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HALFTONE - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfMisc.WmfSetStretchBltMode.StretchBltMode
Maps pixels from the source rectangle into blocks of pixels in the destination rectangle.
handleEmails(StringBuilder, String, String, Iterator<String>) - Method in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.extractor.OutlookTextExtractor
Takes a Display focused string, eg "Nick; Jim" and an iterator of emails, and does its best to return something like "Nick <[email protected]>; Jim <[email protected]>"
handleParentAwareRecords(RecordContainer) - Static method in class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordContainer
Find the records that are parent-aware, and tell them who their parent is
handler - Variable in enum org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfGraphics.FillDrawStyle
HandOut - org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordTypes
HANDOUT - org.apache.poi.hslf.record.SlideAtomLayout.SlideLayoutType
Only header, footer and date placeholders
has7BitEncodingStrings() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.MAPIMessage
Does this file contain any strings that are stored as 7 bit rather than unicode?
HASATTACH - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
hasBeenClaimed(Picture) - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.PictureRunMapper
Has the given Picture been claimed by a non-Run yet?
hasEscherPicture(CharacterRun) - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PicturesTable
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.HSLFTabStop
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.HSLFTabStopPropCollection
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextProp
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextPropCollection
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.BookmarkFirstDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.Colorref
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.Ffn
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FibBase
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FibRgW97
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FontTable
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FootnoteReferenceDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.Hyphenation
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.LFOData
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.ListData
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.ListFormatOverrideLevel
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.ListLevel
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.ListTables
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.OldTextPiece
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PAPX
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.ParagraphHeight
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PICF
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PieceDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PlfLfo
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PropertyModifier
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PropertyNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SavedByEntry
Generates a hash code for consistency with SavedByEntry.equals(Object).
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SectionDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SEPX
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleDescription
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleSheet
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.TextPiece
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.TextPieceTable
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.CHPAbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.FFDataBaseAbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.FibRgLw95AbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.FibRgLw97AbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.GrfhicAbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.LFOAbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.LFOLVLBaseAbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.LSTFAbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.LVLFAbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.SHD80AbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.SHDAbstractType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.UPX
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.Xst
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.sprm.SprmBuffer
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.BorderCode
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DateAndTime
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.DropCapSpecifier
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.LineSpacingDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableAutoformatLookSpecifier
hasHorizontalLine(CharacterRun) - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PicturesTable
determines whether specified CharacterRun contains reference to a picture
hasMetroBlob() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.HSLFMetroShape
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfComment.EmfCommentDataIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfRecordIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusRecordIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hemf.usermodel.HemfEmbeddedIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel.HwmfEmbeddedIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.sprm.SprmIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableIterator
hasPicture(CharacterRun) - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PicturesTable
determines whether specified CharacterRun contains reference to a picture
hasPicture(CharacterRun) - Method in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.PictureRunMapper
Does this run have a Picture in it?
hasSeparator() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hdgf.chunks.ChunkHeader
hasSeparator() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hdgf.chunks.ChunkHeaderV11
Does the chunk have a separator?
hasSeparator() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hdgf.chunks.ChunkHeaderV4V5
Does the chunk have a separator?
hasSeparator() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hdgf.chunks.ChunkHeaderV6
Does the chunk have a separator?
hasSeparator() - Method in interface org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Field
hasStartPoint() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfDraw.EmfPolyBezier
hasStartPoint() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfDraw.EmfPolyBezierTo
hasStartPoint() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfDraw.EmfPolygon
hasStartPoint() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfDraw.EmfPolylineTo
hasTrailer() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hdgf.chunks.ChunkHeader
hasTrailer() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hdgf.chunks.ChunkHeaderV4V5
Does the chunk have a trailer?
hasTrailer() - Method in class org.apache.poi.hdgf.chunks.ChunkHeaderV6
Does the chunk have a trailer?
HATCH_FILL - org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusBrushType
hatchStyle - Variable in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfMisc.EmfExtCreatePen
HDGFDiagram - Class in org.apache.poi.hdgf
See http://www.redferni.uklinux.net/visio/ http://www.gnome.ru/projects/docs/vsdocs.html http://www.gnome.ru/projects/docs/slide1.png http://www.gnome.ru/projects/docs/slide2.png
HDGFDiagram(DirectoryNode) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hdgf.HDGFDiagram
HDGFDiagram(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hdgf.HDGFDiagram
HDGFException - Exception in org.apache.poi.hdgf.exceptions
The superclass of all HDGF exceptions
HDGFException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.poi.hdgf.exceptions.HDGFException
HDGFException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.poi.hdgf.exceptions.HDGFException
HDGFException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.poi.hdgf.exceptions.HDGFException
HDGFException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.poi.hdgf.exceptions.HDGFException
HDGFLZW - Class in org.apache.poi.hdgf
A decoder for the crazy LZW implementation used in Visio.
HDGFLZW() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hdgf.HDGFLZW
head - Variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter.HtmlDocumentFacade
head - Variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter.TextDocumentFacade
header - org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfRecordType
header - org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusRecordType
header - Variable in class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfMisc.EmfModifyWorldTransform
Header() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.blip.Metafile.Header
HEADER - org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FieldsDocumentPart
header subdocument
HEADER - org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FSPADocumentPart
HEADER - org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SubdocumentType
HEADER_FOLDER_ENTRY_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HEADER_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hmef.HMEFMessage
HEADER_TEXTBOX - org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FieldsDocumentPart
header textbox subdoc
HEADER_TEXTBOX - org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SubdocumentType
HEADERATOM - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.HeadersFootersContainer
HeadersFooters - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.model
Header / Footer settings.
HeadersFooters - org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordTypes
HeadersFooters(HSLFSheet, short) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.HeadersFooters
HeadersFooters(HSLFSlideShow, short) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.HeadersFooters
HeadersFootersAtom - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.record
An atom record that specifies options for displaying headers and footers on a presentation slide or notes slide.
HeadersFootersAtom - org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordTypes
HeadersFootersAtom() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.HeadersFootersAtom
Create a new instance of HeadersFootersAtom
HeadersFootersContainer - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.record
A container record that specifies information about the footers on a presentation slide.
HeadersFootersContainer(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.HeadersFootersContainer
HeadersFootersContainer(short) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.HeadersFootersContainer
HeaderStories - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel
A HeaderStory is a Header, a Footer, or footnote/endnote separator.
HeaderStories(HWPFDocument) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.HeaderStories
height - Variable in class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfFont
A 16-bit signed integer that specifies the height, in logical units, of the font's character cell.
