
Configurable base parsers for string literals.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object Escape

Base parsers for escape sequences.

Base parsers for escape sequences.

case class StringParser(startDelimParser: PrefixedParser[String], endDelimParser: PrefixedParser[String], multiline: Boolean, postCondition: Option[Parser[Unit]], embedded: Seq[CodeSpanParser], defaultCategories: Set[CodeCategory]) extends CodeParserBase

Configurable base parser for string literals.

Configurable base parser for string literals.

Base parsers for substitution references in interpolated strings (or sometimes called string templates depending on the language).

Base parsers for substitution references in interpolated strings (or sometimes called string templates depending on the language).

Value members

Concrete methods

def multiLine(between: String): StringParser

Parses a string literal that can span multiple lines, enclosed by the specified start and end delimiter.

Parses a string literal that can span multiple lines, enclosed by the specified start and end delimiter.

def multiLine(startDelim: String, endDelim: String): StringParser

Parses a string literal that can span multiple lines, enclosed by the specified start and end delimiters.

Parses a string literal that can span multiple lines, enclosed by the specified start and end delimiters.

def multiLine(startDelim: PrefixedParser[String], endDelim: PrefixedParser[String]): StringParser

Parses a string literal that can span multiple lines, enclosed by the specified delimiters.

Parses a string literal that can span multiple lines, enclosed by the specified delimiters.

def singleLine(between: Char): StringParser

Parses a string literal on a single line enclosed by the specified start and end delimiter.

Parses a string literal on a single line enclosed by the specified start and end delimiter.

def singleLine(startDelim: String, endDelim: String): StringParser

Parses a string literal on a single line enclosed by the specified start and end delimiters.

Parses a string literal on a single line enclosed by the specified start and end delimiters.

def singleLine(startDelim: PrefixedParser[String], endDelim: PrefixedParser[String]): StringParser

Parses a string literal on a single line enclosed by the specified start and end delimiters.

Parses a string literal on a single line enclosed by the specified start and end delimiters.