Uses of Interface

Packages that use Document
gate This package contains the public interface to the GATE Java API. 

Uses of Document in gate

Subinterfaces of Document in gate
 interface TextualDocument
          Top interface for all types of textual documents (transient or persistent).

Methods in gate that return Document
 Document LanguageAnalyser.getDocument()
          Get the document property for this analyser.
 Document SimpleAnnotationSet.getDocument()
          Get the document this set is attached to.
static Document Factory.newDocument(String content)
          Create a new transient textual Document from a string.
static Document Factory.newDocument(URL sourceUrl)
          Create a new transient Document from a URL.
static Document Factory.newDocument(URL sourceUrl, String encoding)
          Create a new transient Document from a URL and an encoding.

Methods in gate with parameters of type Document
static String Utils.cleanStringFor(Document doc, AnnotationSet anns)
          Return the cleaned document text as a String covered by the given annotation set.
static String Utils.cleanStringFor(Document doc, Long start, Long end)
          Return the cleaned document text between the provided offsets.
static String Utils.cleanStringFor(Document doc, SimpleAnnotation ann)
          Return the cleaned document text as a String corresponding to the annotation.
static AnnotationSet Factory.createImmutableAnnotationSet(Document document, Collection<Annotation> annotations)
          Utility method to create an immutable annotation set.
static DocumentFormat DocumentFormat.getDocumentFormat(Document aGateDocument, MimeType mimeType)
          Find a DocumentFormat implementation that deals with a particular MIME type, given that type.
static DocumentFormat DocumentFormat.getDocumentFormat(Document aGateDocument, String fileSuffix)
          Find a DocumentFormat implementation that deals with a particular MIME type, given the file suffix (e.g. ".txt") that the document came from.
static DocumentFormat DocumentFormat.getDocumentFormat(Document aGateDocument, URL url)
          Find a DocumentFormat implementation that deals with a particular MIME type, given the URL of the Document.
static int Utils.length(Document doc)
          Return the length of the document as an int -- if the content is too long for an int, the method will throw a GateRuntimeException.
static long Utils.lengthLong(Document doc)
          Return the length of the document as a long.
 void LanguageAnalyser.setDocument(Document document)
          Set the document property for this analyser.
static String Utils.stringFor(Document doc, AnnotationSet anns)
          Return the document text as a String covered by the given annotation set.
static String Utils.stringFor(Document doc, Long start, Long end)
          Returns the document text between the provided offsets.
static String Utils.stringFor(Document doc, SimpleAnnotation ann)
          Return the document text as a String corresponding to the annotation.
 void Corpus.unloadDocument(Document doc)
          Unloads the document from memory.
abstract  void DocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc)
          Unpack the markup in the document.
abstract  void DocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc, RepositioningInfo repInfo, RepositioningInfo ampCodingInfo)
 void DocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc, String originalContentFeatureType)
          Unpack the markup in the document.

Uses of Document in gate.annotation

Fields in gate.annotation declared as Document
protected  Document TestAnnotation.doc1
          A document

Methods in gate.annotation that return Document
 Document AnnotationSetImpl.getDocument()
          Get the document this set is attached to.
 Document CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement.getKeyDocument()
          Get Key document
 Document CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement.getResponseDocument()
          Get Response document

Methods in gate.annotation with parameters of type Document
 void CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement.setKeyDocument(Document aDoc)
          Set Key document
 void CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement.setResponseDocument(Document aDoc)
          Set Response document

Constructors in gate.annotation with parameters of type Document
AnnotationSetImpl(Document doc)
          Construction from Document.
AnnotationSetImpl(Document doc, String name)
          Construction from Document and name.
CorpusAnnotationDiff.DiffSetElement(Annotation aLeftAnnotation, Annotation aRightAnnotation, int aLeftType, int aRightType, Document kDocument, Document rDocument)
          Constructor for DiffSetlement with document name
ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl(Document doc, Collection<Annotation> annotations)
          Constructs an ImmutableAnnotationSet.

Uses of Document in gate.corpora

Classes in gate.corpora that implement Document
 class DocumentImpl
          Represents the commonalities between all sorts of documents.

Fields in gate.corpora with type parameters of type Document
protected  List<Document> SerialCorpusImpl.documents
protected  List<Document> CorpusImpl.supportList
          The underlying list that holds the documents in this corpus.

Methods in gate.corpora that return Document
 Document CorpusImpl.get(int index)
 Document SerialCorpusImpl.get(int index)
 Document CorpusImpl.remove(int index)
 Document SerialCorpusImpl.remove(int index)
 Document CorpusImpl.set(int index, Document element)
 Document SerialCorpusImpl.set(int index, Document element)

Methods in gate.corpora with parameters of type Document
 boolean CorpusImpl.add(Document o)
 boolean SerialCorpusImpl.add(Document o)
 void CorpusImpl.add(int index, Document element)
 void SerialCorpusImpl.add(int index, Document o)
 void TextualDocumentFormat.annotateParagraphs(Document aDoc, int startOffset, int endOffset, String annotSetName)
          This method annotates paragraphs in a GATE document.
 int SerialCorpusImpl.findDocument(Document doc)
protected static boolean TextualDocumentFormat.hasContentButNoValidUrl(Document doc)
          This is a test to see if the GATE document has a valid URL or a valid content.
static void DocumentStaxUtils.readGateXmlDocument(XMLStreamReader xsr, Document doc)
          Reads GATE XML format data from the given XMLStreamReader and puts the content and annotation sets into the given Document, replacing its current content.
static void DocumentStaxUtils.readGateXmlDocument(XMLStreamReader xsr, Document doc, StatusListener statusListener)
          Reads GATE XML format data from the given XMLStreamReader and puts the content and annotation sets into the given Document, replacing its current content.
 Document CorpusImpl.set(int index, Document element)
 Document SerialCorpusImpl.set(int index, Document element)
protected  void TextualDocumentFormat.setNewLineProperty(Document doc)
          Check the new line sequence and set document property.
static String DocumentStaxUtils.toXml(Document doc)
          Returns a string containing the specified document in GATE XML format.
 void CorpusImpl.unloadDocument(Document doc)
          This method does not make sense for transient corpora, so it does nothing.
 void SerialCorpusImpl.unloadDocument(Document doc)
          Unloads a document from memory, calling sync() first, to store the changes.
 void SerialCorpusImpl.unloadDocument(Document doc, boolean sync)
          Unloads a document from memory
 void EmailDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc)
          Unpack the markup in the document.
 void NekoHtmlDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc)
          Old-style unpackMarkup, without repositioning info.
 void SgmlDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc)
          Unpack the markup in the document.
 void TextualDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc)
          Unpack the markup in the document.
 void TikaFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc)
 void XmlDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc)
          Old style of unpackMarkup (without collecting of RepositioningInfo)
 void NekoHtmlDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc, RepositioningInfo repInfo, RepositioningInfo ampCodingInfo)
          Unpack the markup in the document.
 void TextualDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc, RepositioningInfo repInfo, RepositioningInfo ampCodingInfo)
 void TikaFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc, RepositioningInfo repInfo, RepositioningInfo ampCodingInfo)
 void UimaDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc, RepositioningInfo repInfo, RepositioningInfo ampCodingInfo)
 void XmlDocumentFormat.unpackMarkup(Document doc, RepositioningInfo repInfo, RepositioningInfo ampCodingInfo)
          Unpack the markup in the document.
static void TestDocument.verifyNodeIdConsistency(AnnotationSet annotSet, Map offests2NodeId, Document doc)
          This metod runs the test over an annotation Set.
static void TestDocument.verifyNodeIdConsistency(Document doc)
          The reason this is method begins with verify and not with test is that it gets called by various other test methods.
static void DocumentStaxUtils.writeDocument(Document doc, File file)
          Write the specified GATE document to a File.
static void DocumentStaxUtils.writeDocument(Document doc, File file, String namespaceURI)
          Write the specified GATE document to a File, optionally putting the XML in a namespace.
static void DocumentStaxUtils.writeDocument(Document doc, Map<String,Collection<Annotation>> annotationSets, XMLStreamWriter xsw, String namespaceURI)
          Write the specified GATE Document to an XMLStreamWriter.
static void DocumentStaxUtils.writeDocument(Document doc, XMLStreamWriter xsw, String namespaceURI)
          Write the specified GATE Document to an XMLStreamWriter.
static void DocumentStaxUtils.writeTextWithNodes(Document doc, Collection<Collection<Annotation>> annotationSets, XMLStreamWriter xsw, String namespaceURI)
          Writes the content of the given document to an XMLStreamWriter as a mixed content element called "TextWithNodes".
static void DocumentStaxUtils.writeTextWithNodes(Document doc, XMLStreamWriter xsw, String namespaceURI)
          Write a TextWithNodes section containing nodes for all annotations in the given document.
static void DocumentStaxUtils.writeXcesContent(Document doc, OutputStream out, String encoding)
          Save the content of a document to the given output stream.

Method parameters in gate.corpora with type arguments of type Document
 boolean SerialCorpusImpl.addAll(Collection<? extends Document> c)

Uses of Document in gate.creole

Fields in gate.creole declared as Document
protected static Document TestPR.doc1
protected static Document TestPR.doc2
protected static Document TestPR.doc3
protected static Document TestPR.doc4
protected  Document AbstractLanguageAnalyser.document
          The document property for this analyser.
protected  Document ConditionalSerialAnalyserController.document
          The document being processed.
protected  Document SerialAnalyserController.document
          The document being processed.

Methods in gate.creole that return Document
 Document AbstractLanguageAnalyser.getDocument()
          Get the document property for this analyser.
 Document ConditionalSerialAnalyserController.getDocument()
 Document SerialAnalyserController.getDocument()

Methods in gate.creole with parameters of type Document
 void TestPR.compareAnnots(Document keyDocument, Document responseDocument)
protected  void ConditionalSerialAnalyserController.setDocToPrs(Document doc)
          Sets the current document to the memeber PRs
protected  void SerialAnalyserController.setDocToPrs(Document doc)
          Sets the current document to the memeber PRs
 void AbstractLanguageAnalyser.setDocument(Document document)
          Set the document property for this analyser.
 void ConditionalSerialAnalyserController.setDocument(Document document)
 void SerialAnalyserController.setDocument(Document document)

Constructors in gate.creole with parameters of type Document
RealtimeCorpusController.DocRunner(Document document)

Uses of Document in gate.creole.annic

Method parameters in gate.creole.annic with type arguments of type Document
 void Indexer.add(String corpusPersistenceID, List<Document> addedDocuments)
          Add new documents to Index

Uses of Document in gate.creole.annic.lucene

Methods in gate.creole.annic.lucene that return Document
 Document LuceneReader.getDocument()
          Gets the document object

Methods in gate.creole.annic.lucene with parameters of type Document
 List<Document> LuceneDocument.createDocuments(String corpusPersistenceID, Document gateDoc, String documentID, List<String> annotSetsToInclude, List<String> annotSetsToExclude, List<String> featuresToInclude, List<String> featuresToExclude, String indexLocation, String baseTokenAnnotationType, Boolean createTokensAutomatically, String indexUnitAnnotationType)
          Given an instance of Gate Document, it converts it into the format that lucene can understand and can store in its indexes.

Method parameters in gate.creole.annic.lucene with type arguments of type Document
 void LuceneIndexer.add(String corpusPersistenceID, List<Document> added)
          Add new documents to Index

Constructors in gate.creole.annic.lucene with parameters of type Document
LuceneReader(Document gateDoc, List<Token> tokenStream)

Uses of Document in gate.creole.coref

Methods in gate.creole.coref with parameters of type Document
 void AbstractCoreferencer.setDocument(Document newDocument)
          Set the document to run on.
 void Coreferencer.setDocument(Document newDocument)
          Set the document to run on.
 void NominalCoref.setDocument(Document newDocument)
          Set the document to run on.
 void PronominalCoref.setDocument(Document newDocument)
          Set the document to run on.

Uses of Document in gate.creole.gazetteer

Methods in gate.creole.gazetteer that return Document
 Document FlexibleGazetteer.getDocument()
          Returns the document set up by user to work on

Methods in gate.creole.gazetteer with parameters of type Document
 void FlexibleGazetteer.setDocument(Document doc)
          Sets the document to work on

Uses of Document in

Methods in with parameters of type Document
 String DocumentContentReader.getPropertyValue(Document doc)
 String FeatureReader.getPropertyValue(Document doc)
 String PropertyReader.getPropertyValue(Document doc)

Uses of Document in gate.creole.nerc

Constructors in gate.creole.nerc with parameters of type Document
EntityDescriptor(Document document, Annotation annotation)
          Constructs a new entity descriptor starting from a Gate annotation
EntitySet(String fileName, Document document, AnnotationSet annotationSet)
          Constructs an entity set from a Gate annotation set