HemfComment - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
Contains arbitrary data
HemfComment() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfComment
HemfComment.EmfComment - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfCommentData - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataBeginGroup - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataEndGroup - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataFormat - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataGeneric - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
Private data is unknown to EMF; it is meaningful only to applications that know the format of the data and how to use it.
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataIterator - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataMultiformats - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataPlus - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS record contains embedded EMF+ records.
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataUnicode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfCommentDataWMF - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.EmfFormatSignature - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfComment.HemfCommentRecordType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfDraw - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfDraw.EmfAbortPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
This record aborts a path bracket or discards the path from a closed path bracket.
HemfDraw.EmfArc - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_ARC record specifies an elliptical arc.
HemfDraw.EmfArcTo - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_ARCTO record specifies an elliptical arc.
HemfDraw.EmfBeginPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
This record opens a path bracket in the current playback device context.
HemfDraw.EmfChord - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_CHORD record specifies a chord, which is a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant.
HemfDraw.EmfCloseFigure - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
This record closes an open figure in a path.
HemfDraw.EmfEllipse - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_ELLIPSE record specifies an ellipse.
HemfDraw.EmfEndPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
This record closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the playback device context.
HemfDraw.EmfFillPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_FILLPATH record closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path's interior by using the current brush and polygon-filling mode.
HemfDraw.EmfFlattenPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
This record transforms any curves in the selected path into the playback device context; each curve MUST be turned into a sequence of lines.
HemfDraw.EmfLineTo - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_LINETO record specifies a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point.
HemfDraw.EmfPie - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_PIE record specifies a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyBezier - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYBEZIER record specifies one or more Bezier curves.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyBezier16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYBEZIER16 record specifies one or more Bezier curves.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyBezierTo - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYBEZIERTO record specifies one or more Bezier curves based upon the current position.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyBezierTo16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 record specifies one or more Bezier curves based on the current position.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyDraw - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYDRAW record specifies a set of line segments and Bezier curves.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyDraw16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfDraw.EmfPolygon - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYGON record specifies a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines.
HemfDraw.EmfPolygon16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYGON16 record specifies a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyline - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYLINE record specifies a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyline16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYLINE16 record specifies a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.
HemfDraw.EmfPolylineTo - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYLINETO record specifies one or more straight lines based upon the current position.
HemfDraw.EmfPolylineTo16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYLINETO16 record specifies one or more straight lines based upon the current position.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyPolygon - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYPOLYGON record specifies a series of closed polygons.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyPolygon16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 record specifies a series of closed polygons.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyPolyline - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYPOLYLINE record specifies multiple series of connected line segments.
HemfDraw.EmfPolyPolyline16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 record specifies multiple series of connected line segments.
HemfDraw.EmfRectangle - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_RECTANGLE record draws a rectangle.
HemfDraw.EmfRoundRect - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_ROUNDRECT record specifies a rectangle with rounded corners.
HemfDraw.EmfSelectObject - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SELECTOBJECT record adds a graphics object to the current metafile playback device context.
HemfDraw.EmfSetMoveToEx - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_MOVETOEX record specifies coordinates of the new current position, in logical units.
HemfDraw.EmfSetPixelV - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETPIXELV record defines the color of the pixel at the specified logical coordinates.
HemfDraw.EmfStrokeAndFillPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH record closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush.
HemfDraw.EmfStrokePath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_STROKEPATH record renders the specified path by using the current pen.
HemfDraw.EmfWidenPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
This record redefines the current path as the area that would be painted if the path were drawn using the pen currently selected into the playback device context.
HemfDrawProperties - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.draw
HemfDrawProperties() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.draw.HemfDrawProperties
HemfDrawProperties(HemfDrawProperties) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.draw.HemfDrawProperties
HemfEmbeddedIterator - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.usermodel
HemfEmbeddedIterator(Iterator<HemfRecord>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.usermodel.HemfEmbeddedIterator
HemfEmbeddedIterator(HemfPicture) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.usermodel.HemfEmbeddedIterator
HemfFill - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfFill.EmfAlphaBlend - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfFill.EmfBitBlt - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_BITBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation.
HemfFill.EmfExtFloodFill - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfFill.EmfExtSelectClipRgn - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfFill.EmfFillRgn - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_FILLRGN record fills the specified region by using the specified brush.
HemfFill.EmfFrameRgn - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_FRAMERGN record draws a border around the specified region using the specified brush.
HemfFill.EmfInvertRgn - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_INVERTRGN record inverts the colors in the specified region.
HemfFill.EmfPaintRgn - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_PAINTRGN record paints the specified region by using the brush currently selected into the playback device context.
HemfFill.EmfSetDiBitsToDevice - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE record specifies a block transfer of pixels from specified scanlines of a source bitmap to a destination rectangle.
HemfFill.EmfSetPolyfillMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE record defines polygon fill mode.
HemfFill.EmfStretchBlt - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_STRETCHBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.
HemfFill.EmfStretchDiBits - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_STRETCHDIBITS record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.
HemfFont - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfFont() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfFont
HemfFont.LogFontDetails - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfFont.LogFontExDv - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfFont.LogFontPanose - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfGraphics - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.draw
HemfGraphics(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.draw.HemfGraphics
HemfGraphics.EmfRenderState - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.draw
HemfHeader - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
Extracts the full header from EMF files.
HemfHeader() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfHeader
HemfImageRenderer - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.draw
HemfImageRenderer() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.draw.HemfImageRenderer
HemfMisc - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfMisc() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfMisc
HemfMisc.EmfCreateBrushIndirect - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record defines a logical brush for graphics operations.
HemfMisc.EmfCreateDibPatternBrushPt - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT record defines a pattern brush for graphics operations.
HemfMisc.EmfCreateMonoBrush - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfMisc.EmfCreatePen - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_CREATEPEN record defines a logical pen for graphics operations.
HemfMisc.EmfDeleteObject - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_DELETEOBJECT record deletes a graphics object, which is specified by its index in the EMF Object Table
HemfMisc.EmfEof - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfMisc.EmfExtCreatePen - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfMisc.EmfModifyWorldTransform - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfMisc.EmfRestoreDc - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMF_RESTOREDC record restores the playback device context from a previously saved device context.
HemfMisc.EmfSaveDc - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMF_SAVEDC record saves the playback device context for later retrieval.
HemfMisc.EmfSetBkColor - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The META_SETBKCOLOR record sets the background color in the playback device context to a specified color, or to the nearest physical color if the device cannot represent the specified color.
