
abstract class Node extends EventHandlerDelegate2 with Styleable with SFXDelegate[Node]
Value Params

JavaFX Node


creates a new ScalaFX Node from a JavaFX Node.

trait Styleable
trait SFXDelegate[Node]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class SwingNode
class Camera
class LightBase
class Parent
class Group
class Region
class Axis[T]
class ValueAxis[T]
class Chart
class PieChart
class XYChart[X, Y]
class AreaChart[X, Y]
class BarChart[X, Y]
class BubbleChart[X, Y]
class LineChart[X, Y]
class ScatterChart[X, Y]
class StackedAreaChart[X, Y]
class StackedBarChart[X, Y]
class Control
class Accordion
class ButtonBar
class ChoiceBox[J]
class ComboBoxBase[T]
class ComboBox[T]
class Labeled
class Button
class CheckBox
class Hyperlink
class Cell[T]
class DateCell
class IndexedCell[T]
class ListCell[T]
class TableCell[S, T]
class CheckBoxTableCell[S, T]
class ChoiceBoxTableCell[S, T]
class ComboBoxTableCell[S, T]
class TextFieldTableCell[S, T]
class TableRow[T]
class TreeCell[T]
class TreeTableCell[S, T]
class TreeTableRow[T]
class Label
class ListView[T]
class MenuBar
class ScrollBar
class Separator
class Slider
class Spinner[T]
class SplitPane
class TabPane
class TableView[S]
class TextArea
class TextField
class ToolBar
class TreeTableView[S]
class TreeView[T]
class Pane
class FlowPane
class GridPane
class HBox
class StackPane
class TilePane
class VBox
class TextFlow
class WebView
class SubScene
class Canvas
class ImageView
class MediaView
class Shape
class Arc
class Circle
class Ellipse
class Line
class Path
class Polygon
class Polyline
class QuadCurve
class Rectangle
class SVGPath
class Text
class Shape3D
class Box
class Cylinder
class MeshView
class Sphere

Type members

Inherited classlikes

Trait used for handle events manipulation. JavaFX class wrapped must have methods defined in scalafx.event.EventHandlerDelegate2.EventHandled Type:

Trait used for handle events manipulation. JavaFX class wrapped must have methods defined in scalafx.event.EventHandlerDelegate2.EventHandled Type:

def addEventHandler   [E <: jfxe.Event](eventType: jfxe.EventType[E], eventHandler: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: E])
def removeEventHandler[E <: jfxe.Event](eventType: jfxe.EventType[E], eventHandler: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: E])
def addEventFilter    [E <: jfxe.Event](eventType: jfxe.EventType[E], eventHandler: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: E])
def removeEventFilter [E <: jfxe.Event](eventType: jfxe.EventType[E], eventHandler: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: E])
def buildEventDispatchChain(chain: jfxe.EventDispatchChain): jfxe.EventDispatchChain
Inherited from
object FilterMagnet

Companion object implementing Magnet Pattern Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

Companion object implementing Magnet Pattern Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

Inherited from
sealed trait FilterMagnet[J <: Event, S <: SFXDelegate[J]]

Trait implementing Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

Trait implementing Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

Inherited from
sealed trait HandlerMagnet[J <: Event, S <: SFXDelegate[J]]

Trait implementing Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

Trait implementing Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

Inherited from

Companion object implementing Magnet Pattern Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

Companion object implementing Magnet Pattern Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

The accessible help text for this Node.

The accessible help text for this Node.

The help text provides a more detailed description of the accessible text for a node. By default, if the node has a tool tip, this text is used.

Default value is null.


JavaFX 8u40

def accessibleHelp_=(v: String): Unit
def accessibleRole: ObjectProperty[AccessibleRole]

The accessible role for this Node.

The accessible role for this Node.

The screen reader uses the role of a node to determine the attributes and actions that are supported.


JavaFX 8u40

The role description of this Node.

The role description of this Node.

Noramlly, when a role is provided for a node, the screen reader speaks the role as well as the contents of the node. When this value is set, it is possbile to override the default. This is useful because the set of roles is predefined. For example, it is possible to set the role of a node to be a button, but have the role description be arbitrary text.

Default value is null.


JavaFX 8u40

def accessibleRoleDescription_=(v: String): Unit

The accessible text for this Node.

The accessible text for this Node.

This property is used to set the text that the screen reader will speak. If a node normally speaks text, that text is overriden. For example, a button usually speaks using the text in the control but will no longer do this when this value is set.

Default value is null.


JavaFX 8u40

def accessibleText_=(v: String): Unit

Pseudo-property that indicates this Node position inside its respective parent.

Pseudo-property that indicates this Node position inside its respective parent.

def alignmentInParent_=(p: Pos): Unit

Sets this Node's alignment constraint inside its Parent. If set, will override the Parent's default alignment. Setting the value to null will remove the constraint. Internally it calls setAlignment(Node, Pos) static method JavaFX's BorderPane, StackPane and TilePane. Furthermore, it is set halignment and valignment property (using JavaFX Node's getProperties()) and called javafx.geometry.HPos) setHalignment and javafx.geometry.VPos) setValignment static methods from GridPane; this time using hpos and vpos from Pos argument. Besides, it sets this node alignment property towards JavaFX Node&apos;s getProperties() and setAlignment static method from

Sets this Node's alignment constraint inside its Parent. If set, will override the Parent's default alignment. Setting the value to null will remove the constraint. Internally it calls setAlignment(Node, Pos) static method JavaFX's BorderPane, StackPane and TilePane. Furthermore, it is set halignment and valignment property (using JavaFX Node's getProperties()) and called javafx.geometry.HPos) setHalignment and javafx.geometry.VPos) setValignment static methods from GridPane; this time using hpos and vpos from Pos argument. Besides, it sets this node alignment property towards JavaFX Node&apos;s getProperties() and setAlignment static method from

'''Do not confuse''' with alignment property from scalafx.delegate.AlignmentDelegate! It refers to alignment ''inside'' element, while alignmentInParent refers to element's alignment inside its parent.

Value Params

New node's Position

def autosize(): Unit

If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to its current preferred width and height.

If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to its current preferred width and height.

def baselineOffset: Double

The 'alphabetic' (or 'roman') baseline offset from the node's layoutBounds.minY location that should be used when this node is being vertically aligned by baseline with other nodes.

The 'alphabetic' (or 'roman') baseline offset from the node's layoutBounds.minY location that should be used when this node is being vertically aligned by baseline with other nodes.

def blendMode: ObjectProperty[BlendMode]

The BlendMode used to blend this individual node into the scene behind it.

The BlendMode used to blend this individual node into the scene behind it.

def blendMode_=(v: BlendMode): Unit

The rectangular bounds of this Node in the node's untransformed local coordinate space.

The rectangular bounds of this Node in the node's untransformed local coordinate space.

The rectangular bounds of this Node which include its transforms.

The rectangular bounds of this Node which include its transforms.

A performance hint to the system to indicate that this Node should be cached as a bitmap.

A performance hint to the system to indicate that this Node should be cached as a bitmap.

def cacheHint: ObjectProperty[CacheHint]

Additional hint for controlling bitmap caching.

Additional hint for controlling bitmap caching.

def cacheHint_=(v: CacheHint): Unit
def cache_=(v: Boolean): Unit
def clip: ObjectProperty[Node]

Specifies a Node to use to define the the clipping shape for this Node.

Specifies a Node to use to define the the clipping shape for this Node.

def clip_=(v: Node): Unit
def contains(localX: Double, localY: Double): Boolean

Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node.

Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node.

def contains(localPoint: Point2D): Boolean

Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node.

Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node.

Returns the orientation of a node's resizing bias for layout purposes. If the node type has no bias, returns null. If the node is resizable and it's height depends on its width, returns HORIZONTAL, else if its width depends on its height, returns VERTICAL.

Returns the orientation of a node's resizing bias for layout purposes. If the node type has no bias, returns null. If the node is resizable and it's height depends on its width, returns HORIZONTAL, else if its width depends on its height, returns VERTICAL.