Uses of Document in gate.creole.orthomatcher

Methods in gate.creole.orthomatcher with parameters of type Document
 String AnnotationOrthography.getStringForAnnotation(Annotation a, Document d)
          Returns normalized content of an annotation - removes extra white spaces.
 String BasicAnnotationOrthography.getStringForAnnotation(Annotation a, Document d)
static String OrthoMatcherHelper.getStringForSpan(Long start, Long end, Document d)
          Gets the content of an annotation
 String AnnotationOrthography.stripPersonTitle(String annotString, Annotation annot, Document doc, Map<Integer,List<Annotation>> tokensMap, HashMap normalizedTokensMap, AnnotationSet nameAllAnnots)
 String BasicAnnotationOrthography.stripPersonTitle(String annotString, Annotation annot, Document doc, Map<Integer,List<Annotation>> tokensMap, HashMap normalizedTokensMap, AnnotationSet nameAllAnnots)
          Return a person name without a title.

Uses of Document in gate.creole.orthomatcher.SampleOrthoMatcher

Methods in gate.creole.orthomatcher.SampleOrthoMatcher with parameters of type Document
 String SampleAnnotationOrthography.getStringForAnnotation(Annotation a, Document d)
 String SampleAnnotationOrthography.stripPersonTitle(String annotString, Annotation annot, Document doc, Map<Integer,List<Annotation>> tokensMap, HashMap normalizedTokensMap, AnnotationSet nameAllAnnots)

Uses of Document in

Constructors in with parameters of type Document
EmailDocumentHandler(Document aGateDocument, Map aMarkupElementsMap, Map anElement2StringMap)
          Constructor initialises some private fields

Uses of Document in gate.event

Methods in gate.event that return Document
 Document CorpusEvent.getDocument()
          Gets the dcument this event refers to
 Document AnnotationSetEvent.getSourceDocument()
          Gets the document that has had an annotation added or removed.

Constructors in gate.event with parameters of type Document
AnnotationSetEvent(AnnotationSet source, int type, Document sourceDocument, Annotation annotation)
CorpusEvent(Corpus source, Document doc, int index, int type)
          Creates a new CorpusEvent.
CorpusEvent(Corpus source, Document doc, int index, Object documentLRID, int type)
          Creates a new CorpusEvent.
DocumentEvent(Document source, int type, Long editStart, Long editEnd)
DocumentEvent(Document source, int type, String setName)

Uses of Document in gate.fsm

Methods in gate.fsm with parameters of type Document
static FSMInstance FSMInstance.getNewInstance(FSM supportGraph, State FSMPosition, Node startNode, Node AGPosition, HashMap<String,AnnotationSet> bindings, Document doc)
          Static method that provides new FSM instances.

Constructors in gate.fsm with parameters of type Document
FSMInstance(FSM supportGraph, State FSMPosition, Node startNode, Node AGPosition, HashMap<String,AnnotationSet> bindings, Document document)
          Creates a new FSMInstance object.

Uses of Document in gate.gui

Fields in gate.gui declared as Document
protected  Document SyntaxTreeViewer.document
protected  Document AnnotationDiffGUI.keyDoc
protected  Document AnnotationDiffGUI.resDoc

Methods in gate.gui with parameters of type Document
 boolean STreeNode.createAnnotation(Document doc, String type, String text, long utteranceOffset)
          Creates an annotation of the given type.
 void STreeNode.removeAnnotation(Document doc)
          Store the annotation in the deleted list so it can retrieved later
static boolean STreeNode.transferAnnotations(Document doc, AnnotationSet targetAS)
          Transfers the annotations from added to the given annotation set Also, for each annotation in removed, removes it from the given annotation set Called by OkAction() in the treeViewer to finalise the changes.
static void STreeNode.undo(Document doc)

Uses of Document in gate.gui.annedit

Methods in gate.gui.annedit that return Document
 Document AnnotationEditorOwner.getDocument()
          Gets the document currently being edited.

Uses of Document in gate.gui.docview

Fields in gate.gui.docview declared as Document
protected  Document AbstractDocumentView.document
          The document this view displays.
protected  Document DocumentEditor.document

Methods in gate.gui.docview that return Document
 Document AbstractDocumentView.getDocument()
          Gets the document this view displays.

