Uses of Class

Packages that use Pixmap

Uses of Pixmap in com.badlogic.gdx

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx with parameters of type Pixmap
 void Input.setCursorImage(Pixmap pixmap, int xHotspot, int yHotspot)
          Only viable on the desktop.

Uses of Pixmap in com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders that return Pixmap
 Pixmap PixmapLoader.loadSync(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, PixmapLoader.PixmapParameter parameter)

Uses of Pixmap in

Methods in that return Pixmap
 Pixmap TextureData.consumePixmap()
          Returns the Pixmap for upload by Texture.
static Pixmap PixmapIO.readCIM(FileHandle file)
          Reads the Pixmap from the given file, assuming the Pixmap was written with the PixmapIO.writeCIM(FileHandle, Pixmap) method.

Methods in with parameters of type Pixmap
 void Texture.draw(Pixmap pixmap, int x, int y)
          Draws the given Pixmap to the texture at position x, y.
 void Pixmap.drawPixmap(Pixmap pixmap, int x, int y)
          Draws an area form another Pixmap to this Pixmap.
 void Pixmap.drawPixmap(Pixmap pixmap, int x, int y, int srcx, int srcy, int srcWidth, int srcHeight)
          Draws an area form another Pixmap to this Pixmap.
 void Pixmap.drawPixmap(Pixmap pixmap, int srcx, int srcy, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int dstx, int dsty, int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Draws an area form another Pixmap to this Pixmap.
 void Cubemap.load(Cubemap.CubemapSide side, Pixmap pixmap)
          Sets the specified side of this cubemap to the specified Pixmap, overwriting any previous data set to that side.
 void Cubemap.load(Cubemap.CubemapSide side, Pixmap pixmap, boolean useMipMaps)
          Sets the specified side of this cubemap to the specified Pixmap, overwriting any previous data set to that side.
static void PixmapIO.writeCIM(FileHandle file, Pixmap pixmap)
          Writes the Pixmap to the given file using a custom compression scheme.
static void PixmapIO.writePNG(FileHandle file, Pixmap pixmap)
          Writes the pixmap as a PNG.

Constructors in with parameters of type Pixmap
Cubemap(Pixmap positiveX, Pixmap negativeX, Pixmap positiveY, Pixmap negativeY, Pixmap positiveZ, Pixmap negativeZ)
          Construct a Cubemap with the specified Pixmaps for the sides, does not generate mipmaps.
Cubemap(Pixmap positiveX, Pixmap negativeX, Pixmap positiveY, Pixmap negativeY, Pixmap positiveZ, Pixmap negativeZ, boolean useMipMaps)
          Construct a Cubemap with the specified Pixmaps for the sides, optionally generating mipmaps.
Texture(Pixmap pixmap)
Texture(Pixmap pixmap, boolean useMipMaps)
Texture(Pixmap pixmap, Pixmap.Format format, boolean useMipMaps)

Uses of Pixmap in

Methods in that return Pixmap
 Pixmap PixmapPacker.Page.getPixmap()

Methods in with parameters of type Pixmap
 Rectangle PixmapPacker.pack(String name, Pixmap image)
           Inserts the given Pixmap.

Constructors in with parameters of type Pixmap
PixmapPacker.ManagedPixmapTextureData(Pixmap pixmap, Pixmap.Format format, boolean useMipMaps)

Uses of Pixmap in

Methods in that return Pixmap
 Pixmap PixmapTextureData.consumePixmap()
 Pixmap FloatTextureData.consumePixmap()
 Pixmap FileTextureData.consumePixmap()
 Pixmap ETC1TextureData.consumePixmap()
static Pixmap ETC1.decodeImage(ETC1.ETC1Data etc1Data, Pixmap.Format format)
          Takes ETC1 compressed image data and converts it to a Pixmap.Format.RGB565 or Pixmap.Format.RGB888 Pixmap.

Methods in with parameters of type Pixmap
static ETC1.ETC1Data ETC1.encodeImage(Pixmap pixmap)
          Encodes the image via the ETC1 compression scheme.
static ETC1.ETC1Data ETC1.encodeImagePKM(Pixmap pixmap)
          Encodes the image via the ETC1 compression scheme.
static void MipMapGenerator.generateMipMap(int target, Pixmap pixmap, int textureWidth, int textureHeight)
          Sets the image data of the Texture based on the Pixmap.
static void MipMapGenerator.generateMipMap(Pixmap pixmap, int textureWidth, int textureHeight)
          Sets the image data of the Texture based on the Pixmap.

Constructors in with parameters of type Pixmap
FileTextureData(FileHandle file, Pixmap preloadedPixmap, Pixmap.Format format, boolean useMipMaps)
PixmapTextureData(Pixmap pixmap, Pixmap.Format format, boolean useMipMaps, boolean disposePixmap)

Uses of Pixmap in com.badlogic.gdx.input

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.input with parameters of type Pixmap
 void RemoteInput.setCursorImage(Pixmap pixmap, int xHotspot, int yHotspot)

Uses of Pixmap in com.badlogic.gdx.utils

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.utils that return Pixmap
static Pixmap ScreenUtils.getFrameBufferPixmap(int x, int y, int w, int h)

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