object JFXApp
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object Parameters
abstract class Parameters extends SFXDelegate[Parameters]
class PrimaryStage extends Stage

Simple helper class for construction of primary application stages.

Simple helper class for construction of primary application stages.

The primary stage has to wrap an instance of a JavaFX primary stage created by JavaFX when application is initialized.

 object SimpleScalaFXApp extends JFXApp {
    stage = new PrimaryStage {
      title = "Simple ScalaFX App"
      scene = new Scene {
        root = new StackPane {
          padding = Insets(20)
          content = new Rectangle {
            width = 200
            height = 200
            fill = Color.DEEPSKYBLUE

Value members

Concrete methods

def userAgentStylesheet: String

Get the user agent stylesheet used by the whole application. This is used to provide default styling for all ui controls and other nodes. A value of null means the platform default stylesheet is being used.

Get the user agent stylesheet used by the whole application. This is used to provide default styling for all ui controls and other nodes. A value of null means the platform default stylesheet is being used.

NOTE: This method must be called on the JavaFX Application Thread.


The URL to the stylesheet as a String.

def userAgentStylesheet_=(url: String): Unit

Set the user agent stylesheet used by the whole application. This is used to provide default styling for all ui controls and other nodes. Each release of JavaFX may have a new default value for this so if you need to guarantee consistency you will need to call this method and choose what default you would like for your application. A value of null will restore the platform default stylesheet. This property can also be set on the command line with -Djavafx.userAgentStylesheetUrl=[URL] Setting it on the command line overrides anything set using this method in code.

Set the user agent stylesheet used by the whole application. This is used to provide default styling for all ui controls and other nodes. Each release of JavaFX may have a new default value for this so if you need to guarantee consistency you will need to call this method and choose what default you would like for your application. A value of null will restore the platform default stylesheet. This property can also be set on the command line with -Djavafx.userAgentStylesheetUrl=[URL] Setting it on the command line overrides anything set using this method in code.

NOTE: This method must be called on the JavaFX Application Thread.

Value Params

The URL to the stylesheet as a String.

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Prefer Scala naming convention over Java, use `ActiveApp` instead.", "8.0.60-R10")
@deprecated("Prefer Scala naming convention over Java, use `ActiveApp` instead.", "8.0.60-R10")
def ACTIVE_APP_=(app: JFXApp): Unit
@deprecated("Prefer Scala naming convention over Java, use `AutoShow` instead.", "8.0.60-R10")
def AUTO_SHOW: Boolean
@deprecated("Prefer Scala naming convention over Java, use `AutoShow` instead.", "8.0.60-R10")
def AUTO_SHOW_=(autoShow: Boolean): Unit
@deprecated("Prefer Scala naming convention over Java, use `Stage` instead.", "8.0.60-R10")
def STAGE: Stage
@deprecated("Prefer Scala naming convention over Java, use `Stage` instead.", "8.0.60-R10")
def STAGE_=(stage: Stage): Unit

Concrete fields

var AutoShow: Boolean
var Stage: Stage