
object Parsers extends Parsers
trait Parsers
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

case class ParserException(result: Failure) extends RuntimeException
Inherited from:
implicit class TryOps[A](t: Try[A])

Provides additional methods to Try via implicit conversion.

Provides additional methods to Try via implicit conversion.

Inherited from:

Value members

Inherited methods

def consumeAll[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[T]

A parser that succeeds if the specified parser succeeds and all input has been consumed.

A parser that succeeds if the specified parser succeeds and all input has been consumed.

Inherited from:
def failure(msg: String): Parser[Nothing]

A parser that always fails with the specified message.

A parser that always fails with the specified message.

Inherited from:
def lazily[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[T]

Constructs a parser lazily, useful when breaking circles in recursive parsing.

Constructs a parser lazily, useful when breaking circles in recursive parsing.

Inherited from:
def lookAhead(offset: Int, value: String): Parser[String]

Attempts to parse the specified literal value at the specified offset behind the current position. Never consumes any input.

Attempts to parse the specified literal value at the specified offset behind the current position. Never consumes any input.

Inherited from:
def lookAhead[T](offset: Int, p: Parser[T]): Parser[T]

Applies the specified parser at the specified offset behind the current position. Never consumes any input.

Applies the specified parser at the specified offset behind the current position. Never consumes any input.

Inherited from:
def lookAhead(value: String): Parser[String]

Attempts to parse the specified literal value at the current position. Never consumes any input.

Attempts to parse the specified literal value at the current position. Never consumes any input.

Inherited from:
def lookAhead[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[T]

Applies the specified parser at the current position. Never consumes any input.

Applies the specified parser at the current position. Never consumes any input.

Inherited from:
def lookBehind[T](offset: Int, parser: => Parser[T]): Parser[T]

Applies the specified parser at the specified offset behind the current position. Never consumes any input.

Applies the specified parser at the specified offset behind the current position. Never consumes any input.

Inherited from:
def not(value: String): Parser[Unit]

A parser that only succeeds if the parsing the specified literal value fails and vice versa, it never consumes any input.

A parser that only succeeds if the parsing the specified literal value fails and vice versa, it never consumes any input.

Inherited from:
def not[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[Unit]

A parser that only succeeds if the specified parser fails and vice versa, it never consumes any input.

A parser that only succeeds if the specified parser fails and vice versa, it never consumes any input.

Inherited from:
def opt(value: String): Parser[Option[String]]

A parser for an optional literal string that always succeeds.

A parser for an optional literal string that always succeeds.

If the underlying parser succeeds this parser will contain its result as a Some, if it fails this parser will succeed with a None.

Inherited from:
def opt[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[Option[T]]

A parser for an optional element that always succeeds.

A parser for an optional element that always succeeds.

If the underlying parser succeeds this parser will contain its result as a Some, if it fails this parser will succeed with a None.

Inherited from:
def success[T](v: T): Parser[T]

A parser that always succeeds with the specified value.

A parser that always succeeds with the specified value.

Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

final implicit def TryOps[A](t: Try[A]): TryOps[A]

Provides additional methods to Try via implicit conversion.

Provides additional methods to Try via implicit conversion.

Inherited from: