
A little abstraction that isolates aspects of parsing and formatting dates from the underlying Date API which may differ between JVM and Scala.js applications.

The design is very minimal as date handling is not a core aspect of Laika. For that reason it uses java.util.Date as the lowest common denominator. Application code should convert it to the most convenient type for the platform in use, e.g. with toInstant on the JVM or with new js.Date(date.getTime().toDouble) in Scala.js.

There was a deliberate choice not to depend on any of the available libraries that port the java.time API to Scala, as this would be to heavyweight, in particular for Scala.js.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object PlatformDateTime.type

Type members


type Type

The platform-dependent type representing dates.

The platform-dependent type representing dates.

Value members

Abstract methods

def parse(dateString: String): Either[String, Type]

Parses the specified string either as a date with time zone, or a local date time, or just a date.

Parses the specified string either as a date with time zone, or a local date time, or just a date.

In case of a date time with time zone, ISO 8601 is supported (allowing either Z for UTC or +/- followed by a time offset with or without colon, e.g. +01:30 or +0130.

In case of the time zone info missing, local date time is assumed.

Examples: 2011-10-10 or 2011-10-10T14:48:00 or 2011-10-10T14:48:00+0100 are all allowed.

This is also designed to be somewhat aligned to Date.parse in JavaScript.