Resizable subclasses should override this method to return an appropriate value.


orientation of width/height dependency or null if there is none

def cursor: ObjectProperty[Cursor]

Defines the mouse cursor for this Node and subnodes.

Defines the mouse cursor for this Node and subnodes.

def cursor_=(v: Cursor): Unit
def depthTest: ObjectProperty[DepthTest]

Indicates whether depth testing is used when rendering this node.

Indicates whether depth testing is used when rendering this node.

def depthTest_=(v: DepthTest): Unit

Sets the individual disabled state of this Node.

Sets the individual disabled state of this Node.

def disable_=(v: Boolean): Unit

Indicates whether or not this Node is disabled.

Indicates whether or not this Node is disabled.

def effect: ObjectProperty[Effect]

Specifies an effect to apply to this Node.

Specifies an effect to apply to this Node.

def effect_=(v: Effect): Unit

The effective orientation of a node resolves the inheritance of node orientation, returning either left-to-right or right-to-left.

The effective orientation of a node resolves the inheritance of node orientation, returning either left-to-right or right-to-left.

def eventDispatcher: ObjectProperty[EventDispatcher]

Specifies the event dispatcher for this node.

Specifies the event dispatcher for this node.

def eventDispatcher_=(v: EventDispatcher): Unit
def fireEvent(event: Event): Unit

Fires the specified event.

Fires the specified event.

Specifies whether this Node should be a part of focus traversal cycle.

Specifies whether this Node should be a part of focus traversal cycle.

def focusTraversable_=(v: Boolean): Unit

Indicates whether this Node currently has the input focus.

Indicates whether this Node currently has the input focus.

Pseudo-property that returns this Node's hgrow constraint if set.

Pseudo-property that returns this Node's hgrow constraint if set.


the horizontal grow priority for the child or null if no priority was set

def hgrow_=(p: Priority): Unit

Sets the horizontal grow priority for this Node inside its parent. Setting the value to null will remove the constraint. Internally it calls setHgrow(Node, Priority) static method from JavaFX's GridPane and HBox besides fill this Node's "hgrow" property.

Sets the horizontal grow priority for this Node inside its parent. Setting the value to null will remove the constraint. Internally it calls setHgrow(Node, Priority) static method from JavaFX's GridPane and HBox besides fill this Node's "hgrow" property.

Value Params

the horizontal grow priority for this Node

Whether or not this Node is being hovered over.

Whether or not this Node is being hovered over.

The id of this Node.

The id of this Node.

def id_=(v: String): Unit
def inputMethodRequests: ObjectProperty[InputMethodRequests]

Property holding InputMethodRequests.

Property holding InputMethodRequests.

def inputMethodRequests_=(v: InputMethodRequests): Unit
def intersects(localBounds: Bounds): Boolean

Returns true if the given bounds (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) intersects the shape of this Node.

Returns true if the given bounds (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) intersects the shape of this Node.

def intersects(localX: Double, localY: Double, localWidth: Double, localHeight: Double): Boolean

Returns true if the given rectangle (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) intersects the shape of this Node.

Returns true if the given rectangle (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) intersects the shape of this Node.

The rectangular bounds that should be used for layout calculations for this node.

The rectangular bounds that should be used for layout calculations for this node.

Defines the x coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform for the purpose of layout.

Defines the x coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform for the purpose of layout.

def layoutX_=(v: Double): Unit

Defines the y coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform for the purpose of layout.

Defines the y coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform for the purpose of layout.

def layoutY_=(v: Double): Unit
def localToParent(localBounds: Bounds): Bounds

Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

def localToParent(localX: Double, localY: Double): Point2D

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

def localToParent(localPoint: Point2D): Point2D

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

An affine transform that holds the computed local-to-parent transform. This is the concatenation of all transforms in this node, including all of the convenience transforms.

An affine transform that holds the computed local-to-parent transform. This is the concatenation of all transforms in this node, including all of the convenience transforms.



def localToScene(localBounds: Bounds): Bounds

Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Scene.

Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Scene.

def localToScene(localX: Double, localY: Double): Point2D

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Scene.

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Scene.

def localToScene(localPoint: Point2D): Point2D

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Scene.

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Scene.

An affine transform that holds the computed local-to-scene transform. This is the concatenation of all transforms in this node's parents and in this node, including all of the convenience transforms.

An affine transform that holds the computed local-to-scene transform. This is the concatenation of all transforms in this node's parents and in this node, including all of the convenience transforms.



def lookup(selector: String): Node

Finds this Node, or the first sub-node, based on the given CSS selector.

Finds this Node, or the first sub-node, based on the given CSS selector.

def lookupAll(selector: String): Set[Node]

Finds all Nodes, including this one and any children, which match the given CSS selector.

Finds all Nodes, including this one and any children, which match the given CSS selector.

Defines whether or not this node's layout will be managed by it's parent.

Defines whether or not this node's layout will be managed by it's parent.

def managed_=(v: Boolean): Unit

Pseudo-property that returns this Node's margin constraint inside its Parent if set.

Pseudo-property that returns this Node's margin constraint inside its Parent if set.


this Node's margin constraint inside its Parent or null if no margin was set.

def margin_=(i: Insets): Unit

Sets this Node's margin constraint inside its Parent if set. If set, the parent will layout the child with the margin space around it. Setting the value to null will remove the constraint. Internally it calls setMargin(Node, Insets) static method from JavaFX's BorderPane, FlowPane, GridPane, HBox, StackPane and VBox besides fill this Node's "margin" property.

Sets this Node's margin constraint inside its Parent if set. If set, the parent will layout the child with the margin space around it. Setting the value to null will remove the constraint. Internally it calls setMargin(Node, Insets) static method from JavaFX's BorderPane, FlowPane, GridPane, HBox, StackPane and VBox besides fill this Node's "margin" property.

Value Params

The margin of space around this Node inside its parent.

def maxHeight(height: Double): Double

Returns the node's maximum height for use in layout calculations.

Returns the node's maximum height for use in layout calculations.

def maxWidth(width: Double): Double

Returns the node's maximum width for use in layout calculations.

Returns the node's maximum width for use in layout calculations.

def minHeight(height: Double): Double

Returns the node's minimum height for use in layout calculations.

Returns the node's minimum height for use in layout calculations.

def minWidth(width: Double): Double

Returns the node's minimum width for use in layout calculations.

Returns the node's minimum width for use in layout calculations.

If true, this node (together with all its children) is completely transparent to mouse events.

If true, this node (together with all its children) is completely transparent to mouse events.

def mouseTransparent_=(v: Boolean): Unit
def nodeOrientation: ObjectProperty[NodeOrientation]

Node orientation describes the flow of visual data within a node.

Node orientation describes the flow of visual data within a node.

def onContextMenuRequested: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: ContextMenuEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a context menu has been requested on this Node.

Defines a function to be called when a context menu has been requested on this Node.

def onContextMenuRequested_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: ContextMenuEvent]): Unit
def onDragDetected: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture has been detected.

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture has been detected.

def onDragDetected_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]): Unit
def onDragDone: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when this Node is a drag and drop gesture source after its data has been dropped on a drop target.

Defines a function to be called when this Node is a drag and drop gesture source after its data has been dropped on a drop target.

def onDragDone_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]): Unit
def onDragDropped: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when the mouse button is released on this Node during drag and drop gesture.

Defines a function to be called when the mouse button is released on this Node during drag and drop gesture.

def onDragDropped_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]): Unit
def onDragEntered: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture enters this Node.

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture enters this Node.

def onDragEntered_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]): Unit
def onDragExited: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture exits this Node.

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture exits this Node.

def onDragExited_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]): Unit
def onDragOver: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture progresses within this Node.

Defines a function to be called when drag gesture progresses within this Node.

def onDragOver_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: DragEvent]): Unit
def onInputMethodTextChanged: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: InputMethodEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when this Node has input focus and the input method text has changed.

Defines a function to be called when this Node has input focus and the input method text has changed.

def onInputMethodTextChanged_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: InputMethodEvent]): Unit
def onKeyPressed: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: KeyEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key has been pressed.

Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key has been pressed.

def onKeyPressed_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: KeyEvent]): Unit
def onKeyReleased: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: KeyEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key has been released.

Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key has been released.

def onKeyReleased_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: KeyEvent]): Unit
def onKeyTyped: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: KeyEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key has been typed.

Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key has been typed.

def onKeyTyped_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: KeyEvent]): Unit
def onMouseClicked: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on this Node.

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on this Node.

def onMouseClicked_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]): Unit
def onMouseDragEntered: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseDragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture enters this Node.

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture enters this Node.

def onMouseDragEntered_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseDragEvent]): Unit
def onMouseDragExited: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseDragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture leaves this Node.

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture leaves this Node.

def onMouseDragExited_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseDragEvent]): Unit
def onMouseDragOver: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseDragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture progresses within this Node.

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture progresses within this Node.

def onMouseDragOver_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseDragEvent]): Unit
def onMouseDragReleased: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseDragEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture ends (by releasing mouse button) within this Node.

Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture ends (by releasing mouse button) within this Node.

def onMouseDragReleased_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseDragEvent]): Unit
def onMouseDragged: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button is pressed on this Node and then dragged.

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button is pressed on this Node and then dragged.

def onMouseDragged_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]): Unit
def onMouseEntered: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when the mouse enters this Node.

Defines a function to be called when the mouse enters this Node.

def onMouseEntered_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]): Unit
def onMouseExited: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when the mouse exits this Node.

Defines a function to be called when the mouse exits this Node.

def onMouseExited_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]): Unit
def onMouseMoved: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]]
def onMouseMoved_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]): Unit
def onMousePressed: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been pressed on this Node.

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been pressed on this Node.

def onMousePressed_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]): Unit
def onMouseReleased: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been released on this Node.

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been released on this Node.

def onMouseReleased_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: MouseEvent]): Unit
def onRotate: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: RotateEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when user performs a rotation action.

Defines a function to be called when user performs a rotation action.



def onRotate_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: RotateEvent]): Unit
def onRotationFinished: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: RotateEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a rotation gesture ends.

Defines a function to be called when a rotation gesture ends.



def onRotationFinished_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: RotateEvent]): Unit
def onRotationStarted: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: RotateEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a rotation gesture starts.

Defines a function to be called when a rotation gesture starts.



def onRotationStarted_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: RotateEvent]): Unit
def onScroll: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: ScrollEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when user performs a scrolling action.

Defines a function to be called when user performs a scrolling action.

def onScrollFinished: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: ScrollEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a Scroll gesture ends.

Defines a function to be called when a Scroll gesture ends.



def onScrollFinished_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: ScrollEvent]): Unit
def onScrollStarted: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: ScrollEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a Scroll gesture starts.

Defines a function to be called when a Scroll gesture starts.



def onScrollStarted_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: ScrollEvent]): Unit
def onScroll_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: ScrollEvent]): Unit
def onSwipeDown: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: SwipeEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Down gesture starts.

Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Down gesture starts.



def onSwipeDown_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: SwipeEvent]): Unit
def onSwipeLeft: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: SwipeEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Down gesture starts.

Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Down gesture starts.



def onSwipeLeft_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: SwipeEvent]): Unit
def onSwipeRight: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: SwipeEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Right gesture starts.

Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Right gesture starts.



def onSwipeRight_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: SwipeEvent]): Unit
def onSwipeUp: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: SwipeEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Up gesture starts.

Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Up gesture starts.



def onSwipeUp_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: SwipeEvent]): Unit
def onTouchMoved: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: TouchEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Moved action.

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Moved action.



def onTouchMoved_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: TouchEvent]): Unit
def onTouchPressed: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: TouchEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Pressed action.

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Pressed action.



def onTouchPressed_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: TouchEvent]): Unit
def onTouchReleased: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: TouchEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Released action.

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Released action.



def onTouchReleased_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: TouchEvent]): Unit
def onTouchStationary: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: TouchEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Stationary action.

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Stationary action.



def onTouchStationary_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: TouchEvent]): Unit
def onZoom: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: ZoomEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch action.

Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch action.



def onZoomFinished: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: ZoomEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a Zoom gesture ends.