HemfMisc.EmfSetBkMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETBKMODE record specifies the background mix mode of the playback device context.
HemfMisc.EmfSetBrushOrgEx - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfMisc.EmfSetMapMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETMAPMODE record specifies the mapping mode of the playback device context.
HemfMisc.EmfSetMapperFlags - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS record specifies parameters of the process of matching logical fonts to physical fonts, which is performed by the font mapper.
HemfMisc.EmfSetMiterLimit - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETMITERLIMIT record specifies the limit for the length of miter joins for the playback device context.
HemfMisc.EmfSetRop2 - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETROP2 record defines a binary raster operation mode.
HemfMisc.EmfSetStretchBltMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE record specifies bitmap stretch mode.
HemfMisc.EmfSetWorldTransform - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfMisc.HemfModifyWorldTransformMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfPalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfPalette() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfPalette
HemfPalette.EmfCreatePalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_CREATEPALETTE record defines a logical palette for graphics operations.
HemfPalette.EmfRealizePalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
This record maps palette entries from the current LogPalette object to the system_palette.
HemfPalette.EmfResizePalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_RESIZEPALETTE record increases or decreases the size of an existing LogPalette object
HemfPalette.EmfSelectPalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SELECTPALETTE record specifies a logical palette for the playback device context.
HemfPalette.EmfSetIcmMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETICMMODE record specifies the mode of Image Color Management (ICM) for graphics operations.
HemfPalette.EmfSetIcmMode.ICMMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The ICMMode enumeration defines values that specify when to turn on and off ICM.
HemfPalette.EmfSetPaletteEntries - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES record defines RGB color values in a range of entries for an existing LogPalette object.
HemfPenStyle - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfPenStyle(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfPenStyle
HemfPenStyle(HemfPenStyle) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfPenStyle
HemfPicture - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.usermodel
Read-only EMF extractor.
HemfPicture(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.usermodel.HemfPicture
HemfPicture(LittleEndianInputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.usermodel.HemfPicture
HemfPlusBrush - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusBrush() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusBrush
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusBrush - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusBrush object specifies a graphics brush for filling regions.
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusBrushData - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusBrushType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The BrushType enumeration defines types of graphics brushes, which are used to fill graphics regions.
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusHatchBrushData - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusHatchBrushData object specifies a hatch pattern for a graphics brush.
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusHatchStyle - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusLinearGradientBrushData - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusLinearGradientBrushData object specifies a linear gradient for a graphics brush.
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusPathGradientBrushData object specifies a path gradient for a graphics brush.
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusSolidBrushData - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSolidBrushData object specifies a solid color for a graphics brush.
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusTextureBrushData - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusTextureBrushData object specifies a texture image for a graphics brush.
HemfPlusDraw - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusCompressed - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusDrawDriverString - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusDrawDriverString record specifies text output with character positions.
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusDrawImage - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusDrawImage record specifies drawing a scaled image.
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusDrawImagePoints - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusDrawImagePoints record specifies drawing a scaled image inside a parallelogram.
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusDrawPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusDrawPath record specifies drawing a graphics path
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusDrawRects - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusDrawRects record specifies drawing a series of rectangles.
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusFillPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusFillPath record specifies filling the interior of a graphics path.
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusFillRects - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusFillRects record specifies filling the interiors of a series of rectangles.
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusFillRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusFillRegion record specifies filling the interior of a graphics region.
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusRelativePosition - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusSolidColor - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusUnitType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusFont - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusFont() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusFont
HemfPlusFont.EmfPlusFont - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusGDIImageRenderer - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusGDIImageRenderer() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusGDIImageRenderer
HemfPlusHeader - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusHeader() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusHeader
HemfPlusHeader.EmfPlusGraphicsVersion - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusHeader.GraphicsVersion - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The GraphicsVersion enumeration defines versions of operating system graphics that are used to create EMF+ metafiles.
HemfPlusImage - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusImage() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusImage
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusBitmapDataType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusImage - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusImageAttributes - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusImageDataType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The ImageDataType enumeration defines types of image data formats.
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusMetafileDataType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusObjectClamp - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusPixelFormat - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusWrapMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The WrapMode enumeration defines how the pattern from a texture or gradient brush is tiled across a shape or at shape boundaries, when it is smaller than the area being filled.
HemfPlusMisc - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusMisc() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusMisc
HemfPlusMisc.CombineMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusEOF - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusFlagOnly - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusGetDC - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusGetDC record specifies that subsequent EMF records encountered in the metafile SHOULD be processed.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusMultiplyWorldTransform - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusMultiplyWorldTransform record multiplies the current world space transform by a specified transform matrix.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusObjectId - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusResetClip - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusResetClip record resets the current clipping region for the world space to infinity.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusResetWorldTransform - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusResetWorldTransform record resets the current world space transform to the identify matrix.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusRestore - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusRestore record restores the graphics state, identified by a specified index, from a stack of saved graphics states.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSave - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSave record saves the graphics state, identified by a specified index, on a stack of saved graphics states.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetAntiAliasMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetAntiAliasMode record specifies the anti-aliasing mode for text output.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetClipPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetClipPath record combines the current clipping region with a graphics path.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetClipRect - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetClipRect record combines the current clipping region with a rectangle.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetClipRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetClipRegion record combines the current clipping region with another graphics region.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetCompositingMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetCompositingMode record specifies how source colors are combined with background colors.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetCompositingQuality - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetCompositingQuality record specifies the desired level of quality for creating composite images from multiple objects.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetInterpolationMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetInterpolationMode record specifies how image scaling, including stretching and shrinking, is performed.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetPageTransform - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetPageTransform record specifies scaling factors and units for converting page space coordinates to device space coordinates.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetPixelOffsetMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetPixelOffsetMode record specifies how pixels are centered with respect to the coordinates of the drawing surface.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetRenderingOrigin - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetRenderingOrigin record specifies the rendering origin for graphics output.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetTextRenderingHint - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetTextRenderingHint record specifies the quality of text rendering, including the type of anti-aliasing.
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusSetWorldTransform - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusSetWorldTransform record sets the world transform according to the values in a specified transform matrix.
HemfPlusObject - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusObject() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusObject
HemfPlusObject.EmfPlusObject - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusObject record specifies an object for use in graphics operations.
HemfPlusObject.EmfPlusObjectData - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusObject.EmfPlusObjectType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The ObjectType enumeration defines types of graphics objects that can be created and used in graphics operations.
HemfPlusObject.EmfPlusUnknownData - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusPath() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusPath
HemfPlusPath.EmfPlusPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusPath.EmfPlusPathPointType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The PathPointType enumeration defines types of points on a graphics path.
HemfPlusPen - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusPen() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusPen
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusAdjustableArrowCap - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusCustomLineCap - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusDashedLineCapType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The DashedLineCapType enumeration defines types of line caps to use at the ends of dashed lines that are drawn with graphics pens.
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusLineCapType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The LineCapType enumeration defines types of line caps to use at the ends of lines that are drawn with graphics pens.
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusLineJoin - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The LineJoinType enumeration defines ways to join two lines that are drawn by the same graphics pen and whose ends meet.
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusLineStyle - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The LineStyle enumeration defines styles of lines that are drawn with graphics pens.
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusPathArrowCap - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusPen - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusPenAlignment - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The PenAlignment enumeration defines the distribution of the width of the pen with respect to the line being drawn.
HemfPlusRecord - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRecordIterator - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRecordIterator(LittleEndianInputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusRecordIterator
HemfPlusRecordIterator(LittleEndianInputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusRecordIterator
HemfPlusRecordType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRegion() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusRegion
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusRegion object specifies line and curve segments that define a nonrectilinear shape.
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionEmpty - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionInfinite - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionNode - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
The EmfPlusRegionNode object specifies nodes of a graphics region.
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionNodeData - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionNodeDataType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionRect - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus
HemfRecord - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfRecord.RenderBounds - Interface in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfRecordIterator - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfRecordIterator(LittleEndianInputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfRecordIterator
HemfRecordType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfText - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
Container class to gather all text-related commands This is starting out as read only, and very little is actually implemented at this point!
HemfText() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfText
HemfText.EmfExtCreateFontIndirectW - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfText.EmfExtTextOutA - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfText.EmfExtTextOutOptions - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfText.EmfExtTextOutW - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfText.EmfGraphicsMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfText.EmfSetTextAlign - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETTEXTALIGN record specifies text alignment.
HemfText.EmfSetTextColor - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR record defines the current text color.
HemfText.PolyTextOutA - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
Needs to be implemented.
HemfText.PolyTextOutW - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
Needs to be implemented.
HemfText.SetTextJustification - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfWindowing - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
HemfWindowing() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf.HemfWindowing
HemfWindowing.EmfScaleViewportExtEx - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX record respecifies the viewport for a device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
HemfWindowing.EmfScaleWindowExtEx - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX record respecifies the window for a playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
HemfWindowing.EmfSelectClipPath - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH record specifies the current path as a clipping region for a playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode.
HemfWindowing.EmfSetExcludeClipRect - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.
HemfWindowing.EmfSetIntersectClipRect - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle.
HemfWindowing.EmfSetOffsetClipRgn - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN record moves the current clipping region in the playback device context by the specified offsets.
HemfWindowing.EmfSetViewportExtEx - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX record defines the viewport extent.
HemfWindowing.EmfSetViewportOrgEx - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX record defines the viewport origin.
HemfWindowing.EmfSetWindowExtEx - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX record defines the window extent.
HemfWindowing.EmfSetWindowOrgEx - Class in org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf
The EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX record defines the window origin.
HIDDEN_BIT - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.SSSlideInfoAtom
A bit that specifies whether the corresponding slide is hidden and is not displayed during the slide show.
Hide - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.AnimationInfoAtom
whether the shape is hidden while the animation is not playing
HMEFContentsExtractor - Class in org.apache.poi.hmef.extractor
A utility for extracting out the message body, and all attachments from a HMEF/TNEF/winmail.dat file
HMEFContentsExtractor(File) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hmef.extractor.HMEFContentsExtractor
HMEFContentsExtractor(HMEFMessage) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hmef.extractor.HMEFContentsExtractor
HMEFDumper - Class in org.apache.poi.hmef.dev
Developer focused raw dumper
HMEFDumper(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hmef.dev.HMEFDumper
HMEFMessage - Class in org.apache.poi.hmef
HMEF - Implementation of the Microsoft TNEF message encoding format (aka winmail.dat) See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/241538 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Neutral_Encapsulation_Format http://search.cpan.org/dist/Convert-TNEF/
HMEFMessage(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hmef.HMEFMessage
HOBBIES - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME_ADDRESS_CITY - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME_ADDRESS_STREET - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME_FAX_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty
HORIZONTAL - org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusHatchStyle
Specifies equally spaced horizontal lines.
HORIZONTAL_BRICK - org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus.HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusHatchStyle
Specifies a pattern of lines that has the appearance of horizontally layered bricks.
HPBFDocument - Class in org.apache.poi.hpbf
This class provides the basic functionality for HPBF, our implementation of the publisher file format.
HPBFDocument(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hpbf.HPBFDocument
HPBFDocument(DirectoryNode) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hpbf.HPBFDocument
Opens an embedded publisher document, at the given directory.
HPBFDocument(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hpbf.HPBFDocument
Opens a new publisher document
HPBFDumper - Class in org.apache.poi.hpbf.dev
For dumping out the contents of HPBF (Publisher) files, while we try to figure out how they're constructed.
HPBFDumper(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hpbf.dev.HPBFDumper
HPBFDumper(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hpbf.dev.HPBFDumper
HPBFPart - Class in org.apache.poi.hpbf.model
Parent class of all HPBF sub-parts, handling the fiddly reading in / writing out bits for all of them.
HPBFPart(DirectoryNode, String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hpbf.model.HPBFPart
HRES_ADD_LETTER_BEFORE - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HRES_CHANGE_LETTER_AFTER - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HRES_CHANGE_LETTER_BEFORE - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HRES_DELETE_BEFORE_CHANGE_BEFORE - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HRES_DELETE_LETTER_BEFORE - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HRES_NO - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HRES_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HRESIAbstractType - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types
Hyphenation (HRESI).
HRESIAbstractType() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HRESIAbstractType(HRESIAbstractType) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.types.HRESIAbstractType
HS_BDIAGONAL - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
///// - A 45-degree upward, left-to-right hatch.
HS_CROSS - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
+++++ - A horizontal and vertical cross-hatch.
HS_DIAGCROSS - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
xxxxx - A 45-degree crosshatch.
HS_DITHEREDBKCLR - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
The hatch is not a pattern, but is a dithered color, defined by the current background color.
HS_DITHEREDCLR - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
The hatch is not a pattern, but is a dithered color.
HS_DITHEREDTEXTCLR - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
The hatch is not a pattern, but is a dithered color, defined by the current text (foreground) color.
HS_FDIAGONAL - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
\\\\\ - A 45-degree downward, left-to-right hatch.
