
The parser implementation for the HOCON format.

It currently supports the full spec as documented in https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/master/HOCON.md.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


implicit class ClosingParserOps[T](parser: Parser[T])
case class PathFragments(fragments: Seq[StringBuilderValue])

Value members

Concrete methods

def anyValue(delimiter: Type[Char]): Parser[ConfigBuilderValue]

Parses any kind of value supported by the HOCON format.

Parses any kind of value supported by the HOCON format.

def concatenatedKey(delimiter: Type[Char]): Parser[Either[InvalidStringValue, Key]]

Parses a key based on the HOCON rules where a '.' in a quoted string is not interpreted as a path separator.

Parses a key based on the HOCON rules where a '.' in a quoted string is not interpreted as a path separator.

def concatenatedValue(delimiter: Type[Char]): Parser[ConfigBuilderValue]
def failWith[T](fallbackParser: Parser[Int], msg: => String)(captureError: Failure => T): Parser[T]
def lazily[T](parser: => Parser[T]): Parser[T]
def stringBuilderValue(delimiter: Type[Char]): Parser[ConfigBuilderValue]

Parses any of the 3 string types (quoted, unquoted, triple-quoted).

Parses any of the 3 string types (quoted, unquoted, triple-quoted).

def unquotedString(delimiters: Type[Char]): Parser[StringBuilderValue]

Parses an unquoted string that is not allowed to contain any of the reserved characters listed in the HOCON spec.

Parses an unquoted string that is not allowed to contain any of the reserved characters listed in the HOCON spec.

Concrete fields

Parses an array value recursively.

Parses an array value recursively.

val comment: Parser[String]

Parses a comment.

Parses a comment.

Parses a literal false value.

Parses a literal false value.

Parses a string enclosed in triple quotes.

Parses a string enclosed in triple quotes.

Parses a null value.

Parses a null value.

Parses a literal number value into a Long or Double depending on whether a fraction part is present.

Parses a literal number value into a Long or Double depending on whether a fraction part is present.

Parses an object value enclosed in braces.

Parses an object value enclosed in braces.

Parses a string enclosed in quotes.

Parses a string enclosed in quotes.

Parses a root configuration object where the enclosing braces may be omitted.

Parses a root configuration object where the enclosing braces may be omitted.

Parses a substitution variable.

Parses a substitution variable.

Parses a literal true value.

Parses a literal true value.

Parses the rest of the current line if it contains either just whitespace or a comment.

Parses the rest of the current line if it contains either just whitespace or a comment.

val wsOrNl: Characters[String]

Parses whitespace or newline characters.

Parses whitespace or newline characters.



final implicit def ClosingParserOps[T](parser: Parser[T]): ClosingParserOps[T]