Defines a function to be called when a Zoom gesture ends.



def onZoomFinished_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: ZoomEvent]): Unit
def onZoomStarted: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[_ >: ZoomEvent]]

Defines a function to be called when a Zoom gesture starts.

Defines a function to be called when a Zoom gesture starts.



def onZoomStarted_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: ZoomEvent]): Unit
def onZoom_=(v: EventHandler[_ >: ZoomEvent]): Unit

Specifies how opaque (that is, solid) the Node appears.

Specifies how opaque (that is, solid) the Node appears.

def opacity_=(v: Double): Unit

The parent of this Node.

The parent of this Node.

def parentToLocal(parentBounds: Bounds): Bounds

Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

def parentToLocal(parentX: Double, parentY: Double): Point2D

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

def parentToLocal(parentPoint: Point2D): Point2D

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Defines how the picking computation is done for this node when triggered by a MouseEvent or a contains function call.

Defines how the picking computation is done for this node when triggered by a MouseEvent or a contains function call.

def pickOnBounds_=(v: Boolean): Unit

Whether or not the Node is pressed.

Whether or not the Node is pressed.

def relocate(x: Double, y: Double): Unit

Sets the node's layoutX and layoutY translation properties in order to relocate this node to the x,y location in the parent.

Sets the node's layoutX and layoutY translation properties in order to relocate this node to the x,y location in the parent.

def requestFocus(): Unit

Requests that this Node get the input focus, and that this Node's top-level ancestor become the focused window.

Requests that this Node get the input focus, and that this Node's top-level ancestor become the focused window.

def resize(width: Double, height: Double): Unit

If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to the specified width and height.

If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to the specified width and height.

def resizeRelocate(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double): Unit

If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to the specified width and height.

If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to the specified width and height.

Defines the angle of rotation about the Node's center, measured in degrees.

Defines the angle of rotation about the Node's center, measured in degrees.

def rotate_=(v: Double): Unit

Defines the axis of rotation of this Node.

Defines the axis of rotation of this Node.

def rotationAxis_=(v: Point3D): Unit

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the X axis of this Node.

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the X axis of this Node.

def scaleX_=(v: Double): Unit

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the Y axis of this Node.

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the Y axis of this Node.

def scaleY_=(v: Double): Unit

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the Z axis of this Node.

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the Z axis of this Node.

def scaleZ_=(v: Double): Unit

The Scene that this Node is part of.

The Scene that this Node is part of.

def sceneToLocal(sceneBounds: Bounds): Bounds

Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

def sceneToLocal(sceneX: Double, sceneY: Double): Point2D

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

def sceneToLocal(scenePoint: Point2D): Point2D

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Takes a snapshot of this node and returns the rendered image when it is ready.

Takes a snapshot of this node and returns the rendered image when it is ready.

def snapshot(callback: SnapshotResult => Unit, params: SnapshotParameters, image: WritableImage): Unit

Takes a snapshot of this node at the next frame and calls the specified callback method when the image is ready. Arguments params and image can be null.

Takes a snapshot of this node at the next frame and calls the specified callback method when the image is ready. Arguments params and image can be null.

def startDragAndDrop(transferModes: TransferMode*): Dragboard

Confirms a potential drag and drop gesture that is recognized over this Node.

Confirms a potential drag and drop gesture that is recognized over this Node.

def startFullDrag(): Unit

Starts a full press-drag-release gesture with this node as gesture source.

Starts a full press-drag-release gesture with this node as gesture source.

A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node.

A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node.

def styleClass_=(c: Iterable[String]): Unit

Sets the list of CSS styles classes, replacing the prior content. If you want append to current content, use add or similar.

Sets the list of CSS styles classes, replacing the prior content. If you want append to current content, use add or similar.

Value Params

list of CSS styles classes to replace prior content.

def style_=(v: String): Unit
def toBack(): Unit

Moves this Node to the back of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order.

Moves this Node to the back of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order.

def toFront(): Unit

Moves this Node to the front of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order.

Moves this Node to the front of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order.

def transforms: ObservableBuffer[Transform]

Defines the ObservableList of Transform objects to be applied to this Node.

Defines the ObservableList of Transform objects to be applied to this Node.

def transforms_=(c: Iterable[Transform]): Unit

Sets the list of transforms, replacing the prior content. If you want append to current content, use add or similar.

Sets the list of transforms, replacing the prior content. If you want append to current content, use add or similar.

Value Params

list of transforms to replace prior content.

Defines the x coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform.

Defines the x coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform.

def translateX_=(v: Double): Unit

Defines the y coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform.

Defines the y coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform.

def translateY_=(v: Double): Unit

Defines the Z coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node.

Defines the Z coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node.

def translateZ_=(v: Double): Unit
def userData: AnyRef

Returns a previously set Object property, or null if no such property has been set using the setUserData(AnyRef) method.

Returns a previously set Object property, or null if no such property has been set using the setUserData(AnyRef) method.

def userData_=(v: AnyRef): Unit

Pseudo-property that returns this Node's vgrow constraint if set.

Pseudo-property that returns this Node's vgrow constraint if set.


the vertical grow priority for the child or null if no priority was set

def vgrow_=(p: Priority): Unit

Sets the vertical grow priority for this Node inside its parent. Setting the value to null will remove the constraint. Internally it calls setVgrow(Node, Priority) static method from JavaFX's GridPane and VBox besides fill this Node's "vgrow" property.

Sets the vertical grow priority for this Node inside its parent. Setting the value to null will remove the constraint. Internally it calls setVgrow(Node, Priority) static method from JavaFX's GridPane and VBox besides fill this Node's "vgrow" property.

Value Params

the vertical grow priority for this Node

Defines the rendering and picking order of this Node within its parent.

Defines the rendering and picking order of this Node within its parent.

This property is used to alter the rendering and picking order of a node within its parent without reordering the parent's children list. For example, this can be used as a more efficient way to implement transparency sorting. To do this, an application can assign the viewOrder value of each node to the computed distance between that node and the viewer.

The parent will traverse its children in decreasing viewOrder order. This means that a child with a lower viewOrder will be in front of a child with a higher viewOrder. If two children have the same viewOrder, the parent will traverse them in the order they appear in the parent's children list.

However, viewOrder does not alter the layout and focus traversal order of this Node within its parent. A parent always traverses its children list in order when doing layout or focus traversal.


the view order for this Node


9 Default value is 0.0

def viewOrder_(value: Double): Unit

Specifies whether this Node and any subnodes should be rendered as part of the scene graph.

Specifies whether this Node and any subnodes should be rendered as part of the scene graph.

def visible_=(v: Boolean): Unit

Inherited methods

def addEventFilter[E <: Event](eventType: EventType[E], eventHandler: EventHandler[_ >: E]): Unit

Registers an event filter to this task. Registered event filters get an event before any associated event handlers.

Registers an event filter to this task. Registered event filters get an event before any associated event handlers.

Type Params

Event class

Value Params

the filter to register that will filter event


the type of the events to receive by the filter

Inherited from
def addEventHandler[E <: Event](eventType: EventType[E], eventHandler: EventHandler[_ >: E]): Unit

Registers an event handler to this task. Any event filters are first processed, then the specified onFoo event handlers, and finally any event handlers registered by this method. As with other events in the scene graph, if an event is consumed, it will not continue dispatching.

Registers an event handler to this task. Any event filters are first processed, then the specified onFoo event handlers, and finally any event handlers registered by this method. As with other events in the scene graph, if an event is consumed, it will not continue dispatching.

Type Params

Event class

Value Params

the handler to register that will manipulate event


the type of the events to receive by the handler

Inherited from
def buildEventDispatchChain(chain: EventDispatchChain): EventDispatchChain

Construct an event dispatch chain for this target.

Construct an event dispatch chain for this target.

Inherited from
def cssMetaData: Seq[CssMetaData[_ <: Styleable, _]]

The CssMetaData of this Styleable.

The CssMetaData of this Styleable.

Inherited from
override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def filterEvent[J <: Event, S <: Event & SFXDelegate[J]](eventType: EventType[J])(filter: FilterMagnet[J, S]): Subscription

Registers an event filter. Registered event filters get an event before any associated event handlers.

