])
case class RequestedInclude(resource: IncludeResource, parent: Option[IncludeResource])

Value members

Concrete methods

def load[F[_]](includes: Seq[RequestedInclude])(implicit evidence$1: Sync[F], evidence$2: Batch[F]): F[IncludeMap]

Loads the requested resources and maps them to the request instance for later lookup.

Loads the requested resources and maps them to the request instance for later lookup.

If a resource is not present (e.g. file does not exist in the file system or HTTP call produced a 404) then the requested resource will not be present as a key in the result map.

If a resource is present, but fails to load or parse correctly, the error will be mapped to the requested resource as a Left. Successfully loaded and parsed resources appear in the result map as a Right.