
Provides base parsers that abstract aspects of block parsing common to most lightweight markup languages.

A block parser in Laika can always safely assume that it is invoked at the start of the current line and that the line is not empty.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object builders.type
object BlockParsers.type

Value members

Concrete methods

def block(firstLinePrefix: Parser[Any], linePrefix: => Parser[Any]): Parser[BlockSource]

Parses a full block based on the specified helper parsers.

Parses a full block based on the specified helper parsers.

The string result of this parser will not contain the characters consumed by any of the specified prefix parsers.

Value parameters:

parser that recognizes the start of the first line of this block


parser that recognizes the start of subsequent lines that still belong to the same block

def block(firstLinePrefix: Parser[Any], linePrefix: => Parser[Any], nextBlockPrefix: => Parser[Any]): Parser[BlockSource]

Parses a full block based on the specified helper parsers.

Parses a full block based on the specified helper parsers.

The result of this parser will not contain the characters consumed by any of the specified prefix parsers. The block source returned by this method maintains x-offsets for each individual line so that it can be passed down to recursive block or span parsers without losing position tracking.

Value parameters:

parser that recognizes the start of the first line of this block


parser that recognizes the start of subsequent lines that still belong to the same block


parser that recognizes whether a line after one or more blank lines still belongs to the same block

def indentedBlock(minIndent: Int, linePredicate: => Parser[Any], endsOnBlankLine: Boolean, firstLineIndented: Boolean, maxIndent: Int): Parser[BlockSource]

Parses a full block based on the specified helper parsers, expecting an indentation for all lines except the first. The indentation may vary between the parts of the indented block, so that this parser only cuts off the minimum indentation shared by all lines, but each line must have at least the specified minimum indentation.

Parses a full block based on the specified helper parsers, expecting an indentation for all lines except the first. The indentation may vary between the parts of the indented block, so that this parser only cuts off the minimum indentation shared by all lines, but each line must have at least the specified minimum indentation.

Value parameters:

indicates whether parsing should end on the first blank line


indicates whether the first line is expected to be indented, too


parser that recognizes the start of subsequent lines that still belong to the same block


the maximum indentation that will get dropped from the start of each line of the result


the minimum indentation that each line in this block must have


a parser that produces the raw text of the parsed block with the indentation removed

def indentedBlockWithLevel(minIndent: Int, linePredicate: => Parser[Any], endsOnBlankLine: Boolean, firstLineIndented: Boolean, maxIndent: Int): Parser[(BlockSource, Int)]

Parses a full block based on the specified helper parsers, expecting an indentation for all lines except the first. The indentation may vary between the parts of the indented block, so that this parser only cuts off the minimum indentation shared by all lines, but each line must have at least the specified minimum indentation.

Parses a full block based on the specified helper parsers, expecting an indentation for all lines except the first. The indentation may vary between the parts of the indented block, so that this parser only cuts off the minimum indentation shared by all lines, but each line must have at least the specified minimum indentation.

Value parameters:

indicates whether parsing should end on the first blank line


indicates whether the first line is expected to be indented, too


parser that recognizes the start of subsequent lines that still belong to the same block


the maximum indentation that will get dropped from the start of each line of the result


the minimum indentation that each line in this block must have


a parser that produces the raw text of the parsed block with the indentation removed and the indentation level (number of whitespace characters removed from the text lines)