HS_HORIZONTAL - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
----- - A horizontal hatch
HS_SOLIDBKCLR - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
The hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color, defined by the current background color.
HS_SOLIDCLR - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
The hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color.
HS_SOLIDTEXTCLR - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
The hatch is not a pattern, but is a solid color, defined by the current text (foreground) color.
HS_VERTICAL - org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHatchStyle
||||| - A vertical hatch
HSLFAutoShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents an AutoShape.
HSLFAutoShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFAutoShape
HSLFAutoShape(ShapeType) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFAutoShape
HSLFAutoShape(ShapeType, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFAutoShape
HSLFBackground - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Background shape
HSLFBackground(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFBackground
HSLFComment - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
HSLFComment(Comment2000) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFComment
HSLFConnectorShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Specifies a connection shape.
HSLFConnectorShape() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFConnectorShape
Create a new ConnectorShape.
HSLFConnectorShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFConnectorShape
Create a ConnectorShape object and initialize it from the supplied Record container.
HSLFConnectorShape(ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFConnectorShape
Create a new ConnectorShape.
HSLFEscherClientDataRecord - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.record
An atom record that specifies whether a shape is a placeholder shape.
HSLFEscherClientDataRecord() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.HSLFEscherClientDataRecord
HSLFEscherClientDataRecord(HSLFEscherClientDataRecord) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.HSLFEscherClientDataRecord
HSLFEscherRecordFactory - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.record
Generates escher records when provided the byte array containing those records.
HSLFEscherRecordFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.HSLFEscherRecordFactory
Creates an instance of the escher record factory
HSLFException - Exception in org.apache.poi.hslf.exceptions
A generic exception that can be thrown by HSLF classes
HSLFException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.poi.hslf.exceptions.HSLFException
HSLFException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.poi.hslf.exceptions.HSLFException
HSLFException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.poi.hslf.exceptions.HSLFException
HSLFException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.poi.hslf.exceptions.HSLFException
HSLFFill - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents functionality provided by the 'Fill Effects' dialog in PowerPoint.
HSLFFill(HSLFShape) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFFill
Construct a Fill object for a shape.
HSLFFontInfo - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a Font used in a presentation.
HSLFFontInfo(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFFontInfo
Creates a new instance of HSLFFontInfo with more or sensible defaults.
HSLFFontInfo(FontInfo) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFFontInfo
HSLFFontInfo(FontEntityAtom) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFFontInfo
Creates a new instance of HSLFFontInfo and initialize it from the supplied font atom
HSLFFontInfo.FontRenderType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
HSLFFontInfoPredefined - Enum in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Predefined fonts
HSLFFreeformShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
A "Freeform" shape.
HSLFFreeformShape() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFFreeformShape
Create a new Freeform.
HSLFFreeformShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFFreeformShape
Create a Freeform object and initialize it from the supplied Record container.
HSLFFreeformShape(ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFFreeformShape
Create a new Freeform.
HSLFGroupShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a group of shapes.
HSLFGroupShape() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFGroupShape
Create a new ShapeGroup.
HSLFGroupShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFGroupShape
Create a ShapeGroup object and initialize it from the supplied Record container.
HSLFGroupShape(ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFGroupShape
Create a new ShapeGroup.
HSLFHyperlink - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a hyperlink in a PowerPoint document
HSLFHyperlink(ExHyperlink, InteractiveInfo) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFHyperlink
HSLFLine - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a line in a PowerPoint drawing
HSLFLine() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFLine
HSLFLine(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFLine
HSLFLine(ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFLine
HSLFMasterSheet - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
The superclass of all master sheets - Slide masters, Notes masters, etc.
HSLFMasterSheet(SheetContainer, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFMasterSheet
HSLFMetroShape<S extends Shape<S,​P>,​P extends TextParagraph<S,​P,​? extends TextRun>> - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.model
Experimental class for metro blobs, i.e.
HSLFMetroShape(HSLFShape) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.HSLFMetroShape
HSLFNotes - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
This class represents a slide's notes in a PowerPoint Document.
HSLFNotes(Notes) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFNotes
Constructs a Notes Sheet from the given Notes record.
HSLFObjectData - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
A class that represents object data embedded in a slide show.
HSLFObjectData(ExOleObjStg) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFObjectData
Creates the object data wrapping the record that contains the object data.
HSLFObjectShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
A shape representing embedded OLE object.
HSLFObjectShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFObjectShape
Create a OLEShape object
HSLFObjectShape(HSLFPictureData) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFObjectShape
Create a new OLEShape
HSLFObjectShape(HSLFPictureData, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFObjectShape
Create a new OLEShape
HSLFPictureData - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
A class that represents image data contained in a slide show.
HSLFPictureData() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFPictureData
Use HSLFSlideShow.addPicture(byte[], org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.PictureData.PictureType) or one of its overloads to create new HSLFPictureData. This API led to detached HSLFPictureData instances (See Bugzilla 46122) and prevented adding additional functionality.
HSLFPictureData(EscherContainerRecord, EscherBSERecord) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFPictureData
Creates a new instance.
HSLFPictureShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a picture in a PowerPoint document.
HSLFPictureShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFPictureShape
Create a Picture object
HSLFPictureShape(HSLFPictureData) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFPictureShape
Create a new Picture
HSLFPictureShape(HSLFPictureData, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFPictureShape
Create a new Picture
HSLFPlaceholder - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a Placeholder in PowerPoint.
HSLFPlaceholder() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFPlaceholder
HSLFPlaceholder(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFPlaceholder
HSLFPlaceholder(ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFPlaceholder
HSLFPlaceholderDetails - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Extended placeholder details for HSLF sheets - mainly for headers and footers
HSLFShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a Shape which is the elemental object that composes a drawing.
HSLFShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFShape
Create a Shape object.
HSLFShapeContainer - Interface in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Common interface for shape containers, e.g.
HSLFShapeFactory - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Create a Shape object depending on its type
HSLFShapeFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFShapeFactory
HSLFShapePlaceholderDetails - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Extended placeholder details for HSLF shapes
HSLFSheet - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
This class defines the common format of "Sheets" in a powerpoint document.
HSLFSheet(SheetContainer, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSheet
HSLFSimpleShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
An abstract simple (non-group) shape.
HSLFSimpleShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSimpleShape
Create a SimpleShape object and initialize it from the supplied Record container.
HSLFSlide - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
This class represents a slide in a PowerPoint Document.
HSLFSlide(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlide
Create a new Slide instance
HSLFSlide(Slide, HSLFNotes, SlideListWithText.SlideAtomsSet, int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlide
Constructs a Slide from the Slide record, and the SlideAtomsSet containing the text.
HSLFSlideMaster - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
SlideMaster determines the graphics, layout, and formatting for all the slides in a given presentation.
HSLFSlideMaster(MainMaster, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideMaster
Constructs a SlideMaster from the MainMaster record,
HSLFSlideShow - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
This class is a friendly wrapper on top of the more scary HSLFSlideShow.
HSLFSlideShow() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShow
Constructs a new, empty, Powerpoint document.
HSLFSlideShow(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShow
Constructs a Powerpoint document from an input stream.
HSLFSlideShow(HSLFSlideShowImpl) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShow
Constructs a Powerpoint document from the underlying HSLFSlideShow object.
HSLFSlideShow(DirectoryNode) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShow
Constructs a Powerpoint document from an DirectoryNode.
HSLFSlideShow(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShow
Constructs a Powerpoint document from an POIFSFileSystem.
HSLFSlideShowEncrypted - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
This class provides helper functions for encrypted PowerPoint documents.
HSLFSlideShowEncrypted(byte[], NavigableMap<Integer, Record>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShowEncrypted
HSLFSlideShowEncrypted(DocumentEncryptionAtom) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShowEncrypted
HSLFSlideShowFactory - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Helper class which is instantiated by reflection from SlideShowFactory.create(java.io.File) and similar
HSLFSlideShowFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShowFactory
HSLFSlideShowImpl - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
This class contains the main functionality for the Powerpoint file "reader".
HSLFSlideShowImpl(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShowImpl
Constructs a Powerpoint document from an input stream.
HSLFSlideShowImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShowImpl
Constructs a Powerpoint document from fileName.
HSLFSlideShowImpl(DirectoryNode) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShowImpl
Constructs a Powerpoint document from a specific point in a POIFS Filesystem.
HSLFSlideShowImpl(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSlideShowImpl
Constructs a Powerpoint document from a POIFS Filesystem.
HSLFSoundData - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
A class that represents sound data embedded in a slide show.
HSLFSoundData(Sound) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFSoundData
Creates the object data wrapping the record that contains the sound data.
HSLFTable - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a table in a PowerPoint presentation
HSLFTable(int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTable
Create a new Table of the given number of rows and columns
HSLFTable(int, int, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTable
Create a new Table of the given number of rows and columns
HSLFTable(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTable
Create a Table object and initialize it from the supplied Record container.
HSLFTableCell - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a cell in a ppt table
HSLFTableCell(EscherContainerRecord, HSLFTable) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTableCell
Create a TableCell object and initialize it from the supplied Record container.
HSLFTableCell(HSLFTable) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTableCell
Create a new TableCell.
HSLFTabStop - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties
HSLFTabStop(int, TabStop.TabStopType) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.HSLFTabStop
HSLFTabStop(HSLFTabStop) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.HSLFTabStop
HSLFTabStopPropCollection - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties
Container for tabstop lists
HSLFTabStopPropCollection() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.HSLFTabStopPropCollection
HSLFTabStopPropCollection(HSLFTabStopPropCollection) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.HSLFTabStopPropCollection
HSLFTextBox - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a TextFrame shape in PowerPoint.
HSLFTextBox() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTextBox
Create a new TextBox.
HSLFTextBox(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTextBox
Create a TextBox object and initialize it from the supplied Record container.
HSLFTextBox(ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTextBox
Create a new TextBox.
HSLFTextParagraph - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
This class represents a run of text in a powerpoint document.
HSLFTextRun - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Represents a run of text, all with the same style
HSLFTextRun(HSLFTextParagraph) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTextRun
Create a new wrapper around a rich text string
HSLFTextShape - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
A common superclass of all shapes that can hold text.
HSLFTextShape() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTextShape
Create a new TextBox.
HSLFTextShape(EscherContainerRecord, ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTextShape
Create a TextBox object and initialize it from the supplied Record container.
HSLFTextShape(ShapeContainer<HSLFShape, HSLFTextParagraph>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTextShape
Create a new TextBox.
HSLFTitleMaster - Class in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel
Title masters define the design template for slides with a Title Slide layout.
HSLFTitleMaster(Slide, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.HSLFTitleMaster
Constructs a TitleMaster
HSMFDump - Class in org.apache.poi.hsmf.dev
Dumps out the chunk details, and where possible contents
HSMFDump(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hsmf.dev.HSMFDump
html - Variable in class org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter.HtmlDocumentFacade
HtmlDocumentFacade - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter
HtmlDocumentFacade(Document) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter.HtmlDocumentFacade
HwmfBinaryRasterOp - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The BinaryRasterOperation Enumeration section lists the binary raster-operation codes.
HwmfBitmap16 - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfBitmap16() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfBitmap16
HwmfBitmap16(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfBitmap16
HwmfBitmapDib - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The DeviceIndependentBitmap Object defines an image in device-independent bitmap (DIB) format.
HwmfBitmapDib() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfBitmapDib
HwmfBitmapDib.BitCount - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfBitmapDib.Compression - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfBrushStyle - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines the brush style.
HwmfCharsetAware - Interface in org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel
Helper interface to provide a default charset to records which would depend on a system charset
HwmfColorRef - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
A 32-bit ColorRef Object that defines the color value.
HwmfColorRef() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfColorRef
HwmfColorRef(Color) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfColorRef
HwmfColorRef(HwmfColorRef) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfColorRef
HwmfDraw - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfDraw.WmfArc - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_ARC record draws an elliptical arc.
HwmfDraw.WmfArc.WmfArcClosure - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfDraw.WmfChord - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_CHORD record draws a chord, which is defined by a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse with a line segment.
HwmfDraw.WmfEllipse - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_ELLIPSE record draws an ellipse.
HwmfDraw.WmfFrameRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_FRAMEREGION record draws a border around a specified region using a specified brush.
HwmfDraw.WmfLineTo - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_LINETO record draws a line from the drawing position that is defined in the playback device context up to, but not including, the specified point.
HwmfDraw.WmfMoveTo - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_MOVETO record sets the output position in the playback device context to a specified point.
HwmfDraw.WmfPie - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_PIE record draws a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials.
HwmfDraw.WmfPolygon - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_POLYGON record paints a polygon consisting of two or more vertices connected by straight lines.
HwmfDraw.WmfPolyline - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_POLYLINE record draws a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.
HwmfDraw.WmfPolyPolygon - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_POLYPOLYGON record paints a series of closed polygons.
HwmfDraw.WmfRectangle - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_RECTANGLE record paints a rectangle.
HwmfDraw.WmfRoundRect - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_ROUNDRECT record paints a rectangle with rounded corners.
HwmfDraw.WmfSelectObject - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SELECTOBJECT record specifies a graphics object for the playback device context.
HwmfDraw.WmfSetPixel - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETPIXEL record sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the specified color.
HwmfDrawProperties - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw
HwmfDrawProperties() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfDrawProperties
HwmfDrawProperties(HwmfDrawProperties) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfDrawProperties
HwmfEmbedded - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel
An embedded resource - this class hides the logic of chained emf+ object records and other internals.
HwmfEmbedded() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel.HwmfEmbedded
HwmfEmbeddedIterator - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel
HwmfEmbeddedIterator(Iterator<HwmfRecord>) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel.HwmfEmbeddedIterator
HwmfEmbeddedIterator(HwmfPicture) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel.HwmfEmbeddedIterator
HwmfEmbeddedType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel
HwmfEscape - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The MetafileEscapes specifies printer driver functionality that might not be directly accessible through WMF records
HwmfEscape() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfEscape
HwmfEscape.EscapeFunction - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfEscape.HwmfEscapeData - Interface in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfEscape.WmfEscapeEMF - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfEscape.WmfEscapeUnknownData - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfFill - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfFill() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfFill
HwmfFill.ColorUsage - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The ColorUsage Enumeration (a 16-bit unsigned integer) specifies whether a color table exists in a device-independent bitmap (DIB) and how to interpret its values, i.e.
HwmfFill.HwmfImageRecord - Interface in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
A record which contains an image (to be extracted)
HwmfFill.WmfBitBlt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfFill.WmfDibBitBlt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfFill.WmfDibStretchBlt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_DIBSTRETCHBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of pixels in device-independent format according to a raster operation, with possible expansion or contraction.
HwmfFill.WmfExtFloodFill - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_EXTFLOODFILL record fills an area with the brush that is defined in the playback device context.
HwmfFill.WmfExtFloodFill.HwmfFloodFillMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfFill.WmfFillRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_FILLREGION record fills a region using a specified brush.
HwmfFill.WmfFloodFill - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_FLOODFILL record fills an area of the output surface with the brush that is defined in the playback device context.
HwmfFill.WmfInvertRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_INVERTREGION record draws a region in which the colors are inverted.
HwmfFill.WmfPaintRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_PAINTREGION record paints the specified region by using the brush that is defined in the playback device context.
HwmfFill.WmfPatBlt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_PATBLT record paints a specified rectangle using the brush that is defined in the playback device context.
HwmfFill.WmfSetDibToDev - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETDIBTODEV record sets a block of pixels in the playback device context using deviceindependent color data.
HwmfFill.WmfSetPolyfillMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETPOLYFILLMODE record sets polygon fill mode in the playback device context for graphics operations that fill polygons.
HwmfFill.WmfSetPolyfillMode.HwmfPolyfillMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines polygon fill mode.
HwmfFill.WmfStretchBlt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_STRETCHBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of pixels according to a raster operation, with possible expansion or contraction.
HwmfFill.WmfStretchDib - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_STRETCHDIB record specifies the transfer of color data from a block of pixels in device independent format according to a raster operation, with possible expansion or contraction.
HwmfFont - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The Font object specifies the attributes of a logical font
HwmfFont() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfFont
HwmfFont.WmfClipPrecision - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
ClipPrecision Flags specify clipping precision, which defines how to clip characters that are partially outside a clipping region.
HwmfFont.WmfFontQuality - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The output quality defines how carefully to attempt to match the logical font attributes to those of an actual physical font.
HwmfFont.WmfOutPrecision - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The output precision defines how closely the output must match the requested font's height, width, character orientation, escapement, pitch, and font type.
HwmfGraphics - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw
HwmfGraphics(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfGraphics
Initialize a graphics context for wmf rendering
HwmfGraphics.FillDrawStyle - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw
HwmfGraphicsState - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw
An util class for saving the state of a Graphics2D object
HwmfGraphicsState() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfGraphicsState
HwmfHatchStyle - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The HatchStyle Enumeration specifies the hatch pattern.
HwmfHeader - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfHeader(LittleEndianInputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfHeader
HwmfHeader.HwmfHeaderMetaType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfImageRenderer - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw
Helper class which is instantiated by DrawPictureShape via reflection
HwmfImageRenderer() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfImageRenderer
HwmfMapMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines the mapping mode.
HwmfMisc - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfMisc() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfMisc
HwmfMisc.WmfCreateBrushIndirect - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record creates a Brush Object from a LogBrush Object.
HwmfMisc.WmfCreatePatternBrush - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfMisc.WmfCreatePenIndirect - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfMisc.WmfDeleteObject - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_DELETEOBJECT record deletes an object, including Bitmap16, Brush, DeviceIndependentBitmap, Font, Palette, Pen, and Region.
HwmfMisc.WmfDibCreatePatternBrush - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH record creates a Brush Object with a pattern specified by a DeviceIndependentBitmap (DIB) Object
HwmfMisc.WmfRestoreDc - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_RESTOREDC record restores the playback device context from a previously saved device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSaveDc - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SAVEDC record saves the playback device context for later retrieval.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetBkColor - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETBKCOLOR record sets the background color in the playback device context to a specified color, or to the nearest physical color if the device cannot represent the specified color.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetBkMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETBKMODE record defines the background raster operation mix mode in the playback device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetBkMode.HwmfBkMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines background mix mode.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetLayout - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETLAYOUT record defines the layout orientation in the playback device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetMapMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETMAPMODE record defines the mapping mode in the playback device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetMapperFlags - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETMAPPERFLAGS record defines the algorithm that the font mapper uses when it maps logical fonts to physical fonts.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetRelabs - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETRELABS record is reserved and not supported.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetRop2 - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETROP2 record defines the foreground raster operation mix mode in the playback device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetStretchBltMode - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE record defines the bitmap stretching mode in the playback device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetStretchBltMode.StretchBltMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfObjectTableEntry - Interface in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
Marker interface for Records, which should be added to the WMF object table for further selection
HwmfPalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfPalette() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfPalette
HwmfPalette.PaletteEntry - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfPalette.WmfAnimatePalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_ANIMATEPALETTE record redefines entries in the logical palette that is defined in the playback device context with the specified Palette object The logical palette that is specified by the Palette object in this record is the source of the palette changes, and the logical palette that is currently selected into the playback device context is the destination.