Registers an event filter. Registered event filters get an event before any associated event handlers.

Example of filtering mouse events

pane.filterEvent(MouseEvent.Any) {
  me: MouseEvent => {
    me.eventType match {
      case MouseEvent.MousePressed => {
      case MouseEvent.MouseDragged => {
      case _ => {


pane.filterEvent(MouseEvent.Any) { () => println("Some mouse event handled") }
Type Params

type JavaFX delegate of the event


ScalaFX type for J type wrapper.

Value Params

type of events that will be handled.


code handling the event, see examples above.

Inherited from
def getId: String

The id of this Styleable.

The id of this Styleable.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: For this method was adopted the name getId instead id to not conflict with its subclasses already have a method with this name which returns a StringProperty.

Inherited from
def getStyle: String

A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node.

A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: For this method was adopted the name getStyle instead style to not conflict with its subclasses already have a method with this name which returns a StringProperty.

Inherited from
def handleEvent[J <: Event, S <: Event & SFXDelegate[J]](eventType: EventType[J])(handler: HandlerMagnet[J, S]): Subscription

Registers an event handler. The handler is called when the node receives an Event of the specified type during the bubbling phase of event delivery.

Registers an event handler. The handler is called when the node receives an Event of the specified type during the bubbling phase of event delivery.

Example of handling mouse events

pane.handleEvent(MouseEvent.Any) {
  me: MouseEvent => {
    me.eventType match {
      case MouseEvent.MousePressed => ...
      case MouseEvent.MouseDragged => ...
      case _                       => {}


pane.handleEvent(MouseEvent.Any) { () => println("Some mouse event handled") }
Type Params

type JavaFX delegate of the event


ScalaFX type for J type wrapper.

Value Params

type of events that will be handled.


code handling the event, see examples above.


Returns a subscription that can be used to cancel/remove this event handler

Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def pseudoClassStates: ObservableSet[PseudoClass]

The pseudo-class state of this Styleable.

The pseudo-class state of this Styleable.

Inherited from
def removeEventFilter[E <: Event](eventType: EventType[E], eventHandler: EventHandler[_ >: E]): Unit

Unregisters a previously registered event filter from this task. One filter might have been registered for different event types, so the caller needs to specify the particular event type from which to unregister the filter.

Unregisters a previously registered event filter from this task. One filter might have been registered for different event types, so the caller needs to specify the particular event type from which to unregister the filter.

Type Params

Event class

Value Params

the filter to unregister


the event type from which to unregister

Inherited from
def removeEventHandler[E <: Event](eventType: EventType[E], eventHandler: EventHandler[_ >: E]): Unit

Unregisters a previously registered event handler from this task. One handler might have been registered for different event types, so the caller needs to specify the particular event type from which to unregister the handler.

Unregisters a previously registered event handler from this task. One handler might have been registered for different event types, so the caller needs to specify the particular event type from which to unregister the handler.

Type Params

Event class

Value Params

the handler to unregister


the event type from which to unregister

Inherited from

A list of String identifiers which can be used to logically group Nodes, specifically for an external style engine.

A list of String identifiers which can be used to logically group Nodes, specifically for an external style engine.

Inherited from

Returns the Node that represents this Styleable object. This method should be overridden in cases where the Styleable is not itself a Node, so that it may optionally return the relevant root node representation of itself. By default this method returns null, which can mean that either the Styleable itself is a Node, or if that is not the case, that the Styleable does not have a node representation available at the time of request.

Returns the Node that represents this Styleable object. This method should be overridden in cases where the Styleable is not itself a Node, so that it may optionally return the relevant root node representation of itself. By default this method returns null, which can mean that either the Styleable itself is a Node, or if that is not the case, that the Styleable does not have a node representation available at the time of request.


the Node that represents this Styleable object



Inherited from

The parent of this Styleable, or null if there is no parent.

The parent of this Styleable, or null if there is no parent.

Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def typeSelector: String

The type of this Styleable that is to be used in selector matching.

The type of this Styleable that is to be used in selector matching.

Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: Node