Uses of Document in gate.html

Constructors in gate.html with parameters of type Document
HtmlDocumentHandler(Document aDocument, Map aMarkupElementsMap)
          Constructor initialises all the private memeber data.
HtmlDocumentHandler(Document aDocument, Map aMarkupElementsMap, AnnotationSet anAnnotationSet)
          Constructor initialises all the private memeber data
NekoHtmlDocumentHandler(Document aDocument, AnnotationSet anAnnotationSet, Set<String> ignorableTags)
          Constructor initialises all the private memeber data

Uses of Document in gate.jape

Methods in gate.jape with parameters of type Document
 void RhsAction.doit(Document doc, Map<String,AnnotationSet> bindings, AnnotationSet annotations, AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS, Ontology ontology)
          Fires the RHS action for a particular LHS match.
protected  boolean SinglePhaseTransducer.fireRule(List<FSMInstance> acceptingFSMInstances, SinglePhaseTransducer.SearchState state, long lastNodeOff, SimpleSortedSet offsets, AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS, Document doc, SimpleSortedSet annotationsByOffset)
          Fire the rule that matched.
 void Batch.transduce(Document doc)
          Process a single document.
 void Batch.transduce(Document doc, AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS)
          Process a single document.
 void MultiPhaseTransducer.transduce(Document doc, AnnotationSet input, AnnotationSet output)
          Transduce the document by running each phase in turn.
 void Rule.transduce(Document doc, AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS)
          Apply the RHS of this rule (LHS must have been matched first).
 void SinglePhaseTransducer.transduce(Document doc, AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS)
          Transduce a document using the annotation set provided and the current rule application style.
abstract  void Transducer.transduce(Document doc, AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS)
          Transduce a document.
 void RightHandSide.transduce(Document doc, Map<String,AnnotationSet> bindings, AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS, Ontology ontology, ActionContext actionContext)
          Makes changes to the document, using LHS bindings.

Uses of Document in gate.jape.functest

Methods in gate.jape.functest with parameters of type Document
 void BaseJapeTests.AnnotationCreator.annotate(Document doc)
 void BaseJapeTests.BaseAnnotationCreator.annotate(Document doc)
 AnnotationSet BaseJapeTests.AnnotationCreator.createAnnots(Document doc)
protected  Set<Annotation> BaseJapeTests.doTest(Document doc, String japeResourcePath, BaseJapeTests.AnnotationCreator ac, String ontologyURL)

Uses of Document in gate.sgml

Constructors in gate.sgml with parameters of type Document
Sgml2Xml(Document doc)
          The other constructor

Uses of Document in gate.util

Methods in gate.util with parameters of type Document
protected  int CorpusBenchmarkTool.countWords(Document annotDoc)
          Count all Token.kind=word annotations in the document
static boolean TestEqual.documentsEqual(Document doc1, Document doc2)
          Checks two documents for equality.
protected  void CorpusBenchmarkTool.evaluateAllThree(Document persDoc, Document cleanDoc, Document markedDoc, File errDir)
protected  void CorpusBenchmarkTool.evaluateDocuments(Document persDoc, Document cleanDoc, Document markedDoc, File errDir)
protected  void CorpusBenchmarkTool.evaluateTwoDocs(Document keyDoc, Document respDoc, File errDir)
protected  AnnotationDiffer CorpusBenchmarkTool.measureDocs(Document keyDoc, Document respDoc, String annotType)
protected  void CorpusBenchmarkTool.printAnnotations(AnnotationDiffer annotDiff, Document keyDoc, Document respDoc)
protected  void CorpusBenchmarkTool.printAnnotations(Set set, Document doc)
protected  void CorpusBenchmarkTool.processDocument(Document doc)
protected  void CorpusSaver.processDocument(Document doc)
 void DocumentProcessor.processDocument(Document doc)
          Process the given GATE document.
 void LanguageAnalyserDocumentProcessor.processDocument(Document doc)
protected  void CorpusBenchmarkTool.storeAnnotations(String type, AnnotationDiffer annotDiffer, Document keyDoc, Document respDoc, Writer errFileWriter)
protected  void CorpusBenchmarkTool.storeAnnotations(String type, Set set, Document doc, Writer file)

Uses of Document in gate.xml

Methods in gate.xml with parameters of type Document
protected  void TestXml.verifyAnnotationIDGenerator(Document aDoc)
          This method tests if the generator for new Annotation IDs is greather than the maximum Annotation ID present in the GATE document.

Constructors in gate.xml with parameters of type Document
GateFormatXmlDocumentHandler(Document aDocument)
XmlDocumentHandler(Document aDocument, Map aMarkupElementsMap, Map anElement2StringMap)
          Constructs a XmlDocumentHandler object.
XmlDocumentHandler(Document aDocument, Map aMarkupElementsMap, Map anElement2StringMap, AnnotationSet anAnnotationSet)
          Constructs a XmlDocumentHandler object.