HwmfPalette.WmfCreatePalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_CREATEPALETTE record creates a Palette Object
HwmfPalette.WmfPaletteParent - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfPalette.WmfRealizePalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_REALIZEPALETTE record maps entries from the logical palette that is defined in the playback device context to the system palette.
HwmfPalette.WmfResizePalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_RESIZEPALETTE record redefines the size of the logical palette that is defined in the playback device context.
HwmfPalette.WmfSelectPalette - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SELECTPALETTE record defines the current logical palette with a specified Palette Object.
HwmfPalette.WmfSetPaletteEntries - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETPALENTRIES record defines RGB color values in a range of entries in the logical palette that is defined in the playback device context.
HwmfPenStyle - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The 16-bit PenStyle Enumeration is used to specify different types of pens that can be used in graphics operations.
HwmfPenStyle(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfPenStyle
HwmfPenStyle(HwmfPenStyle) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfPenStyle
HwmfPenStyle.HwmfLineCap - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfPenStyle.HwmfLineDash - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfPenStyle.HwmfLineJoin - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfPicture - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel
HwmfPicture(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.usermodel.HwmfPicture
HwmfPlaceableHeader - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfPlaceableHeader(LittleEndianInputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfPlaceableHeader
HwmfRecord - Interface in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfRecordType - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
Available record types for WMF
HwmfRegionMode - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfROP2Composite - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw
HWMFs Raster Operation for Binary arguments (Source / Destination)
HwmfROP2Composite(HwmfBinaryRasterOp) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfROP2Composite
HwmfROP3Composite - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw
HWMFs Raster Operation for Ternary arguments (Source / Destination / Pattern)
HwmfROP3Composite(AffineTransform, Shape, HwmfTernaryRasterOp, BufferedImage, Color, Color) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfROP3Composite
HwmfTernaryRasterOp - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
Each ternary raster operation code represents a Boolean operation in which the values of the pixels in the source, the selected brush, and the destination are combined.
HwmfText - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfText() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfText
HwmfText.HwmfTextAlignment - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfText.HwmfTextVerticalAlignment - Enum in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfText.WmfCreateFontIndirect - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfText.WmfExtTextOut - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_EXTTEXTOUT record outputs text by using the font, background color, and text color that are defined in the playback device context.
HwmfText.WmfExtTextOutOptions - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfText.WmfSetTextAlign - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETTEXTALIGN record defines text-alignment values in the playback device context.
HwmfText.WmfSetTextCharExtra - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETTEXTCHAREXTRA record defines inter-character spacing for text justification in the playback device context.
HwmfText.WmfSetTextColor - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETTEXTCOLOR record defines the text foreground color in the playback device context.
HwmfText.WmfSetTextJustification - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION record defines the amount of space to add to break characters in a string of justified text.
HwmfText.WmfTextOut - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_TEXTOUT record outputs a character string at the specified location by using the font, background color, and text color that are defined in the playback device context.
HwmfWindowing - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfWindowing() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfWindowing
HwmfWindowing.WmfCreateRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfWindowing.WmfExcludeClipRect - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_EXCLUDECLIPRECT record sets the clipping region in the playback device context to the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.
HwmfWindowing.WmfIntersectClipRect - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT record sets the clipping region in the playback device context to the intersection of the existing clipping region and the specified rectangle.
HwmfWindowing.WmfOffsetClipRgn - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_OFFSETCLIPRGN record moves the clipping region in the playback device context by the specified offsets.
HwmfWindowing.WmfOffsetViewportOrg - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_OFFSETVIEWPORTORG record moves the viewport origin in the playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
HwmfWindowing.WmfOffsetWindowOrg - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_OFFSETWINDOWORG record moves the output window origin in the playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
HwmfWindowing.WmfScaleViewportExt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SCALEVIEWPORTEXT record scales the horizontal and vertical extents of the viewport that is defined in the playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
HwmfWindowing.WmfScaleWindowExt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_OFFSETWINDOWORG record moves the output window origin in the playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
HwmfWindowing.WmfScanObject - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
HwmfWindowing.WmfSelectClipRegion - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SELECTCLIPREGION record specifies a Region Object to be the current clipping region.
HwmfWindowing.WmfSetViewportExt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETVIEWPORTEXT record sets the horizontal and vertical extents of the viewport in the playback device context.
HwmfWindowing.WmfSetViewportOrg - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETVIEWPORTORG record defines the viewport origin in the playback device context.
HwmfWindowing.WmfSetWindowExt - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETWINDOWEXT record defines the horizontal and vertical extents of the output window in the playback device context.
HwmfWindowing.WmfSetWindowOrg - Class in org.apache.poi.hwmf.record
The META_SETWINDOWORG record defines the output window origin in the playback device context.
HWPFDocument - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf
This class acts as the bucket that we throw all of the Word data structures into.
HWPFDocument(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument
This constructor loads a Word document from an InputStream.
HWPFDocument(DirectoryNode) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument
This constructor loads a Word document from a specific point in a POIFSFileSystem, probably not the default.
HWPFDocument(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument
This constructor loads a Word document from a POIFSFileSystem
HWPFDocumentCore - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf
This class holds much of the core of a Word document, but without some of the table structure information.
HWPFDocumentCore() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocumentCore
HWPFDocumentCore(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocumentCore
This constructor loads a Word document from an InputStream.
HWPFDocumentCore(DirectoryNode) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocumentCore
This constructor loads a Word document from a specific point in a POIFSFileSystem, probably not the default.
HWPFDocumentCore(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocumentCore
This constructor loads a Word document from a POIFSFileSystem
HWPFFileSystem - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.io
HWPFFileSystem() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.io.HWPFFileSystem
HWPFList - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel
This class is used to create a list in a Word document.
HWPFList(boolean, StyleSheet) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.HWPFList
HWPFList(StyleSheet, ListTables, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.HWPFList
HWPFLister - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf.dev
Used by developers to list out key information on a HWPF file.
HWPFLister(HWPFDocumentCore) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.dev.HWPFLister
HWPFOldDocument - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf
Provides very simple support for old (Word 6 / Word 95) files.
HWPFOldDocument(DirectoryNode) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFOldDocument
HWPFOldDocument(POIFSFileSystem) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFOldDocument
HYPERLINK - org.apache.poi.hslf.record.InteractiveInfoAtom.Action
Hyphenation - Class in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model
Hyphenation() - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.Hyphenation
Hyphenation(short) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.Hyphenation
Hyphenation(Hyphenation) - Constructor for class org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.Hyphenation
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