
case class Emphasized(content: Seq[Span], options: Options) extends Span with SpanContainer

A span of emphasized inline elements that may contain nested spans.

trait Container[Seq[Span]]
trait Span
class Element
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Value members

Concrete methods

def withContent(newContent: Seq[Span]): Emphasized

Inherited methods

def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[Element, B]): List[B]

Collects elements by applying the partial function to all elements it is defined for, in depth-first traversal, including this element itself.

Collects elements by applying the partial function to all elements it is defined for, in depth-first traversal, including this element itself.

Inherited from:
def extractText: String

Extracts the text from the spans of this container, removing any formatting or links.

Extracts the text from the spans of this container, removing any formatting or links.

Inherited from:
def foreach(f: Element => Unit): Unit

Invokes the specified function for each child of this element container, including children of children, and this element itself, in depth-first traversal.

Invokes the specified function for each child of this element container, including children of children, and this element itself, in depth-first traversal.

Inherited from:
def hasId: Boolean

Indicates whether this element has an id assigned.

Indicates whether this element has an id assigned.

Inherited from:
def hasStyle(name: String): Boolean

Indicates whether this element has the specified style assigned.

Indicates whether this element has the specified style assigned.

Inherited from:

Returns a new instance of this element with its options merged with the specified options.

Returns a new instance of this element with its options merged with the specified options.

Inherited from:

Returns a new instance of this element with the new options obtained from applying the specified function to the existing value.

Returns a new instance of this element with the new options obtained from applying the specified function to the existing value.

Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
Inherited from:

Rewrites all span children of this container based on the specified rules.

Rewrites all span children of this container based on the specified rules.

Concrete types are expected to support rewriting at least for all standard block, span and template span elements they contain, plus optionally for any other elements that have custom support for rewriting.

Inherited from:
def select(p: Element => Boolean): List[Element]

Selects all elements satisfying the specified predicate, collecting in depth-first traversal, including this element itself.

Selects all elements satisfying the specified predicate, collecting in depth-first traversal, including this element itself.

Inherited from:
override def toString: String
Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def withId(id: String): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with its id set to the specified value, overriding any existing value.

Returns a new instance of this element with its id set to the specified value, overriding any existing value.

Inherited from:
def withStyle(name: String): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified style added to its existing styles.

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified style added to its existing styles.

Inherited from:
def withStyles(styles: Iterable[String]): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified styles added to its existing styles.

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified styles added to its existing styles.

Inherited from:
def withStyles(style: String, styles: String*): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified styles added to its existing styles.

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified styles added to its existing styles.

Inherited from:

Returns a new instance of this element without its id.

Returns a new instance of this element without its id.

Inherited from: