
Builders that apply additional functionality to existing path translator instances.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Creates a new translator instance that behaves exactly like the specified translator except for ignoring all version configuration.

Creates a new translator instance that behaves exactly like the specified translator except for ignoring all version configuration.

def postTranslate(baseTranslator: PathTranslator)(f: Path => Path): PathTranslatorExtension

Creates a new translator instance that applies the specified path translator function after invoking the base translator.

Creates a new translator instance that applies the specified path translator function after invoking the base translator.

def preTranslate(baseTranslator: PathTranslator)(f: Path => Path): PathTranslatorExtension

Creates a new translator instance that applies the specified path translator function before invoking the base translator.

Creates a new translator instance that applies the specified path translator function before invoking the base translator.