All Classes and Interfaces

This class implements some basic ASCII character handling functions.
Efficient conversion of bytes to character .
Efficient conversion of bytes to character .
Adds the ability for binary based InputSources to obtain the incoming Buffer directly without having to use intermediate objects to copy the data to.
Adds the ability for binary based OutputSinks to write a Buffer instead of having to convert to those types supported by OutputStream.
Buffer chunk representation.
This class is used to represent a chunk of bytes, and utilities to manipulate byte[].
Efficient conversion of character to bytes.
DataChunk implementation, which could be cached in the thread cache.
Utilities to manipulate char chunks.
When we need more space we'll either grow the buffer ( up to the limit ) or send it to a channel.
General interface for CharChunk and BufferChunk.
Chunked transfer encoding implementation.
Compression configuration class.
Common CompressionMode interface.
Abstraction, which represents HTTP content-encoding.
This class serves as a Content-Type holder, plus it implements useful utility methods to work with content-type.
Mutable ContentType object.
Creates a cookie, a small amount of information sent by a servlet to a Web browser, saved by the browser, and later sent back to the server.
Cookie header generator based on RFC6265
Cookie header parser based on RFC6265
The set of Cookie utility methods for cookie parsing.
A collection of cookies - reusable and tuned for server side performance.
Cookies builder, which could be used to construct a set of cookies, either client or server.
The set of Cookie utility methods for cookie serialization.
The general set of Cookie utility methods.
Buffer chunk representation.
Fast date formatter that caches recently formatted date information and uses it to avoid too-frequent calls to the underlying formatter.
Utility class to generate HTTP dates.
Fixed length transfer encoding implementation.
GZip ContentEncoding implementation, which compresses/decompresses HTTP content using gzip algorithm.
Enumeration of all headers as defined in RFC 2616.
This class serves as an HTTP header value holder, plus it implements useful utility methods to optimize headers serialization.
Library of utility methods useful in dealing with converting byte arrays to and from strings of hexadecimal digits.
Base HTTP Filter.
HttpContent message, which represents broken HTTP content.
HttpTrailer message builder.
RuntimeException, means something wrong happened during HTTP message content parsing.
Client side HttpCodecFilter implementation, which is responsible for decoding HttpResponsePacket and encoding HttpRequestPacket messages.
The Filter, responsible for transforming Buffer into HttpPacket and vice versa in asynchronous mode.
General HttpCodec utility methods.
Object represents HTTP message content: complete or part.
HttpContent message builder.
Represents a single logical HTTP transaction.
The class contains a set of standard HTTP events sent on FilterChain during HTTP packets processing.
HttpPacket, which represents HTTP message header.
HttpHeader message builder.
Abstraction, which represents any type of HTTP message: HttpRequestPacket, HttpResponsePacket, HttpContent.
Monitoring probe providing callbacks that may be invoked by Grizzly Http filters.
HttpProbe adapter that provides no-op implementations for all interface methods allowing easy extension by the developer.
The HttpHeader object, which represents HTTP request message.
HttpRequestPacket message builder.
Utility class that make sure an HTTP url defined inside a MessageBytes is normalized, converted and valid.
The HttpHeader object, which represents HTTP response message.
HttpResponsePacket message builder.
Server side HttpCodecFilter implementation, which is responsible for decoding HttpRequestPacket and encoding HttpResponsePacket messages.
This enum encapsulates the HTTP response status and reason phrases as defined by RFC 2616.
HttpContent message, which represents HTTP trailer message.
HttpTrailer message builder.
Utility class.
Abstraction exposing both byte and character methods to read content from the HTTP messaging system in Grizzly.
Web container configuration for keep-alive HTTP connections.
Monitoring probe providing callbacks that may be invoked by Grizzly KeepAlive.
KeepAliveProbe adapter that provides no-op implementations for all interface methods allowing easy extension by the developer.
Lazy cookie implementation, which is based on preparsed Grizzly Buffers.
This class is used to represent a subarray of bytes in an HTTP message.
Predefined HTTP methods
Memory-efficient repository for Mime Headers.
Common interface for HttpPackets, which contain mimeheaders.
Hardcoded mime-type supported by default.
Stream implementation to read binary request content.
Stream implementation for writing binary content to an HTTP user-agent.
Character stream implementation used to read character-based request content.
Stream implementation for writing character content to an HTTP user-agent.
The Note value associated with HttpRequestPacket.
Abstraction exposing both byte and character methods to write content to the HTTP messaging system in Grizzly.
Class, which represents result of TransferEncoding or ContentEncoding parsing.
Maintains semantic state necessary to proper HTTP processing.
Predefined HTTP protocol versions
Request URI holder.
This class implements a String cache for ByteChunk and CharChunk.
An internationalization / localization helper class which reduces the bother of handling ResourceBundles and takes care of the common cases of message formatting which otherwise require the creation of Object arrays and such.
Main tool for object expiry.
Abstraction, which represents HTTP transfer-encoding.
All URL decoding happens here.
Efficient implementation